Chapter 99 Regarding love, I was shown a face (seeking automatic subscription!!)

“Jiang Chenggong, give me soy sauce.

“Give you.”

“Oh, hey, this is a soggy, don’t you read?”

“Really? It’s an old word.

“Are you mad at me on purpose?”

“How come Ah Ying, where can I dare.-”

“You really failed too much. Just change your name to Jiang and fail.”

In the evening, the old couple had a busy meal in the kitchen.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound of the range hood, the bickering of two people came from inside from time to time.

Such a scene immediately aroused Yan Shuyi’s curiosity.

“School brother, your parents always quarrel like this?”

Jiang Wen chuckled softly: “It has been noisy for decades, but in fact, my dad did it on purpose.

“Huh? Deliberately looking for scolding?”

“Yeah, he wanted my mother to say a few more words to him, so he deliberately did everything wrong.”

“Is there still this kind of routine?”

Yan Shu was also taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt like being shown off.

It turns out that love can still be like this.

No wonder Jiang Wen is so good at teasing, it turned out to be hereditary.

“My dad detected a stomach ulcer a few years ago, and the doctor wouldn’t let him drink, but he always secretly saved money to buy alcohol, and being caught by my mother was just a swear word.”

Yan Shu also blinked his eyes wide: “Then what?”

“One summer, the weather was so hot that the air conditioner couldn’t cure it. I planned to go out and stroll around, but I found my dad squatting in the toilet, guess what I saw?”

“He was drinking secretly in the toilet?”

“No, he poured all the bottle of wine he bought into the toilet without a drop left.”

Colonel Yan suddenly stunned: “Uncle buys wine for scolding?”

Jiang Wen smiled brightly: “He actually quit drinking for a long time because he was afraid that my mother would be bored, so he gave her a reason to scold himself. He also borrowed ten yuan from me that night, saying that he would buy another bottle tomorrow. ”

“Oh my God!”

Yan Shu also showed a solid face.

What kind of fairy love can do this.

She hadn’t seen this kind of plot even when she watched TV.

Although it sounds silly, but the aftertaste is romantic.

Jiang Wen looked at the kitchen: “Did you know, my mother brought my dad to the house to get married with a large family.”

“Get married?”

“Yes, at that time my dad was a little white face who was well-known in ten miles and eight villages, and there were a lot of little girls behind him.”


“My mother always said that if she hadn’t been resolute and greeted a group of people and broke into Jiang’s house, I guess I wouldn’t have been born.”

“But she doesn’t know, my dad is just waiting for her to come.

Professor Yan was a little fascinated: “Your father is also waiting for your mother?”

“Yes, my dad has a nickname in the village called Tie Quan Wu Jiang Chenggong. If it is really forced by force, who can beat him?”

“Does the auntie know about this?”

“I don’t know, she might still think that she took my dad back, so she always makes jokes about this kind of thing.”

Yan Shuyi’s heart was warm when she heard it, and she couldn’t help but leaned on Jiang Wen’s shoulder.

It turns out that he is different from himself.

He was born in a family that never lacked love.

That’s why he told himself categorically that there is love.

It is sacred and moving.

There is no reason for anyone to deny its existence.

That’s because Jiang Wen has really seen the days and evenings of decades.

And the reason why I don’t believe in love is probably because of the influence of the original family.

Her parents once loved each other vigorously, but in the end they came to a stranger.

Now it seems that maybe it is because they will not give way for each other.

They are all being true, but they forget that the most taboo thing about love is being true.

Yan Shuyi is really grateful to Destiny for arranging him to meet Jiang Wen.

Otherwise, I am afraid I still sneer at the word love.

“Jiang Wen, will you treat your wife so well in the future?”

“Of course, if anyone can be my wife, that would really hit the jackpot.”

“Can’t you be humble?”

“When you swear, you must never be humble. The more serious you say, the better.”

Yan Shu also raised his head slightly: “So you were swearing just now?”

“Senior sister, don’t ask, otherwise you will be jealous of my future wife.

“Don’t think about it, I won’t be jealous.


“Because I will only be the one who is jealous.”

Jiang Wen suddenly moved in his heart and immediately reached out and hugged her to his lap.

Colonel Yan is really light, it doesn’t take much effort to hold it, and it’s also very soft.

“Brother smelly, will be seen!

“What are you afraid of, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Yan Shuyi panicked and immediately lay on his shoulders and did not dare to act rashly.

“You even said it was pretending before!”

“Pretend what?”

“Pretending to be your girlfriend, pretending to be!”

Jiang Wen pinched her ears: “I don’t want to pretend now, I want to be real.”

“You are really necrotic, can you wait for no one to do it again?”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps in the kitchen.

At that time, Jiang Wen’s mother was walking to the restaurant with a plate of sweet and sour carp.

She put the plate in the middle of the table and stepped back to the kitchen.

In this process, the two have quickly separated.

Yan Daxiaohua sat on the sofa in the middle with a cute expression.

She brought her knees together, put her hands and hands on her legs, her cheeks flushed.

And Jiang Wen sat on the sofa on the left as if nothing had happened, pretending to be watching TV.

Until the busy voice sounded in the kitchen again, the two couldn’t help but glance at each other.

“Smelly Jiang Wen, I was really scared to death just now!”

“Senior sister, you are too courageous, you need to exercise.”

“Train your head, I will ignore you again!”

Yan Shu was also talking, his eyes suddenly red, and tears began to flicker in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Wen panicked instantly.

He was just joking, not really trying to bully her.

Why did you make her cry?

“Senior sister, I was wrong, don’t cry.”

Yan Shu also pouted: “I didn’t cry!”

“Your tears have fallen.

“I just don’t want your mother to think I’m a random bad girl.”

A word from Colonel Yan struck the softest part of Jiang Wen’s heart in an instant.

She didn’t think she was being bullied, nor was she frightened by Jiang Wen.

She just has the tension of seeing her mother-in-law in her subconscious mind.

She was still afraid that her mother-in-law would not like her, so she was very cautious and sensitive.

“Sorry, senior sister, I know I was wrong, I must be honest.

“Really? Words count?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “If you don’t invite me, I will absolutely do nothing.”

“Bah, nonsense,” Yan Shuyi suddenly laughed, “Who would invite you, dream!”

Jiang Wen didn’t speak, staring at her closely, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

Yan Shu was suddenly a little nervous: “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

“No, I just think that if you are just the girl in my dreams, I must also remember your look.”


Yan Shu also pouted again, tears in his eyes began to spin.

This was the first time I heard decent love words from this guy.

What he said before was: Don’t be like this, Senior Sister, I have a girlfriend.

Or: Senpai, I’m afraid of getting scandalized, Senpai let me go.


Jiang Wen became confused again and looked terribly flustered.

How could Yan Dahuahua be cried again by herself.

Is this still the jewel of high coldness and outstanding temperament?


At this moment, Chen Ying didn’t know when to appear, and slapped Jiang Wen on the back of the head.

Jiang Wen regretted: “Mom, what are you hitting me for?”

“Why did you bully her again? You forgot how painful your dad hit someone?”

Yan Shu also heard these words and finally couldn’t help but laugh.

But smiling, this girl couldn’t help crying again.

She hasn’t felt at home for a long, long time.

A picture like this seems to have ceased to exist when I was very young.

At that time, parents quarreled every day, how could there be such a warm scene.

Chen Ying looked at her distressedly: “What’s wrong, Shuyi, who made you wronged?”

“No, no,” Yan Shu also waved his hand. “I don’t know what’s going on, it’s all of a sudden.

Jiang Wen pushed and fucked his mother: “Mom, let’s talk, you go cook, don’t mix up.

“If you bully her again, I will really let your dad beat you up.”

“It’s wrong, how dare I bully her.

Yan Shuyi hummed: “Dare you!”

“Listen? The book has also filed a lawsuit. Please be honest with me!”

Chen Ying glared at him and turned back to the kitchen.

Three seconds later, a roar of anger suddenly came from the kitchen.

“Old ginger, what did you put in the salt when I asked you to put it?!”

“My salt?”

“Oh, I thought that you put the candy and scolded you in a habit.”

“Scared me to death, scared me to death

…For flowers…

Yan Shu also listened to the conversation in the kitchen and couldn’t help laughing.

“Happy again?” Jiang Wen looked at her, “I was almost beaten because of you.”

“I’m willing, you deserve to be beaten.

“Senior sister, you are really my nemesis.”

“Of course, I belong to the dragon, and you belong to the little dragon.”

The two people seemed to have been infected by Jiang Wen’s parents’ getting along.

After half an hour in this way, the meticulously cooked meal was finally on the table.

Four people sat at the dining table, their faces illuminated by the orange light.

At that time, the aroma of the food continued to rise with the steaming heat, and a warm atmosphere quietly dispersed.

Chen Ying looked at Yan Shuyi: “Shu Ye, try the sweet and sour carp I made for you.’

“Okay, thank you auntie.”

Yan Shu also picked up the chopsticks and put a small piece of fish in his mouth.

She is actually still waiting for her mother-in-law to ask questions.

After all, they have just met themselves, and there should be a lot of questions they want to ask.

And dinner time should be the best time to ask questions.

Sure enough, just after a few bites of the meal, Chen Ying suddenly said, “Shu Yi, what does your family do?

“My father is a real estate agent, and my mother is a fashion designer.”

“Then have your parents met Jiang Wen? How do you feel?,

Yan Shu also nodded: “My mother is super satisfied with him, and my dad seems to like him very much.”

Chen Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Yan Shu also saw that he was the kind of wealthy daughter in a big city.


Because she has a temperament that has been cultivated since childhood.

Even if she puts on a coarse cloth and makes her small face dirty, that kind of temperament can hardly be concealed.

So Chen Ying is worried that the family gap will bring resistance to the two people.

But after hearing Yan Shuyi’s answer, she felt that the other’s parents should be very open-minded.

In this way, there should be no problems between the two people.

Chen Ying glanced at Jiang Wen: “Then how is Jiang Wen doing to you?”

Yan Shu also nodded: “Well, he is very good to me, and he gave me a stew.

“Then he didn’t bully you usually? You can file a complaint at will.

“No, it seems that I bully him at ordinary times, and he dare not bully me.

Chen Ying nodded, and Jiang Chenggong nodded next to him.

Chen Ying nodded because she felt that her son had grown up and knew that he was hurting others.

Jiang Chenggong nodded because he felt that his son was sensible and more and more like himself.

“Since this is the case, then we don’t have any comments. You two should stay together, be considerate of each other, especially Jiang Wen, and take good care of Shuyi.”

Jiang Wen nodded, looking at Yan Shuyi’s eyes full of tenderness.


Did the question session end like this?

Yan Shu was also slightly shocked.

Don’t you still have a lot of questions to ask?

Just like my mother asked Jiang Wen, why do you like it and what kind of life you want in the future.

Why is it just a matter of asking about my family situation and Jiang Wen’s treatment of me?

“Auntie, is there anything else to ask?”

Chen Ying nodded: “Nothing.”

Yan Shu blinked, “So simple?”

“Of course, knowing that your family agrees with Jiang Wen, and knowing that Jiang Wen treats you well is enough.”

Chen Ying looked at him with a smile: “Love is ultimately a matter for the two of you, as long as you think it can be fine.”

Jiang Chenggong also nodded: “Back then, Jiang Wen’s grandfather didn’t like me at all, but he couldn’t fascinate me!

“Nonsense, I just think you look good.”

“Isn’t that the same, what are you doing under the covers?”

Chen Ying suddenly sneered: “You really thought I didn’t know that you were sitting at home and waiting for me to grab you.”

When the voice fell, the three people at the table were all shocked.

So she always knew it?

Jiang Chenggong panicked a little: “How did you know?”

“You made my dad, my brother, my uncle, and my third uncle all on the color screen, but just don’t touch my dowry, then I will know.”

Chen Ying patted Jiang Chenggong’s shoulders for fear: “I just thought you were good-looking at first. I thought you were a nice guy after taking you back. Otherwise, would I be willing to live with you for the rest of my life?”

“Then I will buy wine.”

“The smell of alcohol in the toilet is so strong, you think I don’t know? I know you like me to scold you, otherwise I don’t bother to talk.”

Jiang Wen and Yan Shu also looked at each other.

Damn, it’s really been shown again.

You are not here to see your daughter-in-law, are you here to abuse others? B,

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