
Su Chen held Chu Qingyue's hand and had just walked to the seating area of Class 9 of Senior Grade 3.

A voice called out from behind.

"Student Su Chen!"

Su Chen turned around in confusion, only to see a gray-haired old man staring at him excitedly.

After a brief moment of daze, Su Chen hurriedly bowed and greeted:"Hello, Principal!"

Chu Qingyue also blushed and said:"Hello, Principal!"

But the old principal strode up and helped Su Chen, who was about to bow.

"The old man can't bear your worship!"The old principal shook his head, his expression solemn.

Su Chen and Chu Qingyue looked at each other and were stunned.

The group of school leaders and teachers behind the old principal were all stunned.

‘The old man can't bear this bow'?

This was said by the old principal to a student!

But what shocked them even more was yet to come.

The old principal not only helped Su Chen up who was about to bow, but also bowed slightly to Su Chen!

His hunched body bent slightly, and his posture was extremely solemn!

Su Chen was startled and quickly helped him up:"Principal, what are you doing? I am an ordinary student.——"

Before he could finish his words, the old principal interrupted him with a firm voice:"You are not an ordinary student, you are a poet who can make me cry!"

The old principal was serious.

The poem"The Slow Past" reminded him of the ups and downs he had experienced with his wife over the past few decades. His wife passed away a few years ago, and the old principal had been depressed and had difficulty getting over it.

But after reading the poem, the knot that had been entangled in his heart for many years was untied.

It was not forgotten, but hidden deep inside.

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person. '

That's enough!

But others couldn't understand the old principal's emotions at all. They just heard the words 'You are a poet who can make me cry! '

When this was said, everyone was shocked!

The senior high school students in the auditorium who were watching this scene all widened their eyes.


When did Su Chen become a poet?

And, writing a poem to make the old principal cry? ?

This is too much information!

Suddenly, someone was speechless.

"Could it be that Su Chen was the candidate who scored full marks in the three-line love poem?"

When this was said, everyone looked at him sideways.

The discussion in the crowd exploded instantly.!

"Wasn't it rumored a few days ago that Su Chen handed in a blank paper for the college entrance examination essay? How did he become the one who wrote a perfect three-line love poem?"

"Yes! Dozens of students saw it with their own eyes. Su Chen's essay answer sheet was blank!"

"Ah - I understand, I understand!"

"Su Chen only wrote a three-line poem, which only had twenty or so words. How much of it could take up in such a large composition space? The rest must be blank!"

"Damn! It seems to be true!"

"Hey! The point is not here, the point is that Su Chen is the genius who wrote the three-line love poem and got full marks!"

After these words came out, everyone came back to their senses.


The sound of sucking in cold air rang out in unison, and everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Su Chen!

That three-line love poem is now known to everyone in Xiaguo.

The candidate who wrote the love poem has been praised to the sky by netizens all over the country in the past few days!

Countless netizens are eager to know his identity.

The teachers and students of Binhai No. 1 Middle School are even more so. In the class group chats these days, this topic is always mentioned.

But for some reason, the newspaper reporters who went to the Education Bureau to dig up the news yesterday also returned empty-handed.

But now, the students in the auditorium suddenly discovered that the genius is actually next to me!?

"I really like that poem! Oh my god, it was written by Suchen!"

"A perfect score for the college entrance examination essay! The only one in the country! Su Chen is so awesome!"

"Li Shangming just said that Su Chen was a poor student? Did this perfect essay make his face swollen! ?"

"Li Shangming is a piece of shit! His values are not right! Su Chen is the real boss!"

"It's true what you said. If you observe carefully, you will find that Su Chen really has a natural poetic temperament!"


The school leaders in the row behind the old principal were also shocked.

After being shocked, they looked at Su Chen with extremely passionate eyes!

This is a student of Binhai No. 1 Middle School!

The candidate who scored a perfect score for the three-line love poem is from Binhai No. 1 Middle School!

Behind the crowd, Su Chen's head teacher, Ms. An Qi, widened her eyes and was speechless.

A few days ago, she really thought that Su Chen had handed in a blank paper for the college entrance examination essay, and she felt sorry for him.

Now it seems that he didn't hand in a blank paper, but got a perfect score directly!

Teacher An Qi smiled immediately, and smiled with great relief.

She knew that she had not seen Su Chen wrong!

In the seating area of Class 9 of Senior 3, a group of people were dumbfounded.

The students of Class 9 of Senior 3 were all speechless.

In the past few days, they have also been discussing enthusiastically who the big shot who scored a perfect score for the three-line love poem was.

But they never expected that he was right next to them!

Only Fatty Jiang had a matter-of-fact expression on his face.

He knew the truth yesterday.

But even so, Fatty Jiang's chubby face was still flushed with excitement!

That amazing guy who got full marks is my friend's deskmate!

How many years can he brag about this!

I am so proud of him! I am so proud of him!

Feeling the countless warm gazes falling on him, Su Chen looked helpless.

After all, the truth could not be hidden, and his identity was exposed.

Su Chen shook his head, looked behind the old principal, and couldn't help asking:"Principal, what are you doing now?"

This was too much.

The senior management of the entire Binhai No. 1 Middle School was all here.

It shouldn't be necessary just for a perfect essay.

The old principal looked at Su Chen's calm appearance, nodded with satisfaction, and was about to speak.

A teacher ran up to him in a hurry and whispered:"Principal, that person is here!"

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