Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 902 The Code of the Wind

Lying limply on the ground like a dead dog, Xia Feng felt that his eyelids would close at any time. As long as they closed, they might never be able to open again.

Are you waiting here for Bagpipe to find him?

This obviously involves gambling.

Although he ran all night, he only escaped from this dense forest, which may be dozens of kilometers or only a dozen kilometers.

This distance is far from enough. If he stops here, the one who finds him first may not be Bagpipe, but the pursuers of the Sakurawu family who have stronger search capabilities.

A thumb-sized beetle crawled in front of Xia Feng. Perhaps in the eyes of this insect, Xia Feng was no different from a dead beast in the mountains.

But what it didn't expect was that not only was this beast not dead, he was also very hungry.


Xia Feng, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his hazy left eye, raised the Shenyue Sword, and pierced the beetle with the blade.

Then, like Mr. Pei, he stuffed the theoretically protein-filled bug into his mouth and chewed it.


Holding back the sticky rotten smell, Xia Feng casually tore off an unknown weed and stuffed the green leaves into his mouth.

While masking the rotten smell of bugs, you can also supplement vitamins. Of course, it would be better if this weed has anti-inflammatory effects.

He didn't know what kind of grass it was, and he didn't want to care what kind of grass it was. If it happened to be poisonous, it would only mean that he didn't deserve to live.

Forcibly swallowing the mixture of protein and vitamins, Xia Feng sat up, gritted his teeth and tied the wound again with Sakurawu Qianye's gauze.

After cutting down a tree trunk as thick as his wrist, he put the Shenyue Sword back into its sheath. Xia Feng continued walking with this temporary crutch, dragging a body that seemed to weigh dozens of tons.

The sun is gradually rising, and the morning fog in the mountains is also diluted by the sunlight.

Even though his brain was so cloudy that it seemed like a ball of mush, Xia Feng still used his last bit of reason to make the right judgment.

He could no longer keep walking toward the east because he was walking too slowly and would fall down again at any time.

To get away from Dongzhou Capital, he needed to find a road. In other words, he needed to find a car.

It is midsummer now. As the sun gradually rises, heat immediately envelopes the entire land.

Xia Feng's mouth was dry and he struggled to move under the sun.

Finally, Huangtian paid off and saw a road that was not too broad.

There is no comparison between Dongguo's roads and Victoria's intercity highways. To put it simply, this so-called road is very consistent with the saying that there was no road in the first place, but roads appeared when more people walked on them.

At the same time, it is difficult to run a carriage on this kind of road, but if you have a stronger head and more carriages are forced to run, you will naturally be able to run a carriage slowly.

In order to hide, Xia Feng hid in the grass on the side of the road, looking eagerly at the end of the road.

To be honest, it would be completely reasonable if not a carriage passed by this kind of wild road in the mountains for a whole day.

Just like a wife looking forward to her husband's return from the battlefield, Xia Feng's persistence seemed to have moved heaven.

Finally, a trembling carriage appeared at the end of the road.

10 minutes later.

When Xia Feng finally lay down on the hay of the carriage, he could no longer exert any strength in his body. He was gone. He really couldn't move this time.

According to the old man driving the carriage, his carriage was delivering wine from Mingtai County to Dongzhou Prefecture. It only made one trip a week. It had just finished delivering wine this time and was now returning empty.

In other words, this car will go southeast of Dongzhou Prefecture until it reaches the distant Mingtai County.

This old coachman was quite kind-hearted. Seeing that Xia Feng was covered in injuries and claimed that he was lost in the mountains and was attacked by wild animals, he didn't worry much and directly agreed to take him to a large town on his way.

Lying on the carriage and drinking some water, Xia Feng's spirit finally couldn't hold on anymore and he fell into a deep sleep.

The sun was very hot in the morning, but by noon, the heat turned into scorching heat.

In order to worry about Xia Feng being roasted alive, the coachman helped him put up a simple awning behind the carriage.

In the afternoon, the sun was still hot, the carriage rested in the shade, and the horses ate some fodder.

During this period, Xia Feng had not woken up. His lips were pale and his face looked like a corpse. The only thing that proved that he was still alive was that his chest was still rising and falling slightly.

In the evening, the sun finally sets, but the earth that has been scorched all day is still emitting residual heat.

It wasn't until ten minutes into the night that the heat was gradually replaced by the coolness.

In the haze, Xia Feng felt someone patting his face.

Young man, young man, are you still alive?

Xia Feng opened his only left eye with difficulty, and what he saw was night.

The corners of his mouth moved slightly and he made a hoarse sound.

Master, where are we?

The old man took off his straw hat and glanced sideways at the town not far away.

We have arrived at Aomori Town. This is the nearest town. There is a medical center in the town. I am in a hurry and will not stop here tonight. If you don't get off here, the fastest time to get to the next big town is 3 days. , I see your injury and I’m afraid you won’t be able to wait that long.”

Xia Feng struggled to sit up and glanced at the town with twinkling lights not far away.

How far is it from Dongzhou Capital?

Well, it's about 200 kilometers.

Picking up the tree trunk, Xia Feng calmly got out of the carriage.

Uncle, I'll just get off here, thank you.

Oh, it's fate that we met. Young man, I wish you a speedy recovery.

Life is not easy. In order to rush for time, the old man got into the carriage and left in the night.

Facing the direction of the lights, Xia Feng walked slowly, leaning on the tree trunk.

This place is already more than 200 kilometers away from Dongzhou Prefecture. I wonder if the Yingwu family can move so fast. There is no other way. Even simple treatment of the wound is better than delaying like this.

However, what Xia Feng didn't expect was that as the main family that ruled the entire Dongzhou, the Sakurawu family's ability to disseminate information was also first-rate.

He traveled more than 200 kilometers on foot and in a carriage in one night and one day, but a real war horse could cover nearly 1,000 kilometers in a hurry.

When he stood at the entrance of Aomori Town, the generals of the Sakurawu family were walking out of the city. At the same time, the wanted notice on the notice board at the entrance of the town also came into view.

Although his appearance is not on the wanted poster, at this point in time, his characteristics are obvious enough.

Not a member of the ghost tribe, with a silver dagger, a penetrating wound to the chest, and brand new stab wounds all over his body.

Changing direction urgently, Xia Feng staggered into the woods before the warriors noticed.

Although he rested for a day on the carriage, his energy did not recover much.

Because he fell asleep as soon as he got on the bus, he just drank some water given to him by the driver and did not eat any food.

He was very hungry now. At the same time, he could clearly feel swelling at the wound and his whole body began to feel cold.

It was obvious that the wound was showing signs of infection, and he had a low-grade fever. Coupled with hunger, he would soon go into shock.

late at night.

If anyone saw Xia Feng's current state, they would definitely be amazed and say, Damn it, you're not going to die?

Of course, his body had suffered far more severe injuries before, but at that time, he had the white power as his final comeback.

But now, all he relies on is a body with strong vitality and a will that doesn't want to give up.

After walking for who knows how long, Xia Feng climbed down a trough and found a small cave on the edge of the cliff.

This cave is very small, more like an irregular hole than a cave, but fortunately, it can be settled without having to guard against pursuing soldiers and wild beasts.

Without thinking much, Xia Feng laid the wooden stick flat at the entrance of the cave, covered it with dead leaves, and then used the Shenyue Knife to carve several special symbols on several tree trunks not far away.

This symbol is difficult for outsiders to detect, similar to the scratches made by woodpeckers and squirrels, but bagpipes, a graduate of the Victoria College of Guards, can definitely spot it at a glance.

Although he only studied at the Guards Academy for a few months, Xia Feng was lucky enough not to forget how to write the Victoria army code.

The code means, I'm nearby.

After finishing everything, Xia Feng took back the Shenyue Sword and slid into the hole.

This place is quite hidden, not far or close to Dongzhou Mansion. The only thing he can hope for now is that Bagpipe finds him before he dies.


After Xia Feng slid in, he found that the cave was quite spacious. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could at least stretch out his hands and feet.

At this moment, a black figure next to him, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, ejected less than one meter away from him.

and let out a horrified Ouch!

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