"Okay, if you like it, I'll give it to you!"

Su Chen blurted out without thinking.

After all, Chu Qingyue grew up under his watch, and in his heart, she was like his own sister.

What does she like? Isn't it up to her?

Chu Qingyue, who buried her head in anxiety, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became ashamed and angry.

This stinky blockhead!

He didn't understand what I meant at all!

Su Chen didn't think much, and simply tore off another piece of manuscript paper and smoothed it out.

He picked up the ballpoint pen on the table.

Since Chu Qingyue wanted this song just now, he had to write another one for Fatty Jiang.

Snap - the pen cap popped open, and Su Chen picked up the pen to write. In mid-air, his hand was stopped by a white wrist.

"You really don't want me to write?" Su Chen was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

Chu Qingyue shook her head gently, and this time her expression was very serious:"I want to remind you that it's best not to write so... well."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows:"What do you mean?"

Chu Qingyue said seriously:"Your classmate Fatty Jiang has bad writing skills. If you write too well, the girls will be able to tell at a glance that it's not written by him.���Wouldn't this love poem have the opposite effect? "

Su Chen was stunned.

He had never thought of this before.

It's better to write from the perspective of Fatty Jiang.

Then the writing can't be too good.

It's better to be a bit more straight, or more straightforward.

He turned the pen and thought for a while.

Fatty Jiang seems to like the Three Kingdoms?

He talks about the Three Kingdoms and history all the time, why not start from there?

And that girl is also in the liberal arts class.

Then write from the historical perspective!

Su Chen suddenly had an idea.

He picked up the pen and wrote.

‘Sima Zhao's intentions are known to everyone’

‘And my thoughts’

‘When will you know? '

After writing, Su Chen took a closer look and felt it was okay.

It was a very simple three-line poem.

The words were straightforward and the meaning was simple.

But it was very sincere.

The angle was also novel.

It also fit the theme of confession of secret love.

Chu Qingyue also came over and looked at this three-line poem.

"Heartbeat value +199!"

Su Chen:"……"

It seems like I have discovered the code of wealth?

A love poem of this level can also be worth 199 heart-thumping points?

If I keep writing love poems and let Chu Qingyue read them, wouldn't I be able to keep making money?

Hundreds or thousands of heart-thumping points can be easily credited?

Just thinking about this, Su Chen met Chu Qingyue's eyes again.

He couldn't help but shrink his neck.

This look seemed to want to eat him!

Su Chen immediately gave up the idea of this"code of wealth".

He felt that Chu Qingyue seemed to have a particularly low resistance to love poems!

If she was really moved by what he wrote, it would be a real trouble.

After all, she is just my sister!

In Su Chen's heart, this was not a joke, but he really regarded her as a sister.

Su Chen, who was born with a laceration, has the mind of an adult since he was born.

At that time, although he looked like a little kid wearing open-crotch pants, his mind was mature.

When Chu Qingyue was a child, she followed him around and played around. In Su Chen's perspective, she was just a little kid.

Over the years, Su Chen's care for Chu Qingyue is also a way of treating her like a younger sister, or even a younger generation.

To put it in a certain way, Su Chen, who has watched Chu Qingyue grow up, may have positioned Chu Qingyue in his heart as... a father.

In Su Chen's eyes, Chu Qingyue is similar to a goddaughter!

Just now, Su Chen accidentally saw the trench and suddenly realized that this girl has grown up.

But it is still difficult to change the perspective of looking at Chu Qingyue.

For now, Su Chen has really not thought about changing.

"It's OK, it feels quite suitable."Chu Qingyue pursed her lips and looked at it for a while, then nodded softly.

"That's fine!"

Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

He ran back to the room and took out the Xiaomi mobile phone he had used for several years.

Click - took a photo and sent it to Fatty Jiang.

As for why he didn't type but sent a photo.

Because he was too lazy to type.

But what Su Chen didn't notice was that when he went back to the room to get his phone just now.

Chu Qingyue finally took out the light pink envelope with a rose on it from behind her. She quietly stuffed it under the sofa cushion.

She deliberately exposed a little bit of the corner of the envelope.

Chu Qingyue hesitated for a moment, but still stuffed the whole envelope in.

If Su Chen found out before she ran away, it would be so embarrassing...

Su Chen had just sent the photo.

Chu Qingyue stood up.

""Huh? Have you had enough water?" Su Chen said this subconsciously. He felt that it was not appropriate to say it.

Sure enough, Chu Qingyue's face flushed red.

The excuse she found before was really a bit weird.

Chu Qingyue, who was originally preparing to say goodbye, felt embarrassed and couldn't stay here for a moment.

She snorted and stamped her feet.

Picking up her small bag, she ran to the door.


A scream rang out.

Chu Qingyue ran too hastily and was tripped by the extension cord on the ground and almost fell.

But she still pushed the door open without looking back. She went downstairs.

Su Chen shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the system prompt sound suddenly rang


"The total heart rate detected exceeds 1000!"

"Open new system function modules!"

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