Ruan Chuxue's piano solo ended.

A piece of"Moonlight Sonata".

She turned into cold moonlight.

The keys were still, but the music was still echoing.

Everyone was still immersed in it.

Even Su Chen in the backstage was the same.

After thinking about it, Su Chen couldn't help but ask in his heart:"System, what is Ruan Chuxue's piano level?"


"After testing, level 8!"

"Tip: Level 7-8 is Master Level, 9 is Epic Level, and 10 is God Level!"

Hiss -

Su Chen was a little shocked.

This level mechanism is the same as his own singer template.

What does level 8 mean?

The ceiling of humanity?

"Su Chen! Ready!"

Director Jin's voice came from the headset.

Su Chen came back to his senses and took a deep breath.

Here it comes!.........

On the stage.

Ruan Chuxue's piano performance ended.

The host Wang Jiong walked out, holding the microphone:"I wonder what the audience thinks of the performances of the four guests just now? Are you satisfied?" As soon as the voice fell.

The audience and the jury under the stage burst into thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time!

The barrage on the Internet also exploded:

"Satisfied! Very satisfied! An audio-visual feast!"

"Brother Nan is so handsome! Ah!"

"Old Master Guan Mu is still as skilled as ever!"

"Dance, dance, dance! Yin Kexin has completely won me over as a die-hard fan!"

"Goddess Ruan is the real white moonlight!"

Wang Jiong pressed his palm, and the applause from the audience finally stopped.

"Now, please welcome our four performance guests to return to the stage!"

The music started.

Four large red seats rose in front of the stage!

And Cai Yinan, Yin Kexin, Guan Mu, and Ruan Chuxue were sitting on them!

"Wow! High tech!"

"The investment in Mangtai is not small!"

"So after the opening performance, is there going to be a PK between the poetry groups?"

"Ah, are they finally here?"

Wang Jiong did not keep anyone in suspense. After the four guests from the performance group came on stage, he spoke directly:"Next, please welcome our four guests from the poetry group to officially appear on stage!"

Dingdangdang - with the exciting background music, the floor in the center of the stage suddenly separated.

Four platforms slowly rose.

From left to right, the four people from the poetry group stood in front of the platforms!

Liu Qingqing, Liu Tong, Cen Haobo, and Su Chen!

The platforms were also numbered, from 1 to 4.

Wang Jiong began to introduce:"As you can see, each guest contestant has an electronic handwriting screen in front of him!"

The camera zoomed in and the picture appeared.

All the audience could see it clearly.

On the top of the platform was a large screen.

It was blank, and there was a stylus next to it.

You could write on it.

Wang Jiong continued:"Okay, now I will officially introduce the rules of the [Poetry Group Ranking PK Competition]!"

All the audience focused their attention.

Wang Jiong waved his hand and pointed to the large screen behind the stage.

Words began to appear on it.

【Poetry Group Ranking PK Competition System】

【There are three rounds of qualifying!】

【Specific keywords or themes will be announced in each round, and the guest contestants will need to create three-line love poems on the spot based on the keywords or themes!】

【Time for each round of creation: 5 minutes!】

【At the end of each round, there will be a rating vote!】

【After three rounds, the ranking will be based on the total score! 】

The audience was immediately excited!

"Wow! Three rounds of competition, what a surprise!"

"+1. Four contestants and three rounds of competition, doesn’t that mean there will be 12 three-line love poems to be published?"

"The little notebook is ready, you can take notes at any time!"

"I think it’s a bit difficult, as there’s only 5 minutes!"

"Indeed, writing three love poems in 5 minutes, and focusing on keywords and themes! It's not easy!"

In the middle of the stage, four contestants including Su Chen also read the rules of the competition.

Liu Qingqing frowned slightly.

Liu Tong still looked depressed and decadent.

Cen Haobo held his head high and chest out, his face unchanged.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

He was quite happy at the moment.

Three rounds of competition, which means you can write three love poems.

Every extra poem you write will add heartbeat points to your account!

At this moment, the stage in front of the four people suddenly lit up.

In front of the stage, three red lights appeared.

Wang Jiong said at the right time:"In fact, in each round, contestants can create more than one work!"

""Three poems!"

Everyone was stunned when this was said.

Wang Jiong didn't keep them in suspense and pointed to the big screen behind him.

Soon, new words appeared.

【In each round, each contestant can create up to three love poems!】

【Every work created by the contestants can get voting scores!】

【The final player with the highest score will be selected!】

【However! For every additional work created, 0.5 points will be deducted from the final score! 】

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