Chapter 33 Today, renting a house is only 10% off! (Seeking flowers evaluation votes!!!)


The branch operation plan has been completed.

Reward: 10% discount card for rent, valid on the day.

Note: With this card, you only need to pay one-tenth of the rent.


Host: Jiang Wen

Net assets: 835,613 yuan, 9 cents and 7 cents.

Number of shops: Never sleepy self-service barbecue X1

Ability acquired: unlimited business opportunities

Reward already in effect: 10% off rent card

Expired rewards: spend one hundred times cash back

At six o’clock in the morning, the chickens had not had time to crow.

Jiang Wen with dark circles under his eyes stretched, and the system reminder sounded in his ears.

Yes, he stayed up all night.

Through unremitting efforts and case inquiries, he finally completed the branch plan.

As long as he rents a few more shops, he can immediately open Never Sleepy as a chain store.

But he didn’t expect the system to be so arrogant that he would directly lose a Yizhe card.

That is to say, a shop with a rent of several hundred thousand can be rented out for only a few thousand.

But this card can only take effect today, so hurry up.

Originally, Zhuge Liang borrowed the arrow from the straw boat, and only owed the east wind.

Now there is even Dongfeng, so what are you waiting for?

“Old Fang!”

Jiang Wen stood up, reached out and patted Fang Daxiong.

At this time, Fang Daxiong, Wu Ming and Du Ziteng had just returned from the Internet cafe overnight.

They are so sleepy, their entire faces are full of I really want to sleep.

But the military training will begin at eight o’clock.

The remaining two hours might as well not sleep.

Otherwise, it is possible to sleep until two or three o’clock in the afternoon.

So they squeezed their thighs while bracing themselves frantically, refusing to close their eyes when they said anything.

“Lao Fang? Did you hear that?” Jiang Wen walked over.

Fang Daxiong lifted up his head, “Old Jiang, to make a long story short, I can’t do it, brother.”

“I have something urgent to do today. You can ask for a leave of absence. I’ll make up for it first.”


Fang Daxiong looked at Jiang Wen in disbelief.

Even let a person who played games all night ask for leave and go to bed to make up for it?

Good guys.

The capitalists shed tears when they heard it!


Sleep until one o’clock noon.

The scorching sun penetrated the curtains.

The dormitory was empty when Jiang Wen got up.

There was a sound of singing red songs in the playground outside the window.

He got dressed and left the school, called the housing agency Zhang Bin.

The two drove a car and strolled between the university town and the city.

A field trip was made to the shop that I had noticed before.

“Boss Jiang, these shops are relatively popular shops, there are many people watching them, they are especially sought-after.”

Jiang Wen looked at him coldly: “We want to cooperate for a long time. If you don’t tell the truth, I can find someone else.”


“I should have made you a lot of money,” Jiang Wen leaned in front of him, “So I am a dad, right?”

Zhang Bin swallowed: “Well, there are really a lot of people watching this shop, but no one rents it…”


Zhang Bin shrugged: “This area does not belong to the urban area, but it is not cheap.”

“Tenants study the price/performance ratio, and they know that this place is expensive and has low passenger flow.”

“So generally in the end, tenants will borrow some money to rent out shops in the city.”

Jiang Wen frowned suddenly: “Since this is the case, would you recommend it to me?”

“I can rent it to you at the internal cost price, it’s definitely worth the money!”

“Okay, let’s rent it.”

Jiang Wen did not hesitate.

He has a discount card on his body now, so he doesn’t need to use it for nothing.

Zhang Bin immediately smiled and said, “The next shop is in the city. I will drive you there.”

“Well, let’s go.”

The two got on a Dongfeng Island production and drove all the way from the university town to Songjiang District.

There is a Fenglin Mansion on the Third Avenue, and there is a single-family business on the opposite side.

There is a roadside sign hanging on the door of this merchant, but it has obviously been closed for a long time.

A piece of red paper was posted on the door with the transfer/rental and contact number written on it.

Zhang Bin took out the key and opened the door of the shop: “Boss Jiang, come, please come inside.”

Jiang Wen stepped into the business and began to look around.

“Songjiang District is not well-known in Modu, but the key is that the rent here is cheap.”

“How cheap is it?”

“It’s cheaper than the university town, and there is a lot of traffic.”

Jiang Wen touched the dust on the desk: “Since the rent is cheap and the passenger flow is also large, can’t you rent it out?”

“Who says you can’t rent out, of course you can rent out!”

“The ash has accumulated so thick, and the advertising sign on the door has faded. Obviously it hasn’t been rented for a long time, right?”

Zhang Bin quietly lowered his voice: “This is what our manager left for his sister-in-law, who is going to open a cosmetics shop.”

“Then why don’t you continue to stay?”

“Let his wife find out…”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help but laugh, feeling that he has picked up a sister-in-law’s leak?

However, since this shop has a passenger flow, it is definitely not a problem to make money.

“Okay, take it.”

Zhang Bin’s face almost smiled: “There is the next store, which is also a very cost-effective store.”

“Zhang Bin.” Jiang Wen suddenly turned to look at him.


“Do I look like a guy who can only afford to rent a bargain shop?”

“of course not……”

Jiang Wen couldn’t help laughing: “Then what do you always recommend to me in these remote and remote places?”

“Then what do you mean?”

“I have a lot of money in my hands, do you want to make it?”

Zhang Bin’s hands suddenly trembled: “I know, I will immediately ask the head office to retrieve the city’s housing for you.”

Then, in the next three hours.

The two drove to the vicinity of Lujiazui.

They choose shops everywhere, as long as they are fancy, Jiang Wen does not hesitate.

Anyway, 90% of the money is borne by the system.

Even if you don’t use it to open a store, you can earn blood if you take it out and sublet it.

Such a large hand directly shocked Zhang Bin’s head office.

If it weren’t for Jiang Wen’s explicit refusal.

This group called Star City Real Estate even has to send a dedicated team to serve.

This is the charm of money. *

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