Empty waiting room No. 1.

Piano in the middle of the room.

Su Chen in front of the piano.

Beautiful and quiet morning light.

Low-pitched musical notes.

All of this, at this moment, constitutes an extremely unreal picture.

At this moment.

Even everyone forgot, forgot to be surprised, forgot to be shocked, forgot everything.

The only thing they remembered was the scene in front of them.

An isolated and independent pianist, playing passionately.

The pianist only showed half of his profile.

But even with that half of his profile.

It was perfect and could not be described in words.

It is said that men are the most handsome when they are serious.

Then when a man who is already handsome and perfect, concentrates on playing, that kind of temperament and shock almost rushes straight into the heart.

Everyone lost their voice.

No one could say anything.

The only thing they could do was to stand here and watch quietly.

Watching Su Chen's hands flying up and down, the sound of the piano flowed with it.

Su Chen was too devoted to playing.

He didn't even notice that the door had been pushed open, nor did he notice that countless people were watching him closely.

At this moment, or an hour ago, when the performance began.

Su Chen was completely immersed in the music.

This is an indescribable feeling. He is not playing the piano with his hands, but feeling it with his heart, and only materializing it with his hands.

He is tireless and plays one song after another.

Sometimes it is brisk, sometimes passionate, sometimes melancholy, and sometimes sentimental.

In each song, there is a story, an unspoken emotion.

Su Chen is feeling it with his heart.

Maybe when he got the master piano ability yesterday, he could not be called a pianist.

But at this moment.

He has become a true master pianist.

Even in this ecstatic performance, he has his own feelings, feelings about music.

But he has not realized it at all.

How shocking this scene is in the eyes of others!

Liu Qingqing's Douyin live broadcast room.

Now there are tens of millions of viewers, and the barrage was originally stacked.

But since the door of the waiting room was pushed open, the picture of Su Chen playing the piano appeared.

The barrage is almost extinct!

Everyone was stunned.

It took several minutes.

People just came back to their senses!

In an instant, blood rushed to their heads!

People who were squeezing into the subway.

People on their way to school.

People who just got up.

All kinds of people.

They were typing frantically, their fingers were shaking!

In an instant, endless barrages swept the entire live broadcast room!

"Ahhhh——Su Chen! It’s Suchen! The one playing is Suchen!"

"Su Chen is actually a pianist! Oh my god! And his level is so high!"

"I don’t know much about piano, but this scene really stunned me!!"

"I even thought of Van Gogh just now...a genius artist with an extraordinary temperament!"

"Su Chen is so handsome! His profile is so perfect! Why didn't I notice it before!"

"I don't know what to say anymore……"

Most of the audience were shocked.

They were shocked by Su Chen's solo performance just now.

But there were more people who were shocked!

They were shocked by Su Chen's piano playing level!

"Su Chen's playing is not just for show, but at the true master level! Even higher level!"

"The level of this performance has reached a state where one feels as if one has forgotten both oneself and the world!"

"Isn't Su Chen a poet? How come his piano skills are so exaggerated!"

"Objective evaluation! I feel that his level is no lower than Ruan Chuxue!"


In the eyes of many people in the music industry.

Su Chen's level has been on par with or even surpassed Ruan Chuxue!

But... who is Ruan Chuxue?

She is a piano genius girl who won international crowns and brought glory to the country!

She is the pride and glory of the Xia country's music industry!

Now, Su Chen has reached the same level as her, or even a higher level!?

What's more terrifying is!

Su Chen's age, he just finished the college entrance examination, he is only eighteen years old!

But soon, they realized an even more terrifying fact!

Every song that Su Chen played before, every one!

They have never appeared before!

In other words, they are all original songs!

All of them!


The gray-haired old musician shivered and was speechless!

They didn't know what happened in the past, but which of the songs they just heard was not of extremely high quality? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Which one was not a famous song?

Every one of them was!

And they were all composed by Su Chen!

Shocked, speechless!

The entire Xia music world was shaken at seven o'clock in the morning of that day because of Su Chen! []

Waiting Room No. 1.

Those who saw this scene live had a stronger sensory impact!

At this moment.

Even the eyes of the people present looking at Su Chen had changed.

It was no longer like looking at a person.

Instead, they were looking up... at the stars in the sky.

Su Chen, at this moment, he was like the stars in the sky!

No one dared to speak, for fear of destroying this dreamy picture and atmosphere.

Yin Kexin was already stunned.

She was one of the first people to arrive, and she had been listening for almost an hour!

She could recognize some facts better than others!

For example, Su Chen had played more than 30 songs, without any repetition!

All were original songs!

For another example, Su Chen's performance lasted for almost an hour without a break!

One song after another!

And all of this happened before a fact.

Su Chen, he is actually a pianist!

Yes, Su Chen's performance and the scene just now were so shocking that most people forgot this.

This big premise.

Su Chen is a pianist!

Yin Kexin was already dumbfounded.

Su Chen, the top scorer in the college entrance examination, the master of three-line love poems. He is actually a pianist! ?

And a master-level pianist! ?

If they hadn't accidentally seen it today, how long would this fact be hidden! ?

In addition to shock, Yin Kexin's eyes looking at Su Chen also had another stronger emotion growing.

Like weeds growing everywhere.

On the other side.

Ruan Chuxue, who pushed open the door with her own hands, was completely silent.

She was the only one who really knew the business among all the people present in 463.

It was precisely because of her knowledge that she was even more shocked!

Su Chen's level was not lower than her own!

Su Chen's repertoire was completely original!

Ruan Chuxue's eyes looking at Su Chen also changed.

He is too mysterious.

The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and it is impossible to see clearly.

You thought he was a student, but in fact he is a poet.

You thought he was a poet, but in fact he is a pianist.


Ruan Chuxue's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Does Su Chen have other identities?

Those identities that have never been discovered by people?

Ding Dong -

Su Chen hit the last key of the piano, and the last note sounded.

The tense bodies of the people watching outside the waiting room relaxed.

There were even low and deep breathing sounds.

Yes, in the scene just now, they didn't even dare to breathe in and out, and even forgot!

Su Chen still closed his eyes.

His current state is like entering the Tao.

More than an hour, playing more than 30 songs non-stop.

Su Chen's fingers trembled a little.

He stopped, but he didn't want to stop yet.

Huh -

Su Chen opened his eyes, but his eyes were still on the piano keys, and he didn't look at the people outside the door at all.

He suddenly felt something in his heart.

Playing the piano was not what he pursued.

Playing���That's right.

He is determined to make the whole country cry with his singing.

Su Chen closed his eyes and stroked the black and white keys with his hands. Ding

Dong - the piano sounded again!

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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