Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 1197: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Terra calendar year 1095, early winter.

Faced with repeated sincere invitations from the Yanguo Ministry of Internal Affairs, Xia Feng finally left for Fengyang City to discuss the border conflict with Ursus after completing the golden stone experiment in Yandong.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the administrative center of the Yan Kingdom. As a symbol of the highest administrative power, it sounds outrageous that it wants to sincerely invite a governor under its command and delay time and time again.

But now, no one dares to raise objections to this seemingly outrageous practice.

In the past, the Yandong Special Zone was an area that Yan Guo didn't care about as long as it was stable. But now, Yandong has become Yan Guo's backer in a sense.

This can be seen from the welcoming ceremony for Governor Yandong.

Yanguo, Fengyang City, East Gate.

On this day, 5,000 imperial guards lined up outside the city. The roads leading from the city gate to the imperial city were all cleared, and the people in the city were not allowed to obstruct them.

At the gate of the city, Yan Guoxiang led the newly appointed Governor Yanchuan, the Governor of North China, and the Governor of Southwest China who also came under orders this time, waiting in the cold wind.

Behind the few people in high positions, the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs all wore official robes and stood upright.

The person they were waiting for was Xia Feng, the governor of Yandong who liked to be late.

20 minutes later.

As four black helicopters stopped outside the city, the long-awaited figures of senior officials from various ministries finally appeared.

This time, Xia Feng did not appear at the gate of Fengyang City like a tramp eating candied haws. Instead, he was surrounded by Zhou Liang, Nishi Gong Ling, and at least more than 40 black steel elites holding Originium guns, like a gangster The Godfather appears.

Of course, in the eyes of Yanguo officials, Xia Feng could no longer be called a gangster, nor was he a godfather.

Yandong belongs to the Yan Kingdom but is not under the jurisdiction of the Yan Kingdom. Yandong does not have an army but no one dares to set foot there. This subversive and arrogant attitude that no one dares to ask is all due to Xia Feng alone.

A person like him can probably only be described in two words: a hero.

As Xia Feng walked toward the city gate, 5,000 Imperial City Guards shouted in unison.

See the Governor of Yandong!

In front of the city gate, except for Prime Minister Yan and several other governors, the remaining officials, regardless of their official position, all clasped their fists and nodded to show their humility.

Wearing a black coat and a red scarf that will always be with him, Xia Feng stood in front of Prime Minister Yan in the cold wind.

See the Prime Minister.

When he said these six words, Xia Feng stood straight, without even the most basic nod. These six words were just his last respect for Yan Guo's political system.

To be honest, even with Yandong's current status, there was no need for Prime Minister Yan to go out of the city to greet him in person. His willingness to put aside his position to do so could only prove the importance of this matter.

This time, Yan Guo may really have to rely on Yan Dong.

Standing eye to eye with Xia Feng, Yan Guoxiang's eyes revealed a look of helplessness.

Governor Xia, it's been a hard journey.

It should.

Later, the newly appointed Governor Yanchuan and the Governor of North China also greeted Xia Feng solemnly. Even the former Southwest Governor Quinturiel, who liked to be independent, patted him on the shoulder very kindly.

As for the greetings from officials from other ministries, Xia Feng didn't even look at them.

The only thing that caught his attention was that the deputy officer named Zhao He had disappeared.

He believed that Mr. Zhao did not resign or be demoted, but actually disappeared from this world.

After the meeting outside Fengyang City, the commander of the Imperial Guard shouted loudly after getting a look from Prime Minister Yan Guo.

The imperial guards obeyed the order and escorted the Prime Minister and Governor Xia back to the imperial city!


Riding on the exquisite and luxurious royal carriage, the mighty imperial army returned to the imperial city.

Imperial City, inside the nave.

Xia Feng and Yan Guoxiang sat side by side, the other three governors sat on either side of them, and the rest were more than ten officials from various ministries.

Among the five governors, only Wei Yanwu did not come.

This meeting no longer needed any so-called formality, let alone any sense of ceremony, because the situation was really urgent, and Prime Minister Yan went straight to the point.

Everyone sitting here is my pillar of Great Yan. In recent days, the situation on the border between Great Yan and Ursus has been like a raging fire, with the potential to start a prairie fire at any time. Because of the previous incident, I thought that Ursus would be restrained, but since then At the beginning of autumn, the other party's reorganized infected elimination team was once again active on the border and crossed the border many times, clashing with infected people and garrisons in our border cities. This matter has reached an intolerable level. This time, we may have to Measures were taken.”

Subsequently, officials from various ministries, led by several major governors, expressed their views on the matter.

However, these old guys were analyzing and making predictions. After talking for a long time, no one came up with an accurate plan, just some indifferent suggestions.

Among them, the newly appointed Governor Yanchuan is a conservative. He advocates that the Ministry of Internal Affairs actively communicate with Ursus officials and repeatedly emphasize and clarify the interests.

As for the Governor of North China, his attitude is a little tougher. After all, there are too many areas bordering Ursus in North China.

The Governor of North China said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has communicated frequently enough and even issued multiple warnings, but to no avail. In this case, I am afraid that the only option is to carry out force strikes against the cross-border Usas infection suppression team. , to show attitude.

However, this plan was opposed by many officials.

If it was just a small-scale encounter at the border, it would be passable, but if Dayan takes targeted tough force measures, I'm afraid this matter will become a big deal.

The worst outcome is an all-out war between Ursus and the Yan Kingdom.

During the discussion, Xia Feng remained silent, and Prime Minister Yan did not say anything else.

Moreover, he could sense that Prime Minister Yan was observing him secretly.

This meeting was not Dayan's first high-level meeting on Ursus this year. In other words, before he came to the imperial capital this time, such meetings on Ursus border issues had been held countless times.

It was obvious that the conflicts of positions and the analysis of pros and cons that had been clarified from the beginning of the meeting were all addressed to him in a sense.

20 minutes later.

Just like the text foreshadowing the plot, what needs to be said has basically been said.

Yan Guoxiang coughed lightly and finally looked at Xia Feng beside him.

Governor Xia, how do you think this border conflict between Ursus and Russia should be handled?

Sitting calmly on his seat, Xia Feng said in an understatement with no expression on his face.

Minister of State, as far as I know, the infected elimination team in Ursus was not established this year, and the border friction between Dayan and Ursus is not the first time. If you ask me how to deal with it, I'm sorry, I really don't know anything. experience.

Deliberately ignoring Xia Feng's intention to dodge, Yan Guoxiang immediately asked.

It doesn't matter. No experience is needed. Governor Xia can just say it directly. From your perspective, this border conflict is related to the interests and dignity of our country, Dayan. How should it be handled more appropriately?

Oh, the Prime Minister is making things difficult for me. I have only been in office for a year as the Governor-General, and I don't know how to handle international relations well.

It's okay, just say it.

Oh well.

Faced with repeated questioning, Xia Feng's voice was very rational.

In my opinion, there are only two ways to deal with this matter. First, open the border and fully accept infected people from Ursus into the interior of the country.

Xia Feng's words were immediately interrupted by Governor Yanchuan. Although the others did not say anything, their solemn expressions proved that they had the same idea as Governor Yanchuan.

Governor Xia, are you kidding me, opening the border to accept infected people from Ursus? Do you know how many infected people there are in Ursus? What is the difference between this and luring a wolf into the house?

Xia Feng nodded expressionlessly.

Oh, I didn't expect this. Well, since the first option doesn't work, there's only the second option left.

What plan.

It's very simple. Strike first. Before Ursus mobilizes its troops, Yanguo's army directly crosses the border and captures all the cities on the border of Ursus. Then they go all the way north and hit Chernobog directly, stretching from east to west. , comprehensively establish a defense line and supply route. If possible, the army can continue to move north and directly tear a hole in the middle of Ursus' country, making it impossible for the east and west to communicate with each other, and then annihilate them one by one.

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