On the stage.

The clock is ticking.



Su Chen looked up at the time on the big screen, feeling somewhat helpless.

He sighed deeply.

Oh -

I feel like I lost out!

I still have so much time, if I could write a few more songs...

Each song has a potential of 100,000 heartbeat points!

This scene was captured on camera.

The audience was stunned!

"What the hell? Su Chen is still sighing?"

"Are you thinking you’re not writing fast enough?"

"Why do I feel that...Su Chen is still unsatisfied and wants to write a few more poems?……"

"This is outrageous, my little brother!"

But more viewers were still paying attention to the shots of the other contestants.

After all... they really had no hope for Su Chen's work.

The clock moved slowly.

The other three finally started writing!

The first one was...

No. 3, Cen Haobo!

Under the camera, he took a deep breath. He erased the ideas and notes on the writing board. He began to write down solemnly.

Stroke by stroke, his expression was extremely solemn.

The audience also burst into discussion!

"Here we come! Cen Haobo!"

"This is clearly a well-thought-out creation! Looking forward to it!"

"As expected of a Kyoto University talent! It's only been three minutes and he's already started writing!"

"Su Chen finished writing in 23 seconds……"

"Haha! How can they be compared? It also depends on the quality of writing. What's the point of writing fast but making no sense?"......

"Hey! Liu Tong has also started!"

"Published poet! He is my favorite!"

"Liu Qingqing also started writing!"

"Looking forward to it! Liu Qingqing usually has a lot of golden sentences in her live broadcasts!"

"This is the correct way to open it! Su Chen... feels like he is messing around!"

"Oh, I was quite optimistic about him, what a pity!"......

After the three guests finished their poems, they did not submit them immediately like Su Chen did.

Instead, they began to review, revise, and polish them.

They looked very focused and serious.

The audience took this scene for granted.

This is reasonable!

Time passed.

Ding Dong!

The reminder sounded!

From No. 3 Cen Haobo!

Ding Dong Dong!

Two other reminder sounds also sounded at the same time.

No. 1 Liu Qingqing and No. 2 Liu Tong have also completed their submissions!


The countdown on the big screen reached the last second.

Obviously, these people all submitted at the last minute.

This also shows their caution and carefulness.

The countdown ended.

The three finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Chen, who had been spinning his pen to pass the time, also became more serious.

Next, it is the scoring session!

I wrote three poems, so I have to deduct 1 point.

So the scoring requirements for the works must be higher!......

Wang Jiong took the microphone and walked onto the stage

"Dear audience, the creative phase of the first round of PK has been completed!"

"I believe that the creative process of the four contestants and guests has left a deep impression on everyone!"

As soon as this was said, the comments were immediately filled with comments:

"How could I not be impressed? Su Chen is such a freak!"

"Tsk tsk, what I’m most looking forward to now is Su Chen’s work!"

"+1! I also want to see what three pieces written in 90 seconds look like?"

Wang Jiong didn't hesitate and spoke directly:

"Next comes the scoring phase!"

"We will announce the contestants' creations in order from 1 to 4!"

"The jury and online voting audience have three minutes to give their scores!"

"The scores will not be announced directly, but will be announced together after all the contestants’ scores are completed!"

"After all the works are published and the scoring is completed, you can enter the guest and audience review session! Express your opinions on the contestants' works!"

As soon as this was said, the 300 on-site judges also sat up straight.

Many audience members also picked up their mobile phones and scanned the QR code at the bottom of the screen.

Prepare to score!

There are also a small number of people who actually picked up notebooks and prepared to record!

Wang Jiong waved his hand and pointed to the big screen behind him.

"The theme of this round of creation: Four Seasons!"

"The first one to be announced is the work of contestant No. 1, Liu Qingqing!"

Dangdangdang— the stage scene sounded with dense background music.

The atmosphere was a little tense.

On the big screen on the stage, words slowly appeared.

This was the projection of the contestant's writing board.

"This word doesn't look good."

"Hey! This is not a calligraphy competition, look at the content!"

Soon, the handwriting was completely revealed.

‘Spring goes and autumn comes’

‘I was always here’

‘The three hundred judges were stunned for a moment.

The audience also laughed!

"Wow! This makes me want to laugh. What’s going on?"

"Since I learned about line breaks, I learned how to write poetry! Hahahaha!"

"I think it’s okay and acceptable!"

"At least the last two lines rhyme!"

"After all, it's only 5 minutes, and you have to create around the theme, so don't set too high a standard!"

Bang, bang, bang!

The lights in front of the 300 judges lit up one by one.

This means they have completed the scoring.

At the same time, many viewers also scored online!

Although the scores were not directly announced.

But it can be seen from the expressions of the judges.

This three-line love poem will not be scored too high.

Liu Qingqing, who was at seat No. 1, looked nervous.

Before, she also thought that it was just a three-line love poem, what was the difficulty.

But when she really started to create, she found out.

It is because the three-line love poem has simple words that it is difficult!

If you are not careful, it will be regarded as plain language!

Between plain language and love poems, sometimes there is only one step!

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