Su Chen stopped spinning the pen.

But this scene was captured on camera.

Countless audience members held their breath!

Su Chen, is he really going to sing another song?

Su Chen answered with his actions.

He picked up the pen.

He put it down. He stopped writing.

There was not a single second of hesitation!

In just a dozen seconds, countless audience members held their breath!


Su Chen pressed [Submit] again without hesitation!

All in one go!

There was not a single second of hesitation!

The whole process was even more exaggerated than before. This time, it might not even take 15 seconds!

"Oh my god! Where is the guy who is checking the watch? Hurry up! How long?"

"14 seconds!!!"

"Up to now, it has been 90 seconds! Exactly one and a half minutes! Su Chen has finished writing three poems! And submitted them!"

"This is really true! The little cow stepped on the power line, awesome and lightning!"

"An average of 30 seconds per song! Hiss——so scary!"

"I'm convinced! I'm totally convinced!"

Ding Dong!

The third reminder sounded as expected!

Not to mention the audience and contestants.

Even the four guests in the seats in front of the stage were numb!

Grandpa Guan Mu pointed his trembling finger at the big screen.

The countdown on it was still ticking.




He just watched it!

When the third prompt sounded, it was exactly 3:30!

That's 90 seconds!

Grandpa Guan Mu was dumbfounded.

He pointed at the countdown screen on the big screen, trembling for a long time, and didn't say a word!

He didn't know what to say! He was completely stunned!

Yin Kexin's watery eyes were also wide open.

After a long while, he came back to his senses.

He stared blankly at Su Chen on the fourth seat.

Um... Su Chen is still sighing!


You are still sighing! ?

Such an outrageous time and speed, why are you still sighing!

Yin Kexin didn't know what to say.

Ruan Chuxue's beautiful face, which was always calm and without waves, was also full of astonishment at this time.

She was also stunned!

This is a bit... too much beyond her common sense!

Let alone writing poems, even if she was asked to write by herself, she couldn't write a few words in 90 seconds!

This Su Chen, is it too outrageous?

Cai Yinan was also scared.

His face was already frighteningly pale, and now... it was even paler!

But soon.

He was the first to react.


What's so great about writing fast?

What he wrote was just a bunch of shit, wasn't it also written quickly?

It depends on the quality!

According to Su Chen's speed...

Cai Yinan did a simple calculation.

Hmm... 30 seconds for a three-line poem.

And that includes thinking and writing. What the hell can he write?

He wrote three pieces of shit?......

Ding Dong!

When the third reminder sounded.

Cen Haobo had just written down the first word of the first line of the three-line poem. He had only written half of the radical of the word!

The reminder sounded again from Su Chen's side!

He turned his head blankly and looked.

Sure enough.

Three lights had been lit in front of Su Chen's seat No. 4.

Three poems have been completed and submitted.

And except for Su Chen, the other three people, let alone three lights!

There is not even one light yet!

Cen Haobo was numb.

He simply stopped thinking about it.

Subconsciously, he told himself, what can be written in such a short time?

Nothing to be afraid of!

Although subconsciously, he always felt a little scared.

But he tried to overcome it!

Are you kidding!

Writing so fast and the standard of the work is still very high, that's outrageous!

Not to mention Cen Haobo, even his grandmother wouldn't believe it!

So there is no need to think, writing so fast, what is written must be shit!......

There are quite a few people who have this idea.

In fact, it is the majority.

After the initial shock, all the audience came back to their senses!

It is fast, three songs in 90 seconds.

But what is so great about just writing fast?

What he wrote is shitty, let alone 90 seconds, it is possible to be faster!

After coming back to their senses, almost everyone felt that

Su Chen's work this time must be a mess.

Not to mention that it is so exaggerated that it is shitty, but it is probably not of high standard!

Let's take a step back!

Even if it is of some standard, it will be deducted 1 point for writing three songs!

The total score is only 10!

It was originally 8 points, and it became 7 points after the deduction!

Not to mention, in everyone's understanding, Su Chen's work is probably not even 5 or 6 points, let alone 8 points!

If he writes slowly, many people will still have confidence in Su Chen!

After all, the song"It Was Slow in the Past" is there!

But now?

Not to mention the passers-by, even some of Su Chen's die-hard fans have no confidence.

Written too quickly!

Fast means not well thought out.

Fast means not polished.

Fast means casual.

In short.

Fast is fast enough, but it is probably bad enough!

Many people who were optimistic about Su Chen before felt very sorry!

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