Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 425 Golden Legend

The Royal Academy is quite far away from Happy City. If nothing else happens, Ansel will not come back for the entire semester.

After Nancy submits her internship certificate to the school, she only needs to take two more days of graduation classes to get her diploma and fully become a member of society. Aguang will wait for her for two days, during which time she can play with his sister.

After a period of time, Black Feather entered a period of rapid development.

According to Puda's report, they quickly found a supplier of Originium processing equipment after arriving in Colombia. After reading the drawings, their engineers promised that it could be assembled within a week. It must be said that Colombia's industrial level is very developed.

The Haimen Gang's ship was waiting at the Colombian port, and with Black Steel International on board, the whole process could be described as foolproof.

Ogur has taken care of all the relevant personnel, and the light manganese ore smuggled on the ship has flowed into the market. Once the Originium equipment is taken care of, the ship will return to Victoria.

The origin stone processing factory in his hometown has basically been completed. Prue did not have big requirements for the venue. It is only about the size of a basketball factory.

Of course, outside this small Originium processing plant is a huge light manganese ore processing plant, which is placed outside like a matryoshka doll as a cover.

Private processing of Source Stone is too sensitive. Even if Black Feather can handle the local security bureau and the army, Xia Feng still dare not challenge the royal family's bottom line blatantly.

Lao Pu was busy all day long, leaning on a broken crutch, but it could be seen from his expression that he was very happy.

Lao Pu said that Source Stone processing does not produce any too strong lethal substances. The mess caused by others is a problem of equipment and techniques. As long as he is allowed to do it, the damage can be basically minimized.

At the same time, Xia Feng also strictly requires that the factory built by the Liye family in Kilt Area C must strictly control air pollution. No matter how high the cost, it must do a good job. Black Feather will not only provide jobs for these unemployed infected people, but also Be responsible for their personal safety.

In this way, just like a multi-core CPU, various things are processed at the same time, and Black Feather's development is at full speed.

More than ten days later.

Puda finally returned to Victoria with customized Originium processing equipment. Franca and the Three Wolf brothers escorted him throughout the journey. Coupled with the Shanghai Gang's rich shipping experience, there were no accidents in the whole process.

At the same time, Laopu’s Origin Stone processing plant has basically been finalized.

The equipment that Wei Na helped to contact before was gradually delivered from northern Victoria. Finally, together with the two types brought back by Puda from Colombia, the entire Originium processing line was finally assembled.

Processing from a natural source stone cluster to a finished source stone requires a total of more than a dozen complex processes. In addition to equipment, the most important thing is also required, which is special processing raw materials.

The raw materials required for source stone processing include almost all of Xia Feng's impressive rare source materials, white horse alcohol, trihydrate manganese ore, light manganese ore, polymerization agents, polyesters, diketones, etc.

In addition to the above, a small amount of bluestone and gold are also required.

Processing is a very complicated thing. The natural source stone already contains huge energy, and the finished source stone can condense and induce this energy more accurately, and at the same time, it will isolate its pathogenicity to the maximum extent.

To put it bluntly, ordinary people cannot run around with natural Origin Stones in their bare hands, but finished Origin Stones can.

Xia Feng roughly calculated the demand for various raw materials.

He owns light manganese ore, white horse alcohol, trihydrate manganese ore, and polymerization agents, all of which are smuggled by the Glasgow gang. As long as it is something that can be produced in Victoria, Vina can help with it.

The only ones that cannot maintain supply right now are polyesters, diketones, and bluestones and goldstones.

The first two are because they are not available in Victoria, and the latter two are very rare in the entire Terra world.

Xia Feng thought about it and realized that this problem could not be solved in a short time. If he wanted to get a stable supply channel, he might have to contact partners internationally, but this would take time.

Of course, mass production cannot be guaranteed for the time being, but a small amount of raw materials can still be gathered. Xia Feng called Wei Na and told her the raw materials needed.

After Wei Na heard that the Origin Stone equipment had arrived, she immediately sent someone to prepare what Xia Feng needed, and personally followed the truck from the north to the south.

If the source stone processing really goes smoothly, it will be a revolutionary moment for both Black Feather and the Glasgow Gang. If I want to describe it inappropriately, it is like the difference between renting a house to do business and using your own house to do business.

Soon, the materials Lao Pu needed were pieced together. There was no need to produce too much, just to make sure they could be produced.

Inside the newly built processing plant.

Xia Feng, Wei Na, Nan Feng, Lei Di and Tang Hua, all wearing masks, stood in the small workshop and held their breath, watching Lao Pu's vigorous performance.

Lao Pu's methods are very professional at first glance. All the equipment is manufactured according to his requirements. Of course, there is no such thing as an instruction manual. The more than a dozen processes are done in a smooth and smooth manner, and Puda next to him is also doing it skillfully.

Of course, origin stone processing is a slow process, and the first step alone takes seven or eight hours. Lao Pu has been busy since yesterday, and until now, only the last step of the entire processing process is left.

Lao Pu wore thick industrial gloves and fixed the three round objects into the final equipment. From a layman's perspective, Xia Feng looked like an oven.

30 minutes later.


The oven was opened, and light yellow smoke filled the air, giving the entire workshop a sacred atmosphere.

Lao Pu carefully took out the three spherical objects and soaked them in a jar of light green liquid. This was the last step. All that was needed next was to wait for cooling.

According to Lao Pu’s popular science, Origin Stone processing can be roughly divided into several important steps, including decomposition, destruction, peeling, sublimation, isolation, and condensation.

The finished source stone that Lao Pu fished out from the liquid exuded a yellow luster. It was impossible to understand it, but Xia Feng felt that this theory seemed a bit similar to alchemy.

Vina next to her was more anxious than anyone else.

How's it going? Are you okay?

Lao Pu picked up one of them, touched his chin and looked at it.

Almost, but I'm not very satisfied.

What's wrong with you?

Not round enough.

Xia Feng snatched the Origin Stone from Lao Pu's hand.

Don't worry about whether it's round or not, test it quickly to see if it meets the standards of a finished Origin Stone.

This is the most important thing. You can only test whether the finished source stone is qualified. Otherwise, even if you carve patterns, it will be useless.

Vina specially brought equipment to identify finished source stones from the headquarters.


A small metal box similar to a microwave oven was placed on the table. Xia Feng stuffed the Origin Stone that Lao Pu had just processed into it without saying a word.

After closing the lid, Xia Feng winked at Wei Na beside him.

Get it right.

Wei Na rolled her eyes at him, stretched out her hand and pressed a few times on the device.

There is a small screen on the device. After the detection is started, various data starts to pulse.

Everyone held their breath and stared intently at the data on the screen, like a group of lottery players staring at the lottery results.

5 minutes later.

As the numerical value gradually stabilized, Vina's eyes gradually glowed, and she said excitedly.

It exceeds it. It has reached the finished product standard. It is an S-level source stone.

There was a burst of cheers in the workshop.



Lao Pu Niubi!

Golden Legend!

Xia Feng smiled from ear to ear. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, he would probably be drooling.

After the test, when the microwave oven was opened, Xia Feng seemed to see a golden light rising into the sky. From today on, he would no longer use krypton gold, because he could produce the Origin Stone by himself.

Because he was so excited, Xia Feng directly picked up Wei Na next to him and spun around in circles in the workshop excitedly.

Yeah! That's great!

Hey, what are you doing? Let me go!

I'm finally going to become an Originium giant!

I know, please let me go.



Wei Na punched Xia Feng directly into a sweet dream.

He was smiling, and at the last moment before he passed out, his eyes were filled with golden stars like countless finished Origin Stones.

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