This bamboo tube also contains Zhao Lu's secret weapon.

It is even more powerful than the secret weapon in the previous bamboo tube!

Because this is dynamite!

However, because the conditions are not very good and the materials are insufficient, this thing is just a homemade dynamite, and the power is not too strong.

But it is enough.

However, before using the dynamite, he needs to prepare one more thing!

That is the violent potion!

Zhao Lu quickly came to the upwind vent, and this time he poured out all the potions.

All places that may become battlefields were covered.

Pay special attention to the riverside.

After doing all this, he returned to the position of the catapult, prepared the explosives, and fired it out.



A roar exploded instantly, the river water churned, and then countless crocodiles rushed to the river bank frantically.


The fighting lions became even more violent after seeing so many crocodiles rushing out. They rushed towards the newly appeared enemies like crazy.

These frightened crocodiles were besieged by the lions before they completely recovered from their panic.

Immediately, they subconsciously began to fight back.

Then they wanted to continue rushing forward.

But their counterattack made the lions even angrier.

The attack became more crazy.

In an instant, they knocked down the first batch of crocodiles that rushed out.

The crocodiles were frightened at first, and then they were attacked by such a group of lions, and they became angry.

In order to be more They fled quickly and attacked the lions.

Suddenly, the crocodiles, who were even more terrifying in number, fought with the lions.

The green smoke drifted slowly, and as the smoke of the violent potion continued to spread, the crocodiles gradually lost their minds.

They forgot the reason for their initial escape and began to attack the enemies in front of them frantically.

The lions, under the effect of the enhanced concentration of the manic potion, had completely lost their minds.

All animals that appeared in front of them became their enemies. No matter whether the opponent was a lion, a crocodile, or other unlucky little animals that had inhaled the potion, they were all treated as enemies and attacked indiscriminately.

"It's crazy...

It's really crazy!"

Zhao Lu stood in the distance, looking at the scene in front of her with some sighs.

It was really a big scene tonight.

There were more than a hundred dead animals alone.

"Fortunately, there is no animal protection law in this world... otherwise it would be terrible……"

Zhao Lu couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was so lucky. Then, he discovered the reason why there was no animal protection law in this world.

"However, there are really many animals in this world!

The number of these crocodiles is too terrifying, right?

A rough estimate is that there are about three or four hundred... and there are 27 lions...

This world is really crazy...

There are so many animals...


Just as Zhao Lu was marveling at the wonders of this world, she suddenly noticed something and turned her head to look into the distance.

In the darkness, she saw dozens of pairs of eyes staring at this place without blinking.

Obviously, they were new animals.

""As expected, the scene is getting bigger and bigger~"

Zhao Lu was not surprised.

After all, the scene is getting bigger and bigger, and the smell of blood is getting stronger.

If it doesn't attract some other predators, then he will be surprised.

"Clouded leopard? Rare guest~ Jaguar



There are so many hyenas and mandrills. Sure enough, these things are the most abundant in this area...

However, there are really many carnivores here.……"

Zhao Lu frowned, and suddenly realized something he had always ignored.

"There is no animal protection law in this world.

This is because there are many animals in this world.

Moreover, these animals reproduce very quickly.

So far, there has been no phenomenon of biological extinction.

So there is no need for protection.

The rapid reproduction of animals means that there are more carnivores.

More carnivores means more herbivores.

More herbivores means faster growth of plants!

Only in this case can there be so many animals in such a small area.

So, does this mean that if I grow vegetables, I will have a harvest soon?

This world is really too crazy~"

Zhao Lu sighed, and then began to recall things about this world

"Sure enough, there are not many humans in this world.

The reason seems to be that pregnancy has become difficult...

So, this world has become a world with vast land and sparse population.

Because crops grow fast and the population is small, there are still many places with virgin forests?

This world is really crazy!"

Zhao Lu sighed again inexplicably.

"It's dark under the lamp!

These common sense, insignificant things are indeed subconsciously ignored~"

Then he began to summarize what benefits he could get from these conclusions.

"First, crops grow faster.

I can get vegetables faster~

Second, it is difficult to get pregnant...

Doesn't that mean……"

Zhao Lu shook her head, throwing away these messy thoughts.

Then she looked around intently.

"Now is not the time to think too much. No matter how difficult it is, there is still a certain probability of it happening...


Don't think too much...

The focus now is on these animals."

Because the battle here is too brutal, the predators around are watching.

As time goes by, the battle between the lions and the crocodiles is coming to an end.

Hundreds of crocodiles have basically died.

And more than half of the 27 lions have also died.

Currently, only 6 can still stand.

Moreover, these lions that can still stand are also seriously injured.

As for the other small animals involved in the battlefield, they were all wiped out.

Among the predators who were watching the battle, some left.

For example, jaguars, clouded leopards and the like.

Cats are relatively proud and principled.

They rarely eat the meat of carnivores.

Although they sometimes fight, but That is also an act of killing competitors for the sake of competition.

Generally, even if they kill carnivores with their own hands, they will not eat their meat.

Therefore, they naturally look down on the meat here.

And here, there are basically carnivores, so these cats left very proudly.

On the periphery, only those"not picky eaters" such as honey badgers and hyenas were left.

These"not picky eaters" guys finally became bolder after discovering that there were fewer and fewer animals that could stand on the battlefield. They rushed to the battlefield in groups. They fought with the scarred lions and crocodiles, and finally won.

Then, they began to enjoy their dinner.


"Phew~ It's over~"

Zhao Lu strode towards the tent.

Although there were still some predators outside, it didn't matter at all.

Because there was enough meat outside to feed all the predators.

Therefore, no animals would pay attention to Zhao Lu.

They could also have a good rest.

However, after he entered the tent, the first thing he saw was a pool of blood.

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