Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1198 Indifferent

After hearing Xia Feng's last words, the entire middle hall fell into dead silence, and all the officials sitting there were silent.

Obviously, Xia Feng's opinion was too shocking.

However, the strange thing is that no one said anything this time. Governor Yanchuan opened his mouth several times with a complicated expression, but in the end he said nothing.

The two plans given by Xia Feng are:

First, the border was wide open, admitting infected people expelled by Ursus, turning a blind eye to the Ursus suppression team, and the army simply hid.

Second, if you keep coming over to provoke me, I will smash you into the ICU with a brick. I will not stop doing it. Not only will I smash you, I will also smash your car, your horse, your wife, your Son, smash them all once, so that you will never get over again, so as to avoid future troubles.

The reason why no one said anything in the middle hall at this time was because what Xia Feng said was true.

However, these are two extremes in different directions of development of the situation.

This is not the first internal discussion about the issue of Ursus. Everyone in the room knows that the border cannot be opened under any circumstances, let alone the infected people of Ursus in any way.

Because the infected people in Ursus are slightly different from ordinary infected people.

As we all know, the Ursus Empire has always had a zero-tolerance attitude towards infected people in its territory, and has even deprived them of the most basic human rights. As long as they become infected, there are basically only three consequences.

One, he was taken to a mine and worked as a slave, enslaved until death.

Second, flee on your own or be deported by the suppression team.

Third, they were killed during the process of escaping or being enslaved.

Countries around the world know that Ursus treats infected people cold-bloodedly, but at the same time, people also know why Ursus treats infected people in its territory like this.

Ursus people are naturally warlike, especially when they are infected with ore disease and fall into complete despair. This kind of desperate situation can inspire their instinctive fighting spirit.

It is precisely because of this despair that hatred is derived, and a heart full of hatred is the best breeding ground for violence and crime.

The army of Ursus kills the infected, but they are also afraid of the infected, because the infected people of Ursus are extremely dangerous.

In order to survive, they almost use any means. Since others do not regard them as human beings, they naturally abandon their most basic humanity, burning villages, attacking villagers, robbing food, and even mercilessly eradicating all existences that may be a threat to life. Including compatriots.

The infected people born in the cold environment of Ursus are extreme and have no trust. Allowing these thugs to enter the Yan Kingdom is basically equivalent to inviting a wolf into the house.

As for the second plan mentioned by Xia Feng, although it seems to be a desperate and decisive attack, it is also objectively not allowed to be implemented.

Nowadays, Yan State is one of the world's powerful countries, and there is no absolute reason to go to war with another powerful country. Politics has always been rational and will only objectively weigh the pros and cons.

Of course, there is the most important reason.

That is, even if the Yan Kingdom strikes first and successfully attacks the large cities along the border of Ursus, it will still not be able to achieve final victory or the surrender and compromise of Ursus.

Once this war between the two major powers breaks out, the final result will definitely be Ursus' victory.

As Ursus is recognized as the world's largest military power, no one dares to take a chance on this objective fact.

To sum up the above reasons, Xia Feng seemed to have proposed two sharp plans, but in fact they were both unimplementable.

Of course, Xia Feng didn't really suggest this. He knew very well what Yan Guoxiang wanted him to do.

To put it simply, Yan Kingdom will not go to war with Ursus, but as a bargaining chip, Yan Kingdom needs Yandong's power to attract Ursus' attention.

At this time, Yan Guoxiang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly clapped his hands.

Okay! Governor Xia's proposal is very bold! Such courage makes me worthy of being the governor of Dayan.

When the conversation changed, Yan Guoxiang narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Feng sitting next to him.

I just don't know how Governor Xia plans to implement it.

Xia Feng looked calm.

I'm just making a suggestion. What does the Prime Minister mean?

Prime Minister Yan wiped his chin pretending to be thoughtful.

Well, if it is a plan to accept infected people, I think it would be better for Yandong to be in charge. Governor Xia, as far as I know, Yandong has been unconditionally accepting infected people from Victoria, Longmen, and the mainland of our country in the past year. Check-in, that being the case, what about Ursus”

Oh, it seems that the Prime Minister misunderstood.

Xia Feng calmly interrupted Yan Guoxiang's delusion.

Yandong will not accept infected people from Ursus. You and I know the reason why. I'm sorry, this is my principle.

This sentence was very straightforward, and could also be said to be very disrespectful, but Yan Guoxiang was not angry, and just nodded without blushing.

Well, okay, if this is the principle that Governor Xia insists on, I won't force it anymore. In this case, the remaining second plan should not violate Yandong's principles.

Xia Feng knew what Yan Guoxiang was going to say, so he lost his patience.

Just say it, Prime Minister, what do you want me to do?

At this time, all the officials in the nave held their breath and concentrated, all turned into foils, solemnly looking forward to the conversation between the two.

Yan Guoxiang sat up straight and said in a deep voice.

If the two countries start a war, they will definitely use the strength of their country. No matter how it ends, it is inevitable that both sides will suffer losses. But according to Governor Xia's wishes, this war is probably inevitable. In this case, as a special zone under the command of Yan State, As a territory, Yandong should naturally contribute.

Xia Feng responded without hesitation.

This is a major national event. Of course the people of Yandong must contribute, but I don't know what the Prime Minister needs from me.

In the dead silence, Yan Guoxiang raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

Yandong sent out 1 million troops and mobilized them to northern North China to intimidate the enemy.

At this moment, the newly appointed Governor Yanchuan and the Governor of North China swallowed their saliva at the same time, and the Governor of Southwest also narrowed his eyes and pricked up his ears.

Upon hearing the request from Prime Minister Yan Guo, Xia Feng leaned out and looked around, looking at almost everyone in the room.

Facing his gaze, some of the officials in the palace avoided their eyes, some lowered their heads, and some deliberately looked away. Only a few people looked at Dezhi at eye level.

After looking around for a long time, Xia Feng's eyes finally stopped on Yan Guoxiang's face.

Prime Minister, I would like to ask you, how old are you this year?

Prime Minister Yan's face gradually darkened.

More than fifty.

Oh? You're not yet sixty years old, how come you've become forgetful?

Yan Guoxiang's eyes widened.


Xia Feng leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs.

Prime Minister, are you kidding me when you ask Yandong to send 1 million troops? One million troops are not 1 million sandworms. You shouldn't forget the rules set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs since I took over Yandong. ,Yan,dong,does not set up an army.

This Yanguo high-level meeting did not yield any substantive strategic guidelines.

At the end of the meeting, all the officials, including the three governors, looked at Xia Feng with inexplicable disappointment and anger.

Faced with all kinds of looks, Xia Feng remained expressionless as he sat in his seat.

a long time.

Until the entire middle hall was gone, only he and Yan Guoxiang were left.

With a long sigh, Prime Minister Yan's voice was full of vicissitudes of life.

Xia Feng, even if Dayan is bullied repeatedly by Ursus, are you still indifferent?

Seeing that Xia Feng didn't respond, Yan Guoxiang took on an unprecedented tone of pleading in the deserted middle hall.

Don't forget the well digger, Xia Feng, I admit that Yandong is where he is today because of your own ability, but for the sake of both Yandong and Yandong having the word Yan, this time, please extend your hand, please.

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