In the picture,

Mr. Zhou's face was serious and his tone was very solemn.

"I have read the college entrance examination questions and essays in recent years, and to be honest, I am not satisfied"

"What exactly is the essay about? Especially the college entrance examination essay?"

"Are they those essay templates that you memorize and apply mechanically?"

"Is it those fancy words and modifiers?"

"Take last year’s perfect essay for example. When I saw it, I was so angry that I almost passed out!"

"He didn't even understand the true meaning of that ancient saying, but he quoted it in his composition! And the teacher who graded it was even more outrageous! He actually gave him full marks!"

"The comment is"quoting classical literature", which shows the candidate's literary background.’?"

"How absurd! How absurd!"

When these words came out, countless netizens fell silent.

Sure enough, this is Mr. Zhou's pattern!

While they were all paying attention to the model essay itself, Mr. Zhou was thinking about the direction of education in the entire Xia country.

In particular, some of Mr. Zhou's criticisms of the"template model essay" made many people feel ashamed.

Among these people, there are candidates, but more are teachers engaged in Chinese teaching, and some experts.

The writing style of Xia country in recent years was indeed brought up by them.

Copying and pasting, forcing sorrow to write new words.

Including memorizing famous sayings and sentences, there are also strange phenomena.

It is no longer the introduction Use appropriate and relevant ones.

Instead, they blindly pursue the unconventional and rare ones. It seems that the fewer people have heard of them, the more awesome the quoted sentences are!

Dostoyevsky? Vasilyev?

Many of them are sentences that the examiners have never heard of, but with these names, they seem to be particularly profound! It also seems that the examinees have a deep literary background!

But is it really so?

Mr. Zhou sighed deeply and said,"I set the topic for this essay, and I have also informed the experts in the examiners, revealing an idea that the content is more important than the form!"

"What does it mean? It means to eliminate those things that are only rotten inside and beautiful outside!"

"To find the real gold"

"Of course, as an old man, I am also very pleased to some extent because I have found real gold!"

"As you can see, that little poem is real, shining gold!" As soon as the words fell, everyone was shocked!

After talking for a long time, they returned to the"three-line poem"!

Originally, after hearing what Mr. Zhou said before, many people thought that these three lines of poetry themselves might not deserve full marks?

Did Mr. Zhou deliberately make such an extreme example in order to convey his thoughts? But

I never thought that in Mr. Zhou's eyes, these three lines of poetry actually deserve full marks!

What a concept!

People realized that their understanding of the poem from the beginning to the end was shallow!

What level and realm is it to be evaluated as full marks by a literary master?

Everyone watching the picture was stunned!

Mr. Zhou continued:

"Lisheng has already analyzed this poem, so I will just add one more point."

"The old man suggested that everyone should go and savor it carefully. The meaning and spirit of it are very profound."

"But in fact, the perfect answer sheet submitted by this examinee was not just about the three lines of poetry."

"Rather, he wrote these three lines of poetry in this era, and the fact itself"

"What does this sentence mean? Think about it carefully!"

This speech made hundreds of millions of people in front of the screen fall into deep thought.

What does the candidate mean by writing this poem?

Many people can't figure it out.

Some experts have some ideas. But just as the ideas have emerged, their expressions change drastically!

What is the topic of this essay?

Time, cognition, value.

These are the three keywords

《Why is the poem"Life Was Slow in the Past" good? Because it conveys a memory and yearning for the slow life in the past.

So to put it another way, if"Life Was Slow in the Past" appeared in the past era.

That is, the era of"the days in the past became slow".

Is this poem good?


Because people of that era did not experience it, they lived in a slow-paced simplicity, how could they expect and recall the life that was happening?

How can they recall and yearn for something they already have?

But it happened!

This poem appeared in the contemporary era, in this increasingly fast-paced modern society.

Is this poem good?

Extremely good!

Because people of this era are impetuous and anxious, they are moved by the slow-paced life in the past, that kind of sincerity and simplicity!

Because they don’t have it, they recall and yearn for it!

When they realized this level, the experts were stunned!

《"Life Was Slow in the Past" was just mediocre a hundred years ago.

《"Life was slow in the past", when placed in this era, has infinite meaning.

The same thing, itself has not changed, it is the precipitation of time that gives it extra value!

Or in other words, it is recognized by people!

Isn't this the meaning of the composition topic itself! ?

That is what Mr. Zhou said, it is not just the poem itself, but the fact that the examinee wrote this poem now!

It is the best interpretation of the composition topic!

Thinking of this, the experts' breathing became rapid.

When they looked at the short three-line poem again.

Their eyes have completely changed!

A stunning work!

A genius!

Only at this moment did they understand why this would be the only full-mark model essay!

Because full marks are not enough to judge it!

Since no extra points can be added, it can only be made unique, the only full mark!

The only full mark that is well deserved!

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