
Zhao Lu panicked when he saw the bloodstains.

Then he started looking for Mo Xi.

When he saw Mo Xi sitting there safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when he saw what Mo Xi was holding, he was a little amused.

"What are you doing?

You scared me. I thought some animal got in and bit you!

Tell me, what's going on?"

"It was hunted, and then I saved it.……"

Mo Xi pointed at the small animal on the ground and looked at Zhao Lu a little embarrassedly.

"Um... can you save it first?"

"All right……"

Zhao Lu looked at Mo Xi's somewhat awkward pleading expression and couldn't help but feel a little amused.

"I didn't expect that a girl like you with an expressionless face would actually betray the revolution!"



Mo Xi glared and wrinkled her nose. This was considered angry.

Zhao Lu just wanted to laugh.

The expressionless girl really looked expressionless even when she was angry!

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore.~

��But how can you save it?"

Zhao Lu took out the hemostatic medicine she brought with her and bandaged the small animal in front of her to stop the bleeding.

"It fainted at our door, and I picked it up.

The wild animals outside saw the fire, so they didn't dare to come over."


Zhao Lu nodded.

Then she couldn't help but sigh

"Why are leopard cats so smart?

A while ago, the first leopard cat I adopted fainted behind the shelter door because of injury, so I rescued it.

It was the same this time.

It’s amazing~"

Yes, the little animal Mo Xi picked up this time was a leopard cat!

Zhao Lu raised her hand and touched the leopard cat’s head, then put away all the herbs.

"Well, it's all over.

Have a good rest.

You can get up and keep watch in the middle of the night.~"


Mo Xi nodded, and without being pretentious, he started to rest directly.

In the wilderness, rest and food cannot be pretentious.


The night passed peacefully, but also restlessly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

After so many cloudy and rainy days, the sun finally came out to meet Zhao Lu.


Today is a good day~

The weather here has finally returned to normal~"

Zhao Lu stretched and began to cut meat to prepare breakfast.

It was sunny in the morning, hot in the morning, rainy in the afternoon, and stopped raining in the evening. This is the normal weather in the tropical rainforest.

After eating breakfast with Mo Xi, they came to the river to check the situation of yesterday's battle.

"How many animals died here at night?"

Mo Xi looked at the red grass and the vultures on the ground and was shocked.

Although she knew that many animals must have died at night, she didn't expect so many to die!

"Who knows~"

Zhao Lu shook her head,"Anyway, there are hundreds of them for sure."

"You are so awesome!"

Mo Xi couldn't help but exclaimed.

There is no animal protection law in this world, so the people in this world have different worldviews from those in Zhao Lu's original world.

Here, a person can kill so many animals, and they are all fierce beasts. He will be regarded as a warrior and respected by the world.

Although he killed them with a strategy, the strategy is also part of his strength!

""It's OK~"

Zhao Lu said modestly, then took the tiger meat to the river, put the tiger meat on a stick, put it in the river and waited quietly.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to see if there are any crocodiles.

It's too dark at night, and there might be some that slipped through the net.

If we don't get rid of all the crocodiles, it will be very dangerous for us to cross the river here."

"So that's it……"

Mo Xi nodded.

Then he stood behind Zhao Lu and waited quietly.

Not long after, a group of piranhas smelled the meat and swam over quickly.

Zhao Lu threw the piece of meat into the middle of the river.

Then he watched quietly. After waiting for a while, there was no water churning in the river.

Suddenly, he knew there were no crocodiles here.


There are no crocodiles anymore~"

Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

After confirming that there were no crocodiles in the river, he could prepare some things to cross the swamp.

In the swamp, once a person steps on it, it will sink until the person is completely submerged. It is very dangerous.

In order to successfully cross the swamp and come to the container in the center of the swamp, you need to prepare some things - wooden boards!

As long as the wooden boards meet a certain volume and are placed on the swamp, it can ensure that people will not sink when they step on them.

This is very simple to calculate.

According to the Archimedean principle formula.

The buoyancy F = liquid density p * volume under the liquid surface V * g (gravitational acceleration).

In order not to sink, the buoyancy needs to be greater than or equal to the weight of the person plus the weight of the wooden board.

However Considering that he might have to bring back some vegetables, Zhao Lu made the wooden board a little bigger.

Swamp is a shear-thinning fluid, a type of non-Newtonian fluid, and also a liquid.

Its density... has no fixed value.

However, this did not stump Zhao Lu.

By doing some simple tests with wooden boards, he could roughly calculate how big a board he needed to make so that he could stand on it safely.

After that, he began to make wooden boards.

Making wooden boards is a very time-consuming task.

Because there is no glue, if you want to make a wooden board, you need to trim the wooden board so that it can be seamlessly spliced.

However, in this case, you don't need to make too many wooden boards.

You only need to make three.

But just three wooden boards took them more than two hours.


I'm so tired~"

Mo Xi felt like she was dying of exhaustion.

Just as she sat down to take a break, she found that Zhao Lu was carrying the wooden board and walking towards the river without even breathing hard.

"You take a rest first, I'll go get the treasure~"


Mo Xi was speechless for a while.

She looked at Zhao Lu's back and couldn't help but sigh.

"This guy is really strong!

He can complete this amount of work perfectly without feeling tired. It's amazing!……"


Zhao Lu naturally didn't know what Mo Xi was sighing about.

At this moment, he had already piled up the planks, put them on the raft, and headed towards the swamp.

When he arrived at the swamp, he began to place the planks one by one. After he put one down, he stepped on it and put down another one, then stepped on it again and put down another one.

Then he stepped on it again, turned around and took the one he stepped on the first time and put it in the front.

Repeating this process, Zhao Lu finally arrived in front of the container.

The door of the container was not locked, and Zhao Lu walked in easily.

However, when he saw what was inside, he was a little dumbfounded.

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