Chapter 80 Sending tea in the air, Jiang Wen’s god operation (seeking automatic subscription!!)

At nine o’clock the next morning.

The closet air conditioner in the classroom turned hard.

The compression device of the plug-in machine kept rumbling and muffled sound.

The financial algorithm course that the school spends majored in will start soon.

But the teacher may have something to do today, but the class hasn’t arrived yet.

In addition, in addition to the teacher of financial algorithms who did not come, there is another one who should have not come either.

At that time, Yan Shu was also sitting in the classroom, his face was slightly pale, and his eyes concealed loss.

There is no brown sugar tea nor Jiang Wen.

There are two things that can make you happy.

How miserable, I must be the worst school flower in history.

She pressed her cheek to the surface of the cold desk, her whole body exuding a sad temperament.

Knowing that Jiang Wen’s military training started early, it took Mr. Yan an hour in advance to come to the classroom and wait.

From 7:30 in the morning until nine o’clock.

Let alone Jiang Wen, he didn’t even wait for a feather from the schoolboy.

He shouldn’t be here, right?

But he obviously asked himself last night if he wanted to drink brown sugar tea.

I want to drink what I said.

Is this guy angry because of his indifference last night?

Yan Shu also sighed and put on his hat with a hoodie.

She will be cut off from the world and hibernate.

Hibernation can forget sadness.

Forget Jiang Wen, the bastard who said nothing.

I don’t know if it is metaphysics or superstition.

After she was sure that Jiang Wen would not come, the pain continued to increase.

The school girl, who had looked as usual and looked forward to it, began to frown at this time.

“It’s over, I’m late!”

At this moment, three figures rushed into the back door of the classroom.

Tian Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei rushed to their seats.


“Great, catch up.”

Tian Ge panted for a while: “Book also, good morning.”

Yan Shu also nodded weakly “Seven Zero Zero”: “Hi, good morning.”

“What happened to you this morning? Why did you come so early.”

“It’s nothing, just can’t sleep, so I came early.

Tian Ge nodded: “By the way, guess who did I meet downstairs just now?”

Hearing these words, Yan Shu also sat up straight.

The loss in her eyes was instantly replaced by light.

Is your own brown sugar tea in Tian Ge’s hands?

Well, it is very possible.

Did you ask Tian Ge to send it again, right?

Wasn’t it the same yesterday?

But soon, she heard an extremely disappointing answer.

“We met the teacher of the algorithm class, and he is arguing with his girlfriend below!”

Du Qing also nodded excitedly: “I didn’t expect the algorithm teacher’s girlfriend to be such a bitch, but Jingran directly did it!”

Yan Shu also smiled weakly: “Why?”

“She said that the algorithm teacher stole a female teacher from the school, but the algorithm teacher has always denied it.”

Liu Yufei entered the topic at this time: “Such a hot woman, if I want me, I will eat it too!

But she is different, she checks them one by one.

As a result, every Thursday, all classes are full.

The shadow of a person’s name and tree is afraid of anyone who sees it.

At this time, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Director Xia walked into the classroom with a group of student union cadres.

“Check me, check me fiercely!”

“Ning to check a hundred mistakes, not let go of one!”

Director Xia gave an order, and the cadres of the student union were dispatched.

At this time, Yan Shu couldn’t help but straightened up, waiting for the call.

“Zhang Tao.


“Wang Erma.


“Wu signed.


“Yan Shu also.


Just when the student union cadres read Yan Shuyi’s name.

Director Xia, who had been silent, turned around and walked straight towards her.

Seeing the look and actions, she seemed to come here by herself.

No way? No way?

Director Xia has evolved to the point where he can even detect the idea of ​​skipping classes?

I obviously wanted to skip class and haven’t escaped.

Yan Shu is also a little guilty.

“Yan, right?”

When the voice fell, everyone in the classroom couldn’t help turning their heads.

Damn, Professor Yan has been paid attention to by Director Xia?

It is the jewel in the palm of the school, the crush of all boys.

Is she going to be brutally murdered?

Countless male students showed a worried look.

Yan Shu also sat up straight: “Director, I am, but I didn’t skip class.”

Upon hearing the answer, Director Xia suddenly showed a kind smile: “It’s you, I’m afraid I can’t find it.”

Du Qing, Tian Ge, and Liu Yufei, who were closest to Yan Shuyi, were all stunned.

They never thought Director Xia would have such an expression.

And why did she specifically look for the flower of Yan Dahua?

Yan Shu was also at a loss: “Director Xia, what can you do with me?”

“Here you are.

Director Xia took out a thermos cup from behind and put it on her desk.

Thermos cup

There is a little bear on it

Will show the temperature

Brown sugar tea ???

Yan Dahua is stupid.

That thermos cup is the one that Jiang Wen holds brown sugar tea.

Even the patterns and scratches are almost identical.

This is definitely not the same style or the like.

Yan Shu also bet that it was filled with brown sugar water.

It’s over, didn’t Jiang Xuedi missed the military training and was caught by Director Xia, right?

“Director, what is this?”

Director Xia looked at her with a smile: “I insisted on going to class when I was feeling sick. I really am a good boy. Drink it quickly.”

Yan Shu also grabbed the thermos: “Where did you get this?”

“Jiang Wen gave it, he asked me to check your class first, and bring this to you by the way, for fear that you will feel uncomfortable.”


The four sisters in the dormitory are all stupid.

Jiang Wen actually asked the school’s toughest dean to deliver brown sugar tea?

This is undoubtedly asking the Bull Demon King to go down to the field to pull the plow.

Everyone knows that Director Xia is most disgusted with students falling in love.

She felt that even a university should be an academic paradise.

Falling in love and making friends are a waste of time.

Yan Shuyi’s eyes were full of curiosity: “Director, how did you meet Jiang Wen?”

“Oh, I just met your boyfriend below, and he came over to question me as soon as he saw me.

“I was strange at first, huh, anyone else would dare to chat with me?”

“After chatting a few words, I think this young man is very mature, and his conversation is very good.”

“The most coincidental thing is that we turned out to be fellow villagers.”

Director Xia’s eyes showed a trace of nostalgia: “Jiang Wen said that no matter how far he goes, his hometown is the final destination, so he was very kind when he saw me.”

“That’s great, my hometown is the hometown, but my hometown has been demolished for a long time.”

Director Xia even got wet in his eyes.

No one would have thought that a director who usually had a dark face would have such a deep love for his hometown.

What does a modern poem say?

Why do I often have tears in my eyes?

Because I love this land deeply.

“By the way, classmate Yan, you have to call me auntie.”

Yan Shu is stupid again: “Ah??”

“Because according to our seniority, Jiang Wen wants to call me aunt, aren’t you his girlfriend? Did I misunderstand?”

Yan Shu also blushed pretty: “Auntie.

Director Xia stretched out his hand and touched her head: “It’s so good, the student’s love is so pure and amazing.”

When the voice fell, everyone in the classroom stared.

Isn’t it?

Didn’t you say that before?

When the conference was held in the past, you clearly said that falling in love among students was the most time-wasting thing!

At this moment, Director Xia’s eyes suddenly became cold.

She pointed in the direction of the corridor: “Grab the two who are in love for me, and they are holding hands while in class. What a decent way!”

As soon as the voice fell, Director Xia rushed out quickly with people.

At this moment, only a group of silly students were left in the classroom.

“Book also”

Yan Shu also turned her head innocently: “What’s the matter?”

Tian Ge swallowed, “Don’t you think your brother Jiang is really awesome?”

Du Qing also nodded stupidly: “From Aunt Chen to Director Xia, no one is indifferent to him.”

“Yes, whoever he wants to help him will help him.”

“You don’t know where the surprise will come from.”

“He turned everyone around you into relatives, so he can spoil you even if he doesn’t have time.”

“I’m so admired

“My teeth are sore.

“Even Director Xia asked you to call you Auntie.”

At this time, Liu Yufei suddenly had an idea: “Hey, not only will you not be scolded if you don’t turn off the lights at night, you can even skip class?”

Tian Ge looked at her: “Have you tried it?”

“I tried it. I slept with the light on last night. Auntie didn’t care. She asked me how Shuyi was doing this morning.”

Du Qing supported her cheek: “Because he pets you, so he hopes everyone will pet you.

Hear Du Qing’s final summary.

Tian Ge and Liu Yufei really cried with envy.

Is there a better pamper than this?

Yan Shu also looked at the thermos cup and suddenly smiled.

How does it feel?

I don’t know, I don’t know.

But I feel that without him, the world might be dark.

But brother, you have taken root in my life.

My auntie is your godmother.

My dean is your aunt.

You have recognized so many relatives for me.

How will you leave after ten days?

Would you really be so decisive?

“No, this fellow junior is too much!”

Tian Ge suddenly turned his head to look at Yan Shuyi: “Is he still angry with us?”

Yan Shu is also a little pity: “What’s wrong?”

“Director Xia obviously arrived behind us. He actually asked Director Xia not to ask me. I wouldn’t really have no soup to drink, right?’

Du Qing sighed quietly: “You promised to take good care of Shuyi for him, but you ran out to play on your own, and you deserve it.”

“Huh? Obviously you ran out to play too, okay.

Liu Yufei looked at Tian Ge: “Otherwise, let’s apologize.”

“It can be, but how do you say?”

“Why can’t you say?”

Tian Ge looked at Yan Shuyi: “Jiang Wen is not Shuyi’s boyfriend. In what way do we apologize?”

“Makes sense”

“Yes, we can’t take good care of our roommates, why should we apologize to the younger brother?”

“That’s the truth

Yan Shu also nodded.

They are not together, so they have nothing to do with each other.

There are many things that seem weird to do.

This Jiang Wen is also a bastard.

You obviously spoil me so much, don’t you even lose your hand if you can’t pull it out?

What are you thinking about?

Should I admit that I am a fairy who never sleeps?

Yan Shu also wanted to cry without tears, and slapped directly on the table.


The little forehead is in close contact with the desktop, knocking out a red mark.

“Well, it hurts”

At the same time, in the center of the Magic City, Kaidi was the venue.

Jiang Wen is sitting at the auction table, with Tang Long and Yan Ruohai on the left and right.

He did escape the military training today because there was an important bidding meeting in the morning.

So he could only ask that Director Xia to bring the brown sugar tea.

Then he hurried over.

It is very important that this auction will have a piece of land.

As the first step for the golden beast to enter the real estate industry.

This piece of land will thoroughly let the real estate industry see his strength.

Land in China is not allowed to be sold in any form.

But the official can decide to whom to give the 1.1 development rights by way of bidding.

However, if a real estate company obtains the development rights and does not want to develop it, it can still be transferred out through auction.

“Brother Jiang, Wangxing’s land contains a lot of gold, right?

“If you don’t shoot, just raise the price and stop.

“What about the land sold in Kuncheng?”

“Neither, look down upon it.

“The land in East County should be taken, right? It’s a business to make a profit.”

“There are no large merchants to settle in, and the hot places are still rubbish, pass.

“Brother Jiang, look at this, the land on the coast of Lincheng is a sea-view room!”

“The gap in the development of homestays is too long, and the development of housing cannot be sold, and it is also rubbish.

“Why can’t it be sold?”

“Why not buy Wanghaizhian when buying a sea-view house, what do you two rich people think?”

“Oh, the land on the coast of Lincheng is a bit off, the traffic is not so good, and the road section is still blocked.

Jiang Wen smiled softly: “Two brothers, don’t get excited, I have a goal.”

“True or false, which goal?”

“The piece of Red Dragon International.”

Tang Long and Yan Ruohai looked at each other.

They all saw the puzzle in each other’s eyes.

The land of Red Dragon International is really super remote.

Forget the remoteness, there is no business district around.

If you develop low-end housing, you won’t make any money at all.

If you develop high-end housing, no one will buy it at all.

If this thing is photographed, it must be smashed in your hands.

Otherwise, why is Red Dragon International rushing to transfer?

Because the new city is not planned to that place at all.

Waiting a few years will not see any value that can be developed at all.

“Brother Jiang, why don’t you think about it again?”

“Yes, let’s take it for fun, don’t shoot casually.”

Jiang Wen took a deep breath: “This land is inevitable for me, trust me buddies.”

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