The genius poet in the eyes of all the invigilators is now in his bedroom, a little dazed.

"Heartbeat value +50!"

The system popped up this sentence just now, and Su Chen hasn't reacted yet.

After thinking about it, is it the credit of the three-line poem in the college entrance examination composition?

Su Chen didn't think much about it, and said softly:"Get the novice gift package!"

"Newbie gift packs have been distributed!"

"Get the 'Poet' template!"

"Poetry and songs from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad (not appearing in this world) have been loaded!"

"God-level poetry creation ability has been loaded!"

"‘Poet's temperament has been loaded!"

Soon, Su Chen felt countless information pouring into his mind.

His temperament also changed.

Even his facial features were slightly adjusted. His originally delicate face now looked even more handsome and unruly!

His eyes also became deeper, exuding a faint melancholy charm!

Poet's temperament!

Su Chen came to the mirror and looked at himself in a trance.


An existence that is almost extinct in this era!

"System, what is the function of the heartbeat value?"

Su Chen's mind moved and he suddenly asked

"Heart points can be used for system lucky draws! Get rewards!"

"50 Heart Points can be used for the lowest level Black Iron Lottery. Do you want to draw?"

Su Chen did not hesitate:"Draw!"

Soon, an illusory big turntable appeared in front of him.

The pointer swung and soon stopped.

The system voice sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the God of Study Experience Card (3 days)!"

"God of Learning Experience Card: After using it, you will get the ability of God of Learning level, and can answer all the questions!"

Su Chen's face was overjoyed!

The"poet" reward of the novice gift pack seemed to have no effect for the time being.

This lucky draw was a hit!

This reward really came like timely rain! There are still two days left for the college entrance examination, math, English and liberal arts!

With this god of learning ability, even if Su Chen gave up 70 points for the composition, he was sure to get a good score!

Full marks in every subject?

Not impossible!

"Receive award!"

""Use the God of Learning Experience Card!"

Soon, Su Chen felt a stream of fresh air flowing into his mind.

All the knowledge he had learned over the years was instantly integrated!

Those difficult problems that he had been struggling to solve before now seemed as easy as kindergarten arithmetic!

Huh -

Su Chen let out a long sigh.

He knew that since he got this system, his life has completely changed!......

In the afternoon, the college entrance examination math.

The two-hour exam time, Su Chen finished all the questions in half an hour.

The remaining one and a half hours were too boring.

He simply wrote out the other two solutions to the last big question of the college entrance examination in detail. They were densely packed and filled the entire answer sheet.

After finishing, there was still an hour.

You can't sleep in the college entrance examination, which will be regarded as a violation of the examination room discipline.

Su Chen could only be in a daze, turning his pen, and survive this hour.

At first, the invigilator thought that this was another candidate who gave up on himself.

When he was inspecting, he glanced at it.

The whole person was stunned.

The whole answer sheet was written neatly!

This person was not the teacher who invigilated Su Chen's Chinese in the morning.

He was a senior high school math teacher.

Especially after seeing the three solutions to Su Chen's last big question, the whole person was shocked!

That was the final question of the college entrance examination!

He himself was not sure that he could answer it on the spot!

This candidate actually gave three solutions directly!

After that, the invigilator even forgot to inspect, and just stood beside Su Chen's seat and read the entire answer sheet.

All correct!

If he hadn't made any mistakes in his calculations!

This was a perfect math test paper for the college entrance exam!

Ring, ring, ring - the math test was over.

The invigilator still had a look of amazement on his face until he collected the papers.

Su Chen only left him with a cool back..........

The next day, the college entrance examination in English.

Because there is a listening test, the test time is two and a half hours.

Listening 20 minutes, multiple choice cloze reading 20 minutes, writing 10 minutes.

Su Chen put down his pen and looked up at the time.

There is still one hour and forty minutes.

He sighed and began to twirl his pen and daze.

In the afternoon, the comprehensive liberal arts test.

He dazed for more than an hour.

Ring, ring, ring——

"All students stop writing and put the test papers and answer sheets on the table!"

"Don't leave your seat yet! Wait until the other invigilator collects the test papers and I confirm the number before you leave!"

The invigilator's voice sounded.

The last exam is over.

The college entrance examination is over.

Three years of time, twelve years of hard study, are over.

At this moment, all the candidates became very quiet.

The setting sun outside the window shone in.

It reflected this group of slightly immature faces.

Each face was filled with complex emotions.

Su Chen thought of every bit of the past three years.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart.

The meaning of a poet may exist in such a moment.

Use simple words to express the most difficult to express complex emotions.

Just like this moment, this place, this scene.

People who have been blended into time, stories brewed into strong liquor, many years later, drunk without drinking.

But what Su Chen didn't know was that when he was inspired, the marking group of the Chinese language test for the college entrance examination had completely exploded!

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