As soon as the rules were announced, the audience immediately started discussing it!

"Three songs per round? That's too much!"

"To be honest, it’s only five minutes long. One song is enough, but three is a bit too much!"

"I'm confused, why do I lose points for every extra song I create? Shouldn't it be a bonus?"

"I can understand this, because the highest score is taken! People only have one chance to be scored for one piece of work, and you have created several pieces, so you can get several scores. In the end, the highest score is still taken, which is definitely not fair!"

"Is that why we have to deduct points? To balance it out?"

"I think this rule is as good as nothing! Five minutes is enough for one song, let alone three?"

"And if you write too much, you will lose points! You must write only one song!"

Not only the audience.

Even the people at the scene felt that this rule was a bit redundant.

Wang Jiong was also helpless.

Director Jin insisted on adding such a rule, but in fact, no one would write more than one song!

But when Su Chen saw this rule, he was immediately happy! Wow!

This is the real surprise!

You can write three songs in each round!

Three rounds means nine songs!

Each song is calculated based on the upper limit of 100,000 heartbeat points, which is...

900,000 heartbeat points!

That is 9 diamond-level draws!

Su Chen's breathing became rapid!

In an instant, he made up his mind!

One song is not enough? It must be nine songs!

As for the deduction...

Su Chen hesitated for a moment and decided to take it one step at a time.

If it really doesn't work, at most he will write two less songs in the last round!

Soothing music suddenly sounded at the scene.

Wang Jiong also spoke at the right time:"The rules are introduced! Now, the first round of PK is about to begin!"

"What kind of works will the four guest contestants bring us?"

"After the commercial, I'll be right back!"

The scene changes.

‘Drink herbal tea and drink Ji Lebao! '

Countless viewers were amused and angry.

But they were also used to it. This is the usual routine of variety shows.

During the few minutes of advertising time, the audience once again discussed the topic of the contestants.

"Keep an eye on Su Chen!"

"Keep an eye on Cen Haobo!"

"Liu Tong and Liu Qingqing also have a chance!"

"Is there anyone who wants to bet on who can write the fastest?"

As soon as this was said, people rushed to respond.

Soon, a web link appeared.

Clicking it, it really was a makeshift voting interface!

【Who do you think is the fastest creator?】

【Will any contestant create more than one piece?】

【In the first round, whose work do you think will win first place?】


There are all kinds of votes, and netizens are enjoying it.

At the show, in the four seats in front of the stage,

Cai Yinan lifted his bangs and talked to Yin Kexin next to him:"Student Yin Kexin, who do you think is more promising?"

"Su Chen!" Yin Kexin blurted out without even thinking.

Cai Yinnan was choked:"You are so optimistic about him? I think Cen Haobo has a better chance of winning!"

Yin Kexin smiled but did not speak.

Cai Yinnan was immediately embarrassed.

It was old man Guan Mu who came to the rescue:"Xiao Cai, don't you think highly of Su Chen? I think based on his song"Slowly in the Past", we can see that he is a genius with extremely high creative talent!"

Cai Yinnan's face changed slightly, but he still smiled and said:"Maybe I don't know Su Chen well enough, but I have heard of Cen Haobo before. He is a famous talent in Peking University!"

Old man Guan Mu nodded:"Yes, Cen Haobo performed brilliantly in the poetry conference last year. It seems that this is a battle between a lion and a tiger!"

Yin Kexin on the other side ignored Cai Yinnan, but looked at Ruan Chuxue next to him

""Goddess Ruan, who do you think will win?" Yin Kexin asked curiously.

Ruan Chuxue's face was calm, and she shook her head slightly:"Things like creation are hard to say in advance, it depends on the situation."

Yin Kexin nodded thoughtfully.

But she still smiled and said:"Then I still think Su Chen is better. Anyone who can write love poems in the college entrance examination composition will definitely not be bad on the spot!"

These words made Ruan Chuxue's face stiffen for a moment.

But she did not refute.

It seems... is this really the truth?......

The commercial finally ended.

Wang Jiong walked onto the stage and got straight to the point:"Okay! Ladies and Gentlemen! The first round of the poetry group PK qualifying competition is officially starting!"

"Once the key words appear on the big screen, the timer will start!"

"After the contestants and guests have finished their creation, they can click the [Submit] button!"

"You can also choose to continue creating!"

"Okay! Let's look at the first round of keywords!"

Everyone's eyes turned to it.

The picture appeared on the big screen.

The words appeared

【Four Seasons!】

The first three-line poem key words: Four Seasons!

At the same moment when the key words appeared.

On the other half of the big screen, a huge stopwatch image appeared!

The numbers below were slowly jumping.




The background music on the stage also turned into the sound of a ticking timer!

The first round of PK officially began!

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