Chapter 81 The way of swallowing gold, jumping in the fire pit (seeking automatic subscription!!)

“Wangxing Real Estate transferred the land development right of No. 78 Huancheng Road.

“The reserve price is 41 million per acre, and the auction starts now!”

The host put down the microphone and stretched out his hand to rang the brass bell.

Hearing the sound, major real estate developers raised their placards one after another.

“42 million!”

“45 million!”

“47 million!”

At this time, Zhao Hong of Warwick Real Estate slowly raised his placard: “I will give out 53 million.

The host’s eyes lit up: “53 million, is there any higher?”

Tang Long couldn’t help it anymore: “Add 100,000!”

“Good 53.1 million, bid No. 7 is 531 0!”

Zhao Hong glanced at Tang Long: “I’m out of 55 million.”

“Okay, there is a bid of 55 million for No. 2, is there any more?

“5500 once!”

“5500 twice!”

“5500 three times, deal!”

“Congratulations, congratulations to Warwick Real Estate!”

“Congratulations to him for winning the development rights of Wangxing Real Estate at a price of 5,500 per mu!”

Immediately, there was a burst of applause in the venue.

Zhao Hong, chairman of Warwick Real Estate, stood up with a calm expression on his face.

As the largest real estate developer in the city, the land he fancy will never go empty.

Only Star City Real Estate and Shihao Real Estate can compete with him in price.

But I don’t know why, these two companies have not called to the end today.

Almost all good plots are almost emptied now.

The only thing left is the land used to recharge.

They still don’t make a move?

Yan Ruohai sighed, “Warwick has taken another good piece of land.

Tang Long couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable: “The development of that piece of land will definitely sell it.”

“Yes, I am really unwilling to let Zhao Hong take this piece of land.

“Brother Jiang, when shall we take the shot?”

Jiang Wen drank slowly: “Since you want to make a shot, you must pick the biggest shot.”

“You don’t really think that Red Dragon International is the biggest one, do you?”


Tang Long sighed, “That’s big, but it’s a big fire pit.”

“The way to swallow gold is not to seek wealth and wealth?”

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai were slightly taken aback.

Did Brother Jiang know what news in advance? 23

At this moment, the host raised the microphone again.

“Next, Honglong International transfers Land 156 Beiwaihuan.

“The reserve price is 43 million, and the auction starts now.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the bidding seat was stunned.

It costs 43 million for this broken place?

Who set this price is simply outrageous!

The auction started at No. 78 Huancheng Road just now at 41 million.

Isn’t this a mess? Who will shoot?

Sure enough, the scene was silent.

The host also felt a little embarrassed at this time.

The land price is officially issued, not privately set by them.

They were also confused when they got the bottom price list.

But people officially said that this is the most reasonable price they have evaluated.

However, official pricing is not based on commercial value.

They also consider various non-commercial factors when setting prices.

Like the area’s population, industrial value, and local GDP.

However, this reserve price does not mean that the land has commercial development value.

Therefore, this often results in a situation that the government considers to be of high value, but the real estate developers simply look down on it.

Red Dragon International was almost crying.

24 million won the development rights, waiting a year to rise to 42 million.

Fortunately, it was not developed at the beginning, and it will definitely be a loss if it is developed.

Now that it is transferred out, the money he invested before can still be taken back, which is really thankful.

But the key problem now is that no one takes the order!

If there is really no one to take the market, this piece of land will really fall into their hands.

Either develop it or pay a 30% penalty to the government.

The boss of Red Dragon International was almost nervous at this time.

“No? Is it going to pass?”

“It’s normal. That piece of land was only 24 million acres a year ago, which has doubled. Who wants it?”

“The key is to lose money after development. Who wants to buy a house and do business?”

“Well, whoever wants anyone is a big fool.

At the same time, Tang Long and Yan Ruohai clung to Jiang Wen’s hands.

Jiang Wen wanted to raise his placard immediately, but was stopped abruptly.

“Brother, listen to the advice of your brothers, you are still young!

“Yes, let’s make less money, and don’t jump into the pit.

“This is not about seeking wealth and wealth, but about moths fighting the fire.

“Let Red Dragon International clean up the mess, don’t participate!”

Jiang Wen couldn’t laugh or cry: “If you take that piece of land, you will earn it, so you just listen to me.”

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai looked at each other, then shook their heads: “Brother Jiang, don’t think about it.”

They had done all the investigations before they came.

This Beiwaihuan No. 156 is a garbage ground at all.

Without it in the urban planning, the subway construction can’t be close to the side.

Not to mention the construction of airports and railways.

If the land is harvested, it will definitely be a big loss.

Who would want to live in a place where there is no subway?

That place is only suitable for building factories, garbage stations or sewage treatment plants.

But at a price of 42 million yuan per mu, these polluting factories can’t hold it.

So this piece of land must be unsold,

“43 million!”

Host Ge Ran’s eyes widened: “Okay, there is a bid of 43 million on the 56th!”

“Is there any higher?”

“Is there any higher?”

Jiang Wen raised his hand with a calm expression.

It’s too cheap, only 43 million per mu.

Yan Ruohai regretted: “Old Tang, what is your special mother doing with my arm?”

Tang Long was also blinded: “I don’t know, I have been holding you?

At this time, the host raised the gavel.

“43 million once!”

“43 million twice!”

“43 million three times!”

“Congratulations to Golden Beast Investment Company for winning No.156 Beiwaihuan!”

When the voice fell, Yan Ruohai and Tang Longru were struck by lightning.

It’s over, it’s over, it’s done.

43 million per acre, a piece of garbage land was taken!

“Brother Jiang, are you serious?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “Soon you will know why.”

While talking, an old man from the Mediterranean suddenly walked over in the front row.

He grabbed Jiang Wen’s hand, crying to say thank you.

The bad dish was finally taken over, and the land is 178 mu.

The heavens and the earth, all opened their eyes.

“Mr. Jiang is young and promising. On behalf of Red Dragon International, thank you, old man!”

Jiang Wen waved his hand: “You are welcome, this is all I should do.

“Good people, good people are safe in their lives.”

Hearing these words, Tang Long and Yan Ruohai almost cried to death.

“Brother, what do you think?”

“Yes, are you spending money for charity?”

Jiang Wen stood up and arranged his clothes: “It’s over, go down and eat something?”

No way, it’s all over.

You can’t get rid of it even if you smash it in your hand.

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai sighed and left the venue behind him.

“Hey, did you see it, that’s the one.”

“He spent 43 million yuan to win the number 156?”

“Yes, it’s him, it’s amazing.

“F*ck, this young man, are you crazy?”

“It seems that he is a newcomer, and he dares to make a move if he doesn’t understand anything.”

In the underground cafeteria of the Kaidi venue.

Countless people scanned Jiang Wen’s group with their eyes.

But Jiang Wen was still light and breezy, constantly sucking the pasta on the plate.

He didn’t seem to care about those discussions and the taste of Beierxiang.

Yan Ruohai couldn’t eat it anymore: “Brother Jiang, what on earth do you think?”

Tang Long also raised his head: “Yes, there is a reason to spend the wrong money, right?

“Brother, why don’t you take good care of this land?”

“There is no such thing as this land in the planning of the new city.”

Jiang Wen nodded: “Then what?”

“That place is now empty and empty. If there is no plan, it will be empty and empty in the future.”

“So you guys came to stop me after studying?”

“Of course, this piece of land is the least valuable in this batch of land!”

Jiang Wen took out his phone and opened the map: “Has this place been developed yet?”

The two frowned and looked for a long time: “No, no.

“What about this place?”

“It doesn’t seem to be either.”

“Let’s take a look at this place again. Has it been developed?”

The two shook their heads: “There is no development either.

Jiang Wen pointed to three places close to No. 156 and got a negative answer.

In other words, it is not that No. 156 has not been developed.

Almost all of that area has not been developed.

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai looked at each other, and they all saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

It shouldn’t be reasonable.

Even if the land is rubbish, the local authorities will not ignore it.

Regardless of whether it is losing or earning, they will never be left empty.

Maybe every piece was sold at the auction meeting?

Doesn’t that prove that the place is rubbish?

Is there any good question about this?

Jiang Wen retrieved two more watches from the phone.

“This one is the reserve price list for the auction in 2019, and this one is the reserve price list for 2020. Look at the problem.

Yan Ruohai and Tang Long leaned on the table and began to study.

After a while, they suddenly raised their heads.

“There are five parcels of land adjacent to No. 156, which have not participated in the bidding since last year.”

“Only No. 156 will continue to participate in the bidding?”

Jiang Wen nodded: “You should know what this means?”

“Could it be that this area has been taken over by the authorities, and they want to develop it as a whole?”

“Yes, it’s the overall development.”

Yan Ruohai suddenly understood: “What are they going to develop?”

Jiang Wen wiped his mouth: “Don’t you all have your own sources of information? It is estimated that the news will be received soon.”

Just when he said this, many people’s mobile phones rang in the restaurant.

“What are you talking about? The area north of the North Outer Ring Road is positioned as a pilot base?”

“How much is the total investment? 12 trillion?”

“Damn, your information is too late!”

At the same time, Yan Ruohai and Tang Long also received a document at the same time.

“In order to rationally plan urban construction, the area north of the North Outer Ring Road has been listed as a new pilot area.

“7 high-tech research institutes, 14 information technology companies will be introduced, three primary schools, two middle schools, and two large shopping malls will be built.

“Highways, intercity railways, and subways will be built simultaneously, with an estimated total investment of 12 trillion yuan.


Is the official preparing to develop a new economic zone in the north of the North Outer Ring?!

And the number 156 that was just taken away is nearby!

The internal news is fast enough!

But why is Jiang Wen faster than internal news?

Yan Ruohai’s eyes widened: “Why is it not mentioned in the outline of the new urban planning?”

“Because it is not part of the new urban planning.

Jiang Wen held the dinner plate: “He was independently planned and will become a pilot area in the new city.”

“If it is well developed, maybe it will become a new sub-center of the city.”

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai immediately widened their eyes: “Then, don’t we make a profit without losing it?!

“It’s only 700, this is more valuable than Wangxing’s piece of land.”

While talking, several people suddenly left their seats.

They quickly arranged their images and lined up to Jiang Wen.

“Hello Mr. Jiang, I am the chairman of Fengmao Real Estate.

“And me, I’m the chairman of Cotuo Real Estate.”

“Mr. Jiang, do you have any intention to transfer the number 156?”

“I’ll pay 50 million for your land, can you transfer the development rights to me?”

“I give out 51 million!”

“Pull it down, I’ll pay 55 million, how about it?”

At this moment, Zhao Hong, chairman of Warwick Real Estate, suddenly walked over.

He glanced at Tang Long and Yan Ruohai, and finally fell on Jiang Wen.

“Unexpectedly, I would have missed it.”

“I didn’t even bid for the best piece of land in the audience.”

“Well, what do you think of me giving out 57 million?”

“If it doesn’t work, you can add it up.”

Jiang Wen raised his head: “Sorry, my partners are Star City Real Estate and Shihao Real Estate.”

Zhao Hong was silent for a while: “Should we cooperate in development?”

“Fuck, there’s a shit about you,” Tang Longbai glanced at him, “Such a good piece of land, are you stupid for us?”?

Zhao Hong took out a business card from his pocket: “Then I will give up on this land, but Mr. Jiang, I hope you can chat with me if you have time.”


“Yes, I know about the Hong’an piece of land. You prevented Tang Long from bidding with me.”

Jiang Wen remembered the incident a month ago.

At that time, Tang Sihan worked in his barbecue restaurant.

Tang Long drove over to catch his daughter.

As a result, Jiang Wen saw a business opportunity in him, so he took him to chat.

Tang Long took a fancy to a piece of land in Hong’an at that time and decided to take it no matter how much it spent.

But Jiang Wen told him that after the land was taken, he would definitely pay for his death.

Finally, the land of Red Bank was taken by Warwick Real Estate.

But after geological testing, the place cannot be commercialized at all.

In order not to lose money, Warwick could only develop a park there.

Jiang Wen took the business card: “Mr. Zhao, I just guessed about Hong’an.”

“You guessed the number 156 too?”

“Yes, I guessed it all.”

Zhao Hong smiled: “If I can guess every time, then I have to have a good chat with Mr. Jiang.,

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai stood up after hearing the sound, “What are you kidding? Old brother Jiang is our partner!”

“But what you can give, I can give it too!

Tang Long Yangtian laughed: “Zhao Hong, do you have a daughter?”


Zhao Hong regrets it.

He has no daughters, only a son.

But what does business cooperation have to do with my daughter?.

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