Chapter 100 What couples should do (seeking automatic subscription!!)

After dinner, the night breeze in the community was slightly cool.

Jiang Wen and Yan Shu also held hands and walked slowly by the Luoyan Lake.

They behaved close, as if they had been in love for many years.

Many people who bend far by the lake could not help but stop.

“Isn’t that Lao Yan’s daughter?”

“Really, she’s looking for a boyfriend?”

“It’s really strange, this little girl can even fall in love.”

“When you are old, you should look for it. What’s so strange about this?”

“You moved in late, I don’t know, this Lao Yan’s daughter is so arrogant that no one can look down on it.”


“Which one of the people living in our community is not rich or expensive? She didn’t even look at how many introduced to her.”

“Where did this person come from? Why did you take down Lao Yan’s daughter?”

“I don’t know, the face is very raw.

“Could it be a relative?”

“Didn’t you watch the hand in hand? I guess the parents are all over.”

“It’s hard to imagine someone so capable and take down Yan Shu.”

“I don’t know, waiting for tomorrow to inquire about it, it is definitely big news.

There was a lot of discussion around Luoyan Lake, and countless people showed curious eyes.

Yan Shu is also very good-looking and has outstanding temperament.

Moreover, she is very knowledgeable and reasonable, and has always been polite and courteous to people, and she has no temperament at all.

I heard that last year, I also won the first place in the financial field.

So everyone in the community felt that she did have arrogant capital.

A person who is arrogant and who is not good enough is actually arrogant.

But if a girl like Yan Shuyi is arrogant, people will think it’s normal.

Since Yan Shu also held the coming-of-age ceremony, the community does not know how many young men are chasing after her.

Singing flowers and playing pipa and erhu almost every night.

And their parents are very supportive.

The first is because Yan Ruohai is a very capable real estate developer.

The cash flow in his hand cannot be estimated.

The other is that Yan Shuyi is very handsome and talented.

To get such a nearly perfect daughter-in-law, whose parents would disagree?

But it has been three or four years since the Yan family moved, and even a successful person has never appeared in their community.

Yan Shu also never gave any chance.

Do not accept appointments or treats to dinner.

Why did Yan Shuyi suddenly have a boyfriend today?

And it doesn’t look like they are just together.

“Senior sister, they seem to be discussing us.”

“Well, maybe it’s because they don’t believe I will find a boyfriend.”

Jiang Wen looked around: “It seems that the senior sister has rejected a lot of people.

“No, I’m one of them and I haven’t agreed to it. You’re the only bastard, and I have to take the initiative to tease.”

“Then no one will come to me to seek revenge later?”

Yan Shu also hugged his arm tightly: “It’s good to kill you and let you bully me.”

“How did I bully you?”

“It made me worry about leaving after ten days.”

Jiang Wen turned his head and looked at her: “I didn’t change my mind. We said it was ten days.”

“No, you’ll get out tomorrow.” Yan Shu also won’t take this set at all. “Don’t cry and beg me then.”

“Smelly girl, you are quite confident.

“Who is the girl? I’m one year older than you. You’d better call me sister.”

“No, I won’t be called my sister. On the contrary, I will let you call you father.

Yan Shuyi was taken aback for a moment: “I’m not Tang Sihan, why should I call you father?”

Jiang Wen smiled to himself: “Because you can’t help it.


Yan Shu also reacted, blushing, and kicked him: “How did I find out that you are better than you before?”

“Before? When?”

“When the school first started, it was silly, I would tease you as I wanted to.”

Jiang Wen thought for a while: “I was probably a fool at the time, I was stupid by the sun.

“Stupid is stupid, what’s the matter with people’s sun.”

The two walked to the promenade by the lake and sat down along the shining waterfront.

The night is very quiet, and there will be a few noises of children from time to time in the community.

Yan Shu also took off his shoes and lace socks, soaked his feet in the lake water, and shook it gently.

Her toes are crystal clear and jade, and her smooth instep is constantly drenched.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but look at the water surface: “Sister, I guess this water should be very sweet.”

“Shut up, badass.

“Really, after drinking it, maybe it will last a hundred years.”

“Then I don’t know, but you will definitely have diarrhea after drinking it and you will doubt your life.”

“I don’t mind, people always pay a price for their own ends.

As Jiang Wen spoke, he actually bent over and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the ripples of the water.

“do not want!

“I’m not afraid of diarrhea.”

“That’s not OK ”

Yan Shuyi’s cheeks were flushed, and she lightly leaned on his shoulder.

This guy seems to be getting out of shape.

The foot wash is so sweet that it makes people breathless.

Compared with the Jiang Xuedi a month ago, this is nothing like two people.

At that time, I thought he was really a straight guy.

Unexpectedly, removing the disguise at this time would be a terrible bastard.

“By the way, brother, when did you and my dad meet?”

Jiang Wen thought for a while: “Do you know Tang Sihan’s father? Chairman of Star City Real Estate.”

Yan Shu also shook his head slightly: “I don’t know, I don’t know anything about the real estate industry.”

“Tang Sihan’s father is Tang Long. He is a good friend of your father. I met your father through Tang Long.”

“You guy, have you even seen Tang Sihan’s father?”

“It’s not what you think, it’s mainly because Tang Sihan was working in my shop and was discovered by her dad.”

“What’s wrong with part-time job?”

Jiang Wen messed her hair: “Tang Long felt that Tang Sihan was ashamed of being a waiter, so he went to my shop to make a fuss.”

“It turned out to be the case. I thought you and Tang Sihan were also in online dating.

“How is it possible, I have a dog, okay?”

Yan Shuyi raised his head and looked at him: “Then I don’t understand, why does Tang Sihan call your father?”

“I guess she was just trying to piss off his dad, so she said that she had found a new dad.

“No, it’s not like that.

“Huh? Do you know it again?”

Yan Shu also rolled his eyes: “Do you think there are still people who can’t tell that she likes you?”

“I don’t know this anymore. I can’t control who likes me, I can only control who I like.”

“Then who do you like?”

Jiang Wen looked at the lake quietly: “I like the young lady who yelled at love that summer vacation.”

Yan Shu also picked up the hair that was blown by the evening breeze and smiled.

Isn’t the person who swears at love the same person he used to be?

Is this guy a confession of change?

“November holiday plus Mid-Autumn Festival, it seems like there are ten days, what are you going to do?”

Jiang Wen thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised: “I am going to stay at home with you, the big bed will not get out, and the second bed will not move.”

Yan Shu also beat him angrily: “I’m asking seriously, if you want to do this, I will kill you.

“Eating western food, watching movies, going to the amusement park, we can do many things.

“It sounds like I did it with my girlfriend, but I didn’t expect the junior to be so kind to me who pretended to be.”

“Pretend to do everything, I plan to take advantage of this holiday to give birth to the baby with you.”

Yan Shu also blushed suddenly: “You, the beauty you want, when did I promise?”

“Senior sister, you forgot that you were at school, did you show me the little box?”

“That’s because I’m really afraid of you leaving, okay, who knows you’re doing me tricks!”

Jiang Wen pinched her small face and looked at her with deep eyes.

At this time, the school flower is really panic and extremely cute.

People can’t help but want to be bullied severely after being pressed down.


Yan Shuyi froze in place, her toes curled up slightly.

She didn’t know why she was so strange.

Obviously, I hugged me too, and I went to sleep together in the dormitory.

But she just couldn’t bear this kind of squeezing of her face.

It was like the cat was pinched at the back of its neck, completely breathless.

At that time, Jiang Wen’s face slowly approached, gradually covering her eyes.

Yan Dahuan, who was panicked, remained motionless until she noticed that her mouth was tightly sealed.

After ten minutes, the two separated.


Yan Shu also quickly took a deep breath, turned his head and dared not look at him.



“Share your current feelings.”

“We are pretending, so you have to add money to me, this is beyond the agreed scope!”

“I’m asking about feelings, not your inner thoughts.

“My feeling is to kill you.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help laughing, and squeezed her face again: “It seems that the sky is getting colder and colder. Go home?”

“What do you do when you go home?”

“Of course I went to bed. It’s so late. If I don’t go to bed, I won’t be able to wake up.”

Yan Shu also pouted: “No, I don’t want to be so fast!

“I mean, you go to your house to sleep, and I go to my house to sleep.”

“That’s what I meant, brother, you think too much!”

Jiang Wen turned his head and looked at her: “Really?

Yan Shuyi’s eyes dodged: “Don’t look at me like this, turn around and turn around.”

“Well, let’s go back first, or we will catch a cold.


Yan Shu also sat motionless on the bank of the water, rubbing his two small hands very restlessly.

Jiang Wen felt a little strange: “Senior sister, what’s wrong with you?”

“I can’t stand up”

Colonel Yan felt that she was completely broken now.

After being kissed by this guy, I started to lose energy.

Especially the cold water in Luoyan Lake has a kind of nerve paralysis.

It becomes more serious at this moment.

She tried several times and found that she couldn’t use her strength at all.

And the more nervous the feeling will get worse.

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but smile, took off his jacket, and reached out to hug him from the shore.

“Come on, step on this.”

“Then you get your clothes dirty?”

“Then you have to wipe the water clean, or how do you go back?”

“okay then.”

Yan Shu also stepped obediently on Jiang Wen’s jacket, and suddenly felt warmth on the soles of his feet.

At this time, Jiang Wen leaned down and gently wiped the water on her feet, with very gentle movements.

“Okay, wipe it clean.”

Colonel Yan bit her thin lip: “Then give me my shoes and socks.”

“Forget it, I’m a bit reluctant to let you walk on these feet.

Jiang Wen stepped down toward her: “Let’s go, I will carry you back.”

“No, I have gained a little weight recently, very heavy!”

“Are you sure you don’t want it?”


Jiang Wen looked back at her: “Do you know there is a custom in our house?”

Yan Shu was also taken aback for a moment, and asked what does this have to do with the customs of your family?

“In my hometown, the bride can’t touch the ground after getting off the car, she must be carried or carried into the auditorium by the groom.”

“What are you talking about, I am not your bride.”

“Let’s practice first, and maybe we will agree at some point.”

In fact, when Jiang Wen said the three words bride, Yan Daxiaohua had already agreed happily.

The expression seems to say again: Quickly recite me, recite me, I’m going to be a bride!

But because Jiang Wen was squatting with a cup of his back facing her, she couldn’t see any change in her expression.

“Hurry up, I’m going to get up, or I’ll fall off.”

“Well, I held it tightly.

Jiang Wen pinched Yan Shuyi’s socks in his palms, picked up the small leather shoes in his right hand, got up and walked towards No. 24.

In the sky, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the taste of autumn has become more and more intense.

The surface of Luoyan Lake is changing, and the water is 1.1 in the cold and the moon is like snow.

The two of them kept silent with great tacit understanding, and walked towards the path in front of the door step by step.

Of course Yan Daxiaohua has imagined a scene like this countless times in her heart.

After all, there are only so few things you can do with your boyfriend.

When my aunt came, she went out of school to buy hand cakes because she didn’t eat dinner.

In the end, he was caught by Jiang Wen, and he was embraced by a romantic princess.

Now he was back home with him on his back. Although I don’t know who is back, I always feel very happy.

“Senior Sister?”


Yan Shu also regained consciousness, only to realize that Jiang Wen had come to the door with her behind her back.

It looked like she was waiting for her to open the door, but she was in a daze.


After the fingerprint unlocked the door, Yan Shu realized that this was his home.

Didn’t the younger brother want to bring himself back to the other side? Obviously he was still looking forward to it!

But not expecting something bad, but staying with him for a while.

“Are you going back to sleep?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “It’s big night, why don’t you go back to sleep?”

Yan Shu also stopped talking, watching him open the door and put himself down on the sofa.

“Are there any arrangements for tomorrow?”

“There will be a classmate meeting tomorrow. Since I helped you, you also help me.”

Jiang Wen was taken aback for a moment: “Continue to pretend to be your boyfriend? Yes, I’m familiar with this.

Also pretend, pretend you are tall.

Yan Shu was also angrily, picked up the drag pillow on the sofa and threw it over.

“What time tomorrow?”

“Let’s go before eleven o’clock noon, you have to dress up!”.

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