As more and more people flocked to this post, the expert who posted it continued to update the content.

"According to Professor He Lisheng’s analysis, we can see that this short poem, which is also the title, is extremely consistent with the topic of this year’s college entrance examination composition!"

"At the same time, this little poem itself is also rich in meaning! It can be said that it not only reveals the theme, but also shows talent!"

"According to my analysis, this little poem may be the finishing touch of this perfect essay, and the only perfect essay!"

When this post came out, countless people who saw it suddenly realized it.


So that's it!

Countless people went to see the three-line poem and were immediately amazed!

Most people were looking forward to the perfect essay before, and they only took a quick glance at this little poem.

Now, after reading it again, especially after Professor He Lisheng and the expert's guidance, they were shocked!

The level and artistic conception of these three lines of poetry are excellent creations!

But it was just the inscription of an essay?

But the official blog announced another announcement that shocked everyone!

【Official: Due to staff negligence, there was a time delay in the release of the announcement, which caused misunderstandings among everyone. We hereby apologize!】

【In fact, that three-line poem is not a so-called inscription, but this year's full-score model essay!】

【To avoid misunderstanding, we have updated the complete announcement!】

【Full-mark essay:"Life Was Slow in the Past" (the original work had no title, and this title was tentatively decided by the expert group)】

【The following is the full text:】

【‘The days before have become slower’

‘Cars, horses, and mail are all slow’

‘A lifetime is only enough to love one person’】

As soon as the announcement came out, the entire Internet was shocked!

It was completely blown up!

"Holy crap! Holy crap!"

"I can't find any words to describe it except awesome!"

"I counted them, including punctuation marks, 25 words!"

"25 words! Full score is 70 points! Bud! One word is worth three points! ?"

"The most outrageous thing is that if you look carefully at the announcement, this original work doesn't even have a title! It really only has these three lines of poetry! There is not a single word else!"

"Isn’t the most outrageous thing that this little poem not only received full marks, but was also the only one in the country to receive full marks! ?"

Countless people rushed to post comments!

Everyone was shocked by this earth-shattering news!

At first, the screen was full of"666!""Worship the boss!""He is truly a god!"

But soon, as the incident fermented, various questioning remarks began to grow and rapidly expanded.

The main force among them was the parents of this year's senior high school students!

"Is this judgment reasonable?"

"I can get full marks for writing just a few words in an 800-word college entrance examination essay? Are you kidding me?"

"That makes sense! Even if this poem is well written, I can't bear to give it a zero, but I can't give it a full score either!"

"My child memorized so many sample essays for the college entrance exam, and diligently wrote 800 to 900 words in the exam room, but why is his score not as good as this three-line poem? ?"

"I suspect this candidate is a top-level person with connections! This kind of scoring is completely self-deception!"

"I would like to ask which examination group gave the score? Which expert gave the final conclusion?"

As soon as these words came out, the spearhead was immediately directed at the grading and marking team.

Countless indignant parents left messages on the official forum!

Some of them expressed their dissatisfaction rationally, pointing out that this matter was not in accordance with the rules.

And some directly started to abuse!

It even escalated to the exaggerated level of the human grading team experts!

Such a chaos made the official blog forum a mess for a while!

But the authorities obviously had expected this.

The official blog did not have any extra explanations, but directly released a video.

Countless people with various emotions opened the video.

The moment the picture appeared, hundreds of millions of people were all speechless!

Mr. Zhou!

Xiaguo's living fossil, literary master, Mr. Zhou!

The video was a video of Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou, with gray hair but vigorous spirit

, sat upright in his seat, facing the camera. His turbid but sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the screen and point directly to everyone's heart!

The first sentence that Mr. Zhou said made all the people who were still questioning and protesting speechless!

"Full marks, I gave it."

Such a light sentence, but it was extremely powerful!

What was Mr. Zhou's status?

When Mr. Zhou said this, let alone a poem getting full marks, even if a word got full marks, the Xia Kingdom would have nothing to say!

But obviously, Mr. Zhou did not want to use his power to overwhelm others, he really wanted everyone to understand why this poem deserved full marks.

Mr. Zhou in the picture shook his head and sighed:"I knew that you would react like this when it was announced, and it makes me, an old man, feel very uncomfortable!"

"I don't want to go into detail about how good this poem is, Lisheng's article has already explained it very clearly."

"Let me talk about this thing itself, and why I gave it a perfect score, and why it is the only perfect score"

"Those who are willing to listen to what the old man says can listen, and those who are not happy can continue to abuse and question on the Internet."

As soon as these words came out, many people who had previously shouted to make trouble suddenly stopped.

Even the marketing accounts that wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to hype up a wave of popularity did not dare to continue!

Mr. Zhou's status is not only reflected in prestige and reputation.

It is also something real!

It is no exaggeration to say that the Internet police and regulatory authorities are probably paying close attention to this matter at this moment!

Who dares to make trouble?

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