He Lisheng rushed from the capital to Binhai City. He went straight to Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

Director Liu had greeted him and said that Su Chen should be at Binhai No. 1 Middle School's graduation ceremony.

He Lisheng came directly without hesitation.

The reason why he was so anxious was because of the request made by Mr. Zhou.

So he had to meet Su Chen as soon as possible before his identity was exposed on the Internet. As soon as he entered Binhai No. 1 Middle School, several school leaders who were waiting there received him.

"Professor He, the principal has gone to find the candidate. Shall we go to the conference room and wait first?"The vice principal said respectfully.

But He Lisheng waved his hand and kept walking:"No need! Take me directly to the auditorium!"

As soon as these words came out, the vice principal and several other leaders looked at each other.

Why was Professor He so anxious?

Could there be some hidden secret that they didn't know?

Although they were confused, they did not dare to neglect and hurried to lead the way.

The campus of Binhai No. 1 Middle School is not big, and soon they arrived at the auditorium building.

Click - pushed open the door, everyone in the auditorium was stunned.

The old principal had just received the news from his subordinates, but he didn't expect He Lisheng to be here!

""Professor He, your presence is a great honor to our school!" The old principal walked up quickly and greeted him respectfully.

The status of this big man is quite amazing.

The leaders and teachers behind the old principal also saluted and greeted him. The hundreds of students in the auditorium were shocked!

Professor He Lisheng!

They all recognized this big man in the education field.

Not to mention the distant past, the high school Chinese textbook was edited by this big man!

For a moment, many students also hurriedly stood up from their seats and greeted in unison:"Hello, Professor He!"

At this time, they finally understood why the old principal made such a big show.

It turned out that this big man was coming!

But thinking of this, everyone was shocked again.

Could it be that this big man also came here specially for Su Chen?......

He Lisheng nodded, and after a simple greeting, his eyes began to scan the auditorium, and soon, he stopped.

Su Chen, who was not far away, was still holding Chu Qingyue's hand.

The two of them met each other's eyes. When their eyes met,

He Lisheng's eyes lit up!

Neither humble nor arrogant, calm and self-assured!

Not to mention the appearance, the main thing is the temperament!

He Lisheng has been engaged in poetry research for half his life, and he is too sensitive to this kind of temperament!

Poet temperament!

Temperament is a mysterious thing, but it is real!

A cook who has worked hard for half his life and a person who has been writing for decades have completely different temperaments!

What is a poet's temperament?

Calm but not without publicity.

Debauchery but not without stability.

There are thoughts in poetry.

There is poetry in life.

There is no need for the world's sharp eyes.

I have my own deep eyes!

In He Lisheng's feeling, this kind of temperament in Su Chen is extremely strong!

"Hello, Professor He."Su Chen took Chu Qingyue's hand, walked closer, and greeted softly.

He Lisheng looked Su Chen up and down, and the more he looked, the happier he was!

A natural born poet!

Su Chen didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would be speechless.

There is no such thing as a natural born poet, it's just the"poet template" and"poet temperament" in the system's novice gift package.

Things like temperament are too mysterious, and ordinary people don't feel it strongly.

But in the eyes of someone like He Lisheng, it's like the brightest star in the night sky, shining extremely brightly.

He Lisheng looked at Su Chen for a long time before he sighed, but his face was extremely relieved.

""Great, the poem is great, and the person is even better, great!" He Lisheng patted Su Chen's shoulder and praised him with a smile.

Su Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he said softly:"The boy is dull and does not deserve such an evaluation from Professor He."

After these words came out, He Lisheng was even more satisfied.

Originally, he was still a little dissatisfied with the fact that Mr. Zhou accepted students.

The poem was excellent, it was true.

But after all, it was only three lines and twenty words, which was a bit one-sided.

What if the candidate was lucky?

Or, the candidate had good literary talent but poor character?

Now, although they only met, He Lisheng dispelled all doubts.

This boy deserves to be Mr. Zhou's student!

"Professor He. The old principal's words brought him back to his senses."You came all the way from the capital and asked to see Su Chen by name. I wonder if you are——?"

He Lisheng nodded and said with a smile:"It was my teacher's idea. He sent me here to communicate with Su Chen."

When he said this, everyone was stunned at first, and then shocked!

He Lisheng's teacher, isn't that Mr. Zhou! ?

It was shocking enough that He Lisheng came here specially for Su Chen!

But unexpectedly, the real reason was Mr. Zhou's idea!

Su Chen was also stunned when he heard this.

Mr. Zhou?

That living fossil master, has something to communicate with him?

He Lisheng didn't drag his feet and got straight to the point

"Student Su Chen, Professor Zhou admires you very much!"

"I want to take you as my student, are you willing?"

As soon as these words came out, all the people in the room were silent!

Deathly silent!

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