
"The total heart rate detected exceeds 1000!"

"Open a new system function module!"

Su Chen's eyebrows jumped, and his mind moved, and he clicked on the system panel

【Name: Su Chen

【identity】:‘Poets' Template

【ability】:‘Poet's Temperament, God of Learning Experience Card (1 day left)

【Wealth: 22,134

【Heart rate value]: 1019

【[Description]: When the heart value reaches 1,000, a new function 'All-level lucky draw' can be enabled’!

"" All-level lottery?" Su Chen was a little curious.

He had used 50 heart points to participate in a lottery before, and won the God of Learning Experience Card, which was a big help for the college entrance examination.

Remember that was the lowest level of"Black Iron Lottery"?

The system quickly gave an explanation

"The lottery is divided into different levels according to the different heart rate points consumed!"

"The higher the level of the lottery, the higher the level and richer the rewards!"

"The levels are: black iron, brass, silver, gold, platinum, diamond……"

"Heart rate consumption: 50, 100, 500, 1000, 10000, 100000……"

Looking at the long string of numbers on the screen, Su Chen���I was speechless.

I thought 1000 heart points was a huge sum of money, but it was barely enough for one golden lottery!

It seems that I still need to work hard to earn heart points!

"Do you want to use up your heart rate points to draw a lottery?"

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision. If you want to draw a lottery, you better draw a big one!

"Conduct a golden draw!"

"1000 heartbeat points have been deducted, and the lottery begins!"

Soon, an illusory large turntable appeared in front of Su Chen.

The pointer spun rapidly.

Under Su Chen's nervous gaze, the pointer finally stopped.

The prompt sound also sounded.

"Congratulations to the host!"

"Get wealth reward 'Xiaguo Black Gold Card’"

"Xiaguo Black Gold Card: The highest level bank card symbol, comes with a built-in fund balance of 1 million!"

"Note: All cash rewards will be paid into this card, and there will be no hidden dangers of unknown sources of funds!"

Shua—— a flash of light, and a black and gold card appeared in Su Chen's hand.

Looking down, the golden dragon pattern swirled around, looking very noble and meaningful.

Ding—— at the same time, Su Chen's mobile phone also rang with a text message alert.

Clicking it, it showed that the bank card had been bound to the mobile phone.

【Balance: 1,000,000】

1 million!

This is not a small amount for Su Chen!

He has been relying on the compensation money his parents gave him for these years. His life is not rich.

Now his entire fortune is only 20,000 yuan. Without a source of income, he can hardly afford the living expenses and tuition fees for the next four years of college!

Su Chen's original plan was to work part-time to earn money during the holidays after the college entrance examination!

Now this one million yuan has solved his urgent needs.

Su Chen put away the black gold card solemnly, and he was a little excited.

1,000 heart-moving points, one gold lottery can win 1 million yuan.

And that 1,000 heart-moving points are just a few three-line poems written casually!

Su Chen took a deep breath, and his inner thoughts became more determined.

He must earn more heart-moving points!

Su Chen looked at the Xiaomi mobile phone in his hand, which had been used for many years and had a cracked screen.

He was thinking about buying some digital products in the next few days.

Mobile phones, computers and so on are also needed in college.

I didn't have money to buy a new phone before, but now that I'm rich, I have to buy one.

Ding Dong - the phone vibrated suddenly, and a series of notification sounds rang out.

I clicked on it and it was the class group of Class 9, Grade 3.

At this time, it was completely blown up.

Everyone was @苏辰!

"Did you really hand in a blank paper for your college entrance exam essay?"

"I feel like Su Xiaocao wouldn't do such a ridiculous thing!"

"But the other classes were going crazy about it!"

"Many people who were in the same examination room as Su Chen saw it!"

"Could it be that the truth is just a rumor?"

"I asked a good friend, and she said it was true! When the papers were collected, the whole examination room saw it! Su Chen's composition grid was completely blank!"

"Where is Su Chen? Come out and explain. You didn't really hand in a blank paper? @苏辰"

"@Su Chen@Su Chen@Su Chen!"

In a short period of time, there were 99+ messages!

And new messages kept popping up!

Su Chen suddenly felt a little bit of a toothache.

This matter was finally revealed.

When he handed in the paper, his essay answer sheet was indeed seen by the entire examination room.

After thinking about it, Su Chen typed a reply.

Su Chen:"I didn't hand in a blank paper for the essay. I wrote it.……"

The class group was silent for a moment, and then more messages popped up!

"I told you! How could Su Chen do something like handing in a blank paper?"

"But a lot of people are spreading this! Is it really just a rumor?"

"If dozens of people are saying this, it can't be a rumor, right?"

Su Chen didn't know how to respond, so he just went silent.

But just as he left the group chat, his cell phone rang!

Incoming call: [Class Teacher]

Teacher An Qi was also alarmed!

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