Su Province, the provincial capital, Jinling.

A closed campus in the suburbs.

There are blockades for several kilometers around the campus.

Organized security personnel patrol back and forth in groups.

This is the marking place for the Chinese language test in the college entrance examination. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important and confidential place in the entire Su Province!

There are also layers of blockades and inspections in the campus.

In the deepest part, in a building.

In an information room, rows of marking teachers from all over Su Province are sitting in front of computers.

At this moment, they are marking the contents of the test papers on the computer screen.

The current college entrance examination is in the form of electronic marking. The candidates' answer sheets are scanned by the instrument and uploaded to the information system.

Then they are marked by professional marking teachers.

The atmosphere in the marking room is somewhat solemn and quiet.

There is only the click of the mouse and the crisp sound of the keyboard.

There is no whispering. Every teacher stares at the computer screen with a serious face and carefully examines each answer sheet.

Time passes slowly.

Ding- a crisp prompt sound rang.

Two lines of words popped up on the screen in front of everyone:

【The marking of the first paper of the College Entrance Examination Chinese Language has been completed!】

【Please gather in the conference room for the training and explanation of the marking of the second volume of the Chinese language test! 】

Suddenly, the whole marking room was filled with long sighs.

The teachers all stood up from their seats one after another, rubbing their stiff necks and wrists, and walked towards the conference room.

The Chinese language test paper is divided into two volumes, one volume is for questions other than composition, and the other volume is specifically for composition.

Before marking the college entrance examination composition, all marking teachers need to undergo a training!

Experts from the college entrance examination composition setting group will give lectures and interpretations!

And the answer sheets of candidates will be randomly selected from the information database as sample papers for composition and scoring!

This is the routine regulation for marking the college entrance examination composition every year!

Conference Room No. 1.

There are two rows of wide office tables, and at the front of the conference room, there is a large projection screen.

Under the screen, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses is already sitting.

His name is He Lisheng, a famous professor of Chinese language in the whole Xia country! He is a pillar of support for the entire Chinese language teaching community in the whole Xia country!

He is also a member of the composition group for the college entrance examination. This time he came from the capital to Jiangsu Province to be responsible for the examination and explanation of the composition.

The composition is unified across the country, but the examination is conducted by each province, and the results are finally summarized together.

"Professor He!"A man with a shiny slicked back hair bowed and handed over a cup of tea.

He Lisheng nodded, took it and said,"Mr. Liu, the explanation of the essay marking this time is very important. All teachers involved in the marking must be present!"

The man called Mr. Liu nodded quickly and responded,"Don't worry, don't worry!"

He was the general person in charge of the Chinese marking of the Jiangsu Province College Entrance Examination, but his status was much lower than He Lisheng.

Soon, the teachers gathered in the conference room from various information rooms and found seats to sit down.

Taking out a notebook, he was focused and serious, ready to start recording.

He Lisheng stood up and glanced around

"Professor He!"All the teachers in the conference room stood up and greeted him respectfully.

As a well-known figure in the teaching community of Xia Country, all the teachers present could recognize this big man.

He Lisheng coughed lightly, and the whole conference room quickly became quiet.

The person in charge at the side quickly connected the computer and started the projection.

Soon, a line of text appeared on the projection screen:

"Some people say that the value of things can only be recognized by people after the precipitation of time; others think that this is not always the case. What do you think? Please write an essay to talk about your thoughts.

Requirements: (1) Choose your own title; (2) No less than 800 words; (3) No restrictions on the genre.

This is the topic of this year's college entrance examination essay.

"The essay topic this time was personally set by Mr. Zhou, an old professor of the Chinese Department of Imperial University and an expert in Chinese linguistics!"He

Lisheng's first sentence dropped a bomb in the conference room!

And the conference room was also set off by this news!

Mr. Zhou!

He is a literary master of Xia Country, a living fossil in the literary world!

The essay topic this time was actually set by that old gentleman!?

All the examiners' faces were filled with shock and disbelief.

But what followed was even more seriousness.

Since it was set by that master, this college entrance examination essay must not be as simple as imagined!

Sure enough, He Lisheng sighed softly:

"There is a reason why Mr. Zhou was inspired to write this essay."

"Mr. Zhou has looked at the college entrance examination essay topics for several consecutive years, including those that were made public and received full marks, but he was not very satisfied with them!"

"The topic of the composition this time is actually very open. Mr. Zhou hopes to discover some truly meaningful gold rather than just a template essay for exams!"

"This is the first thing I need to explain to you before I interpret the question!"

"This is also what Mr. Zhou repeatedly reminded us of, and all teachers need to remember it!"

"Okay, now let’s look at the analysis of the essay topic. Be sure to take notes and feel free to ask questions if you have any!"

"After analyzing the questions, I will randomly select a few essays and give you scores and explanations!"

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