Ding Dong— the sound of the piano started again.

The people at the scene held their breath, and their eyes were fixed on Su Chen in front of the piano.

And the countless viewers in the live broadcast room also came back to their senses, staring at the live broadcast screen without blinking!

Su Chen, there are new songs?

This thought appeared in everyone's mind.

But... unexpectedly.

The rhythm of the piano sound is very slow, and there are few notes.

It is different from all the previous songs.

Rather than saying it is a piano piece, it is more like... an accompaniment song?

Thinking of this.

Everyone was confused!

Accompaniment song!

Would someone play an accompaniment song alone when they have nothing to do?

Then... what is Su Chen going to accompany?

Accompaniment for whom?

For himself! ?

Everyone was stunned.

And Su Chen gave the answer.


The slow-paced piano sound sounded faintly.

Su Chen spoke.

The voice was very light and low.

"I remember when I was a teenager,"


""One sentence at a time."

The tune was melodious.

Su Chen's deep voice slowly spoke.

It didn't sound like singing, but more like telling a story.

"Early in the morning at the train station,"

"The long street is dark and empty."

"The small shop selling soy milk is steaming."

The tone of these three sentences is still low and faint.

It seems to be telling a story.

Millions of viewers in the live broadcast room held their breath.

This seems to be... reciting a prose poem?

Is Su Chen accompanying his own prose poem?

This seems to make sense.

But this poem seems a bit too simple.

Although everyone felt this way, they still listened carefully.

But this time Su Chen did not open his voice for a long time.

Instead, it was a long piano interlude.

Apart from anything else, this interlude is very nice.

It matches the artistic conception of the text very well.

Some people close their eyes while listening to the song, and can even see that kind of picture.

The train station in the early morning is quiet and silent, but there are people coming and going.

The vendors on the platform are selling steaming hot soy milk.

It is early in the morning and the lights are dim.

The piano melody is leisurely, pulling the audience into that picture.



The piano melody suddenly changes from low to high!

Everyone suddenly shudders!

Come back to the picture and stare!

And Su Chen's voice rang heavily:

"The past~~daylight'~"


A sudden change of key!

A sudden high note!

A sudden penetration!

A deep and extremely magnetic voice sang!

Everyone's scalp went numb!

They suddenly realized!

How could Su Chen be accompanying a prose poem?

This is a song!

A song adapted from a prose poem!

The previous verse was whispered.

But this chorus directly broke through from zero to one hundred!

Emotions exploded instantly!

The forehead was instantly filled with blood!

Everyone's heart and liver were trembling!

Waves of violent tremors!

But the next moment, the melody dropped suddenly!

Caught off guard!

It was like riding a roller coaster!

And Su Chen's voice became low again.

"Cars, horses, and mail are all slow……"

Everyone's eyes widened!

They hadn't reacted to the previous sentence.

They immediately understood this sentence!

Isn't this the three-line poem"Life Was Slow in the Past"?

But just as they were shocked.

Su Chen's singing continued.

"A lifetime is only enough——!"



I gasped!

From the soles of my feet to my scalp, I felt numb!

This high pitch!

This penetrating sound!

I was numb!

Su Chen was playing the piano and singing:

"The locks used to be beautiful too."

"The key is exquisite and looks good……"

"You locked……"

"I understand."

The next moment, the sound of the piano changed again, from low to high! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The tune was no longer low!

Instead, it instantly became passionate and high-pitched!

It broke through from zero to two hundred!

"The past days——"

"Become slower——!!!"[]

The high note!

The emotion!

It gave me goosebumps!

All the audience members' eyes widened!

"Cars, horses, and mail are all slow~~"

"A lifetime is only enough——"


"one person——!!!"


A higher note!

A more exaggerated penetration!

Like a scream!

Like a loud call!

At this moment, everyone's heart was gripped by the song and the melody!

But, the next moment.

Su Chen's voice became lower again.

"The locks from before were also beautiful"

"The key is exquisite and looks good"

"You locked…"

"I understand.……"

The previous part was a loud shout. This part turned into a low voice again.


The piano tune continued.

Su Chen hummed softly.

Reminder - the last note ended.

The song was over.

The live broadcast room.

The comments were gone again.

After a while, someone said:

"Where can I watch the live broadcast replay?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a stone thrown into a calm lake.

Immediately, countless comments followed!

"Same question! Where can I watch the live video?"

"+1! Please watch the live broadcast replay!"

"I want to listen to it again!"

"I'm not afraid of you laughing at me when I say this, but I peed my pants just now……"

"`……You are not alone……"

"Hiss——I just broke out in a cold sweat just by listening to it. Are you all so outrageous?"

"I don’t know why, my scalp is still numb, and my face is shaking as if someone slapped it!"

"This song is so beautiful, but people with a heart disease cannot listen to it!"

"So... how did Su Chen become a singer again?" After these words came out, everyone realized that he was not only a singer, but also a pianist!

Many people had actually forgotten this most important question before!

Yes, they had forgotten!

When you see a volcano erupting, can you still realize that there was no volcano there at the first time?

That's the reason!

The first scene before.

Su Chen was playing solo at the piano in the morning sun.

That scene was too dreamy and too shocking!

So many people forgot this question!

Su Chen was actually a pianist?

No, not only that, now he has another identity!

Su Chen was actually a singer!?

No, not only that!

He was not an ordinary pianist, but a master-level pianist!

(Li Hao) is not an ordinary singer. Can an ordinary singer's song make their scalps tingle now?

Everyone's thoughts were in turmoil.

Look at the live broadcast screen again.

Look at Su Chen in the screen!

The singing is over.

Su Chen's hands are still on the piano.

Closed his eyes and was silent for a long time.

Until a long while later.


Su Chen let out a long sigh and opened his eyes.

The whole person finally broke away from that state of concentration on music.

Suddenly, Su Chen felt sore all over!

Especially the shoulder blades!

He had played for more than an hour before, and he was fascinated by it.

Now that he has come to his senses, his arms are so sore that he can't even lift them!

Su Chen shook his head, rubbed his sore wrists, glanced casually, and was stunned.


What's the matter with these people at the door?

When did they come?

The sixth update today~three updates yesterday, but the subscription data was cut in half. The author is scared and dares not to be a slacker anymore... From now on, I will make a minimum of 15,000 a day……

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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