Chapter 32 Sleeping in Jiang Wen’s bed (seeking a flower evaluation vote!!)

Jiang Wen also reacted at this time.

I just used that cup.

Yan Shuyi actually took it to drink water?

“School brother.”


“I am a little sleepy.”

Jiang Wen didn’t quite understand what Yan Shuyi meant.

“Lend your bed to lie down, okay?”

“Senior sister, is this inappropriate?”

“I have taken a shower,” Yan Shu is also very serious, “I don’t believe you.”

Jiang Wen quickly stepped back: “Good elder sister, I see, you can do it yourself.”

“That’s right.”

Yan Shu also sat on the stool happily and took off his little leather shoes.

Thin white lace stockings wrapped her crystal clear jade feet.

It looks small and cute, but also makes people can’t help but think about it.

“Remember to call me when the instructor comes later.”

Yan Shuyi’s cheeks are flushed.

She stretched out her hand to pull Jiang Wen’s quilt over, and got in comfortably.

The body is relaxed, and the breathing gradually becomes even.

It’s the taste of Jiang Wen.

It is like the scent of vegetation that has been awakened to life after the spring rain.

There is a kind of peace of mind in the elegance.

In preparation for this year’s international competition, Yan Shu has also been having difficulty sleeping lately.

But I don’t know why, as soon as she lay on Jiang Wen’s bed, she soon became sleepy.

This is probably a sense of security.

In an environment of self-trust.

Or next to someone you trust.

Yan Shu also took a peek at Jiang Wen before falling asleep, his face was full of contented joy.

In the 302 dormitory, all the cadres of the student union have been numb.

They opened their mouths, but didn’t know what to ask.

“This… Am I dreaming?”

“This is not the real world, right?”

“College Yann actually fell asleep in the bed of her junior student?”

“Even if you share a cup, you still sleep together?”

“What is the relationship between them, who is this junior?”

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Tian Ge with the same shocked expression.

Because everyone knows that Tian Ge and Yan Daxiaohua are roommates.

So Tian Ge should know a lot of things, right?

But looking at Tian Ge’s expression, they felt that she also didn’t know anything.

That’s right, Tian Ge really doesn’t know anything.

She had doubts and guesses.

But she has never been stunned by a real hammer like she is today.

“Jiang Wen, you…what is the relationship between you and our book?”

Tian Ge looked at Jiang Wen seriously.

Hearing the sound, the other student cadres also leaned in.

Gossip is the most delicious thing in the world, not to mention school gossip.

Jiang Wen looked at Yan Shuyi, who was sleeping, “I really have nothing to do with Yan Xuejie.”

“Impossible, otherwise the book would not be like this at all.”

Tian Ge directly denied his statement: “You know, she doesn’t even use the water glass I have used.”


“I have never seen Yan Shuyi like this.”


“She said that only those who are extremely close can make her not hygienic.”


Jiang Wen looked at Tian Ge.

Xin said, senior sister, you have to let me admit something, right?

Then the next day, the school forum hot search again, right?

“Maybe… I look cleaner?”

“You mean I look dirty?” Tian Ge was angrily.

“No, no, I didn’t mean that, Senior Sister Tian, ​​please forgive me.”

“School brother, tell the truth, I won’t kill you.”

Jiang Wen’s whole body is beginning to be messed up.

What is the subtext of this sentence, kill yourself, right?

Is such a threat really good?

Don’t say that there is really nothing between him and the schoolgirl.

Even if it is true, does he dare to admit it?

Just as the two of them stared at them, the door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open.

The instructor stepped in, with a slightly sorry expression on his face.

“Sorry, some students refuse to accept the management and have to get back the contraband, so they wasted time.”

Upon seeing this, everyone in the student union stood up.

They were really boring in Jiang Wen’s dormitory.

Had it not been for such wonderful gossip to kill time, they would have left.

The instructor swept around in front of everyone: “Where is Yan Shuyi? Why is she not here?”

“Instructor, Shuyi is too tired to prepare for the competition these days, so I slept for a while.”

Tian Ge immediately stepped forward, climbed up the ladder, and shook the school flowers.

“Um… don’t move.”

Yan Shu also turned over, and there was a whistling in his mouth.

Tian Ge lowered his voice: “Shuyi, the instructor is back.”


“Get up quickly, Shuyi.”

Yan Shuyi waved his hand suddenly: “No, Jiang Wen, don’t blow into people’s ears.”

This sentence is not loud, but it is as deafening as thunder.

Everyone’s eyes have changed, including the instructor!

The school flower is Jiang Wen even when she talks in her dreams?

And listening to the meaning of this sentence, he often blows in the ear of the school flower?

Jiang Wen was already stupid at this time.

Very powerful, really powerful,

Yan Xuejie is really a good killer.

He was full of mouths and couldn’t explain it clearly.

Tian Ge looked at Jiang Wen at this time: “I can’t wake up, you can come if you have experience.”

“Senior sister, don’t wrong me, I have no experience.”

“Anyway, you try it.”


Jiang Wen thought about it carefully: “Yan Shuyi, your mung bean soup is gone.”


Yan Shu also sat up abruptly, and instantly became sober.

“Where is my mung bean soup?”

Tian Ge was a little bit dumbfounded: “There is no mung bean soup, only instructors, we should go back.”

Yan Shuyi realized this: “I’m sorry, I slept too soundly.”

“It’s okay. After checking for so long, it’s normal to be tired.”

The instructor looked at them with a smile: “Since the investigation is over, let’s disband and go back to the dormitory to rest.”

“Good instructor.”

Yan Shu also put on his shoes and looked at Jiang Wen with blushing cheeks.

“I’m leaving Brother Ha, by the way, your bed is so comfortable.”

Jiang Wen couldn’t laugh or cry: “Senior sister, I’m overwhelmed.”

While talking, everyone followed the instructor and left the 302 dormitory.

At this time, Jiang Wen couldn’t help but fell into contemplation.

Is it really important to make mung bean soup for yourself?

Can Yan Shu wake up from his deep sleep? *

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