Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 901 Strong Xiaoqiang

Sometimes, life and death are just a matter of thoughts, and it has nothing to do with one's own strength.

Because no matter how powerful you are, there are still enemies and unexpected situations that can threaten your life.

Similarly, no matter how weak you are, even if you are a flying insect, you will always have your own way of survival.

Flying insects will die if they rush towards the flame in pursuit of light.

A strong person can survive by letting go of his obsessions.

In the dense forest, with the figure descending from the sky and the blood mist exploding from the chests of the three ninjas, Xia Feng held back the thought of eliciting the black and white twins at the last moment.

This man's movements were crisp and clean, and his fighting posture seemed to have been systematically refined.

The innate power of the Waifan tribe gave the gun-shaped weapon life. Three consecutive hits were fired instantly without any hesitation or mercy, and it could kill with one hit.

Puff puff!

Killing three people in an instant, the girl who suddenly broke out landed on her toes. Then, with an extremely quick turn, the strange-shaped spear struck at Qianye Sakura who was standing beside her like lightning.

Wait a moment!

Thanks to Xia Feng's quick reaction, the gun tip stopped firmly less than one centimeter away from Sakurawu Qianye's chest.

Although he didn't know why she appeared here, Xia Feng still endured the overwhelming pain and said.

Don't kill her, she is not an enemy.

The orange-haired girl raised her eyebrows.

She is your friend?

So be it.

There was no extra time to communicate, and the footsteps of the large army approaching from behind were getting closer and closer.

The girl who had escaped halfway stood with a gun in hand and looked at Xia Feng.

You go first, keep heading east, and run as far as you can.

and you.

As long as you don't become a burden to me, I will definitely catch up with you.

Xia Feng has never been a mother-in-law kind of person, and she would never say stupid things like Let's go together in this situation.

Although he didn't know the reason, the other party obviously came to save him. To be honest, he was not afraid of being a burden, but he was most afraid of becoming a burden to others.

Moreover, his mask has fallen off, and except for Sakurawu Qianye, he can no longer let other people in the Sakurawu family see his appearance.

Of course, if he was a so-called rational person who would do anything to survive, he might kill Sakurawu Qianye together in order to silence him.

But he couldn't do that.

It's not that he is soft-hearted, nor is he indecisive. There is even no so-called why here.

If you have to ask him why, there is only one answer.

Huo Yu Xia Feng will never become the kind of person he hates in order to survive.

Taking one last look at Yingwu Qianye who was staying beside him, Xia Feng picked up the Shenyue Sword that fell on the ground.

Take care of yourself.

Leaving behind two words, he gritted his teeth, dragged his seriously injured body and ran towards the east direction pointed by someone.

The noise behind him gradually faded away, and Xia Feng could vaguely distinguish the sounds of fighting, but now he couldn't do anything.

In order not to become a burden to others, and not to let those who came to save him waste their efforts, the only thing he could do now was to keep running.

Get as far away from Dongzhou Mansion as possible and run to a completely safe place.

Although no one except Sakurawu Qianye has seen his true face, the injuries on his body are the best evidence.

The penetrating wound on the chest was caused by Yingwuyun. If he did not run far, the Yingwu family only needed to check the medical clinics in all the cities around Dongzhou Prefecture, and they would definitely find traces of him.

Maybe even before anyone from the Yingwu family arrived, the medical center that had received the wanted information in advance would kidnap the suspect and hand him over to the head of the family who ruled Dongzhou.

The terrain of this dense forest is very complicated. As time goes by, Xia Feng no longer knows which direction he is running.

It has to be said that the body transformed by the black and white twins is indeed strong. Even if he loses the self-healing power of the white power, his vitality is almost as strong as Xiaoqiang.

With a bloody hole in his chest, Xia Feng felt as if he had entered a state of dissociation.

His vision was very fixed, the sounds in his ears were vague, and he could only feel pain relief, but no fatigue.

If it were called a reflection of light, he felt that it made some sense.

In fact, he already knew who the rescuer who had just dropped from the sky was. Even in dim light, he could recognize the person as Bagpipe at a glance.

He didn't know why Bagpipe, a Victoria soldier, appeared in the East Kingdom inexplicably, and luckily saved him.

This matter should have nothing to do with the Imperial Military Department or the Black Feather Chamber of Commerce, because except for Bagpipe, no one else showed up.

He had never seen bagpipes in action in Victoria before, but based on his feeling, he could tell that the bagpipes were very strong.

Vaifan is a very special race, such as Kate from the Glasgow Gang. Kate, who didn't look very powerful in Ursus at first, could kill dozens of strong Ursus gangsters by herself.

The bagpipe gave him an even more different feeling than Kate. Even though the bagpipe was a woman, the temperament she unconsciously exuded in her movements represented that she was truly strong.

Bagpipe is a soldier, but her strength does not come from military training.

The training only made her power more systematic, but her power did not come from nurture, but from the strong suppressive force in her blood.

From a sensory perspective, Xia Feng felt that Bagpipe even surpassed Wei Na in terms of individual combat capability.

Bagpipe should be fine. As long as she doesn't have a seriously injured burden like him beside her, she will definitely be able to move forward and retreat freely.

Putting aside unnecessary worries, Xia Feng immediately stopped thinking about anything, his mind was empty, and he ran straight ahead like a train burning life.

After running for who knows how long, he finally broke out of the dense forest.

The trees have become sparse, and the terrain has become extremely uneven, with ravines and raised rocks crisscrossing it.

The sky lit up fish belly white.

Unknowingly, he dragged his seriously injured body and ran all night.

His heavy breathing was dull and hoarse. Looking at the direction of the rising sun, Xia Feng finally felt relieved.

It turned out that he had not run in the wrong direction and had been running towards the east.

But just because of the relaxation of his mind, his numb senses instantly became clear, and a deep feeling of fatigue came over him like a wave.

Even Xiaoqiang has already exceeded his limit.

Xia Feng's legs went weak, and Xia Feng fell down without any warning.


Because he was on a downhill slope, he began to roll due to inertia after falling, and slid more than ten meters on the rocky mountainous terrain.

There were large and small scratches all over his body, and there were two deep stab wounds on his back. However, the most fatal one was the penetrating wound on his chest.

Judging from the fact that he was able to run like a cheat all night, this knife obviously did not hit the heart and lungs by mistake, otherwise he would have screamed.

But the penetration was still a penetration. He didn't think that this kind of injury could be healed by applying some herbal medicine and resting for ten days and a half.

If he was not treated in time, the blood loss and infection he was about to face could easily take his life.

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