Autumn is getting stronger and stronger. If autumn is a painting, then Victoria's autumn is a colorful oil painting.

As time went by, Xia Feng gradually lost interest in [Styx River].

Judging from the current situation, it is also a branch line for him. No matter what the river is, Heiyu can't stop the pace of development. Only by standing firm enough can he not be washed away by the rapids in the future.

When Xiao Yunye was working as a guard for Xina, he was very conscientious, not even a fly could get close to Xina. Now that he has become an employee of Heiyu, he has become a Buddhist old man.

People can't be idle all the time. If they are idle, something will go wrong. Even if nothing goes wrong, they will always have strange thoughts in their heads.

In order to prevent Xiao Yunye from becoming a strange grandfather, Xia Feng arranged a job for him based on his expertise.

After getting to know Xiao Yunye, it can be said that he really has unique skills.

First of all, his swordsmanship is naturally at its peak. Even if his physical strength is not up to par now, his moves and theories are still at the textbook level. Even Red Sword humbly asked him for advice.

Of course, this kind of talent cannot be wasted. Xia Feng immediately gave Xiao Yunye the position of [Black Feather Swordsmanship Chief Instructor], and spent two days every week to go to the training ground outside the city to teach swordsmanship to the elite teams who were training.

Secondly, Xiao Yunye is also a master of chess. Of course, this chess is unique to the world of Terra.

One time Xia Feng went to his second uncle's house for dinner and accidentally mentioned this matter. At that time, his second uncle's eyes lit up.

Xia Feng, are your employees really good at chess?

Xia Feng holds a job.

I don't know chess. He said he is a master.

The second uncle slapped the table.

Call over here, let's discuss and learn.

The second aunt next to me explained.

After your second uncle retired, he became interested in playing chess besides gardening. Now he has become the best player in the world. He is called the King of Kilt in our community. Now, whenever he sees chess being played on the roadside, he will mutter. It’s so lonely to be invincible.”

At the request of his second uncle, Xia Feng brought Xiao Yunye over in the afternoon.

Please take a seat.


In the yard, the game of chess was played from afternoon to evening, and it was said that they didn't even bother to eat dinner.

Xia Feng didn't know how his second uncle's chess skills were. In fact, he mainly wanted to see how Xiao Yunye looked when he lost. The result could only be described as very disappointing.

The second uncle's eyes were solemn, and sometimes he looked thoughtful, and sometimes he called his second aunt for more tea. Xia Feng knew why his second uncle drank tea so frequently because he kept sweating.

This game of chess was played to the fullest by the second uncle. Meeting his opponent was more enjoyable than taking a sauna. On the other hand, Xiao Yunye was as steady as an old dog throughout the whole process, and even his whole body did not move except for his fingers.

In the end, Xiao Yunye naturally won, and the second uncle was convinced that he lost.

There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Have fun!

In the end, the second uncle and Xiao Yunye became good gay friends, no, good chess friends.

Of course, Xiao Yunye's hidden skills are not just swordsmanship and chess skills. After in-depth exploration, Xiao Yunye revealed a specialty. As the number one swordsman in Yan Kingdom, this person actually knows medical skills!

His medical skills are somewhat different from Dr. Kane's. If we want to distinguish, it is probably the difference between Western medicine and Chinese medicine. The most obvious point is Xiao Yun's night pulse and acupuncture.

However, regardless of cupping or intravenous injection, the basic knowledge of being a doctor is still the same. Ansel will go to the Royal College soon, and the clinic will face a shortage of manpower.

After Xia Feng told Xiao Yunye about this matter, he immediately agreed.

If Dr. Kane doesn't mind, Xiao is willing to take his place.

As time goes by, Xia Feng feels more and more that he is not called the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom for nothing. Of course, it doesn't matter whether the sword is a swordsman or not, the main thing is that he is the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom.

The meaning of this number one should not refer to swordsmanship, but that Xiao Yunye broke Yan Guo's personal record and became the first person to master the most comprehensive survival skills.

In addition to swordsmanship, chess, and Chinese medicine, Xiao Yunye is simply a decathlete, cooking, barbecue, basket weaving, shoe repair, haircut, and also has high attainments in classical music and opera, and can even play candy. .

What's even more amazing is that apart from these traditional skills, Xiao Yunye can also drive a car and a variety of vehicles. He can even play football better than Ergou.

The more he got to know Xiao Yunye, the more Xia Feng felt that this was not the number one swordsman in the Yan Kingdom, a master who was the personal assistant to the school beauty.

After getting acquainted with each other, everyone respected Xiao Yunye, the big brother, and their title changed from Lao Xiao to Mr. Xiao. Guigui always followed him like a follower and let him be a sugar man. Even Ifrit didn't Dare to yell at Xiao Yunye.

A few days later.

Aguang drove Nancy and Ansel to school in a jeep.

Before leaving, Turtle held Ansel's hand in tears.

Xiao An, don't be bullied. Dafengche will take me and Ifrit to find you soon. You have to take care of yourself. Then we will drink milk together on campus.

Xia Feng took out a bank card from his trouser pocket and handed it to Ansel.

Take it, there are 500,000 in it. If you are kidnapped, just pay it directly. Don't get hurt. If you are bullied, just call me and tell me. I will take people to bulldoze his hometown. Boy, go out. Take care of yourself.”

Next to her, Nancy rolled her eyes.

What are you talking about? The Royal College is the highest institution of learning in Victoria. You think it is a third-rate university. The teachers there are more responsible than you.

All right.

In fact, Xia Feng was not too worried about Ansel. After all, he was not going to the battlefield, but just going to school.

Ansel looks weak, but he is still quite strong in his bones. After all, if he hadn't interfered, Ansel would have been throwing bandages at Rhodes Island three years later.

After everything was ready, Aguang said through the car window.

Brother Feng, let's set off.

Okay, be careful on the road.

Do not worry.

Say hello to your sister for me and tell her not to work part-time during the next vacation and come directly to the barbecue restaurant.

Hey, I got it.

The jeep left the Guilt neighborhood and drove into the distance with Ansel's dream.

Looking at the jeep disappearing at the end of the street, Xia Feng felt more and more like an old father.

In the past, he felt nothing when he left the barbecue restaurant. He went to deal with Richie and worked hard in the East End, including later going to Notting City to work under Fredo.

Those things that had to be done forced him not to think about unnecessary things, but at this moment when he watched Ansel leave, he finally understood how Turtle felt every time he watched him leave.

The world is not peaceful, or people like him cannot live in peace. The feelings between people are sometimes easily ignored, but when you notice it accidentally, you must know how to cherish it.

Now that the trajectory of history has changed, he cannot predict what will happen in the future.

Maybe some things have happened before you were prepared, or maybe some people really say goodbye after they casually say goodbye to you.

Xia Feng withdrew his gaze and touched Turtle's little head.

Don't look, it's not like I'll never see you again.

Turtle raised his head.

Big Windmill, when are we going to find Ansel?

I'll go after I've been busy for a while.

Really? You wouldn't lie to me, would you?

When did I lie to you? I said I would find you, but we are still together now.


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