Chapter 30 Being a girl, you can’t be reserved (seeking a flower evaluation ticket!!)

“What’s so exciting, these women.”

“Girls should be more reserved, how can this be the case.”

“You’re right, the book also?”

Tian Ge stood in the front row, Tsundere looked at Yan Shuyi.

But Colonel Yan was even more excited than the others at this time.

She stared at the dormitory sheet in her hand and bit her thin lip lightly.

There seemed to be a blazing fire in the eyes.

“Um, Shuyi…what’s wrong with you?”

Yan Shu also patted her shoulder: “Being a girl, don’t be reserved, reserved is a stumbling block that hinders human reproduction.”

“Huh? What kind of tiger wolf term is this?”

Tian Ge didn’t expect Yan Shuyi’s answer to be like this.

Isn’t the school flower the coldest and most serious?

How could he give such a serious answer?

She lowered her head subconsciously and glanced at the list, so her pupils suddenly tightened.

I go, Jiang Wen’s dormitory is also on the inspection list?

Well, this can explain why Yan Shu is so excited.

No way, as long as she got a little bit of touch with Jiang Wen, she was very excited.

I don’t know what’s wrong.

Soon, instructor Wang and instructor Li, who led the inspection, ran to the playground.

They led 20 student cadres and headed towards the boys’ dormitory area and the girls’ dormitory area.

A group of people fill out the registration list at the auntie, and then start random inspections one by one.

As a result, the already lively dormitory area became more lively in an instant.

“Don’t go in first, there is a buddy in this room without clothes!”

“Smoker? Spit out cigarette butts!”

“You are a man, why are there so many aunts’ towels in the cupboard?”

“Damn, did you pull it in the dormitory? It smells so bad!”

“Report instructor, here…someone is watching a small movie!”

“You two sleep on one bed? Come out for me!”

“How to make a rich woman fall in love with you? Return the rich woman’s address book, whose book is this? Stand up!”

“You are a male student, how do you wear special girls’ clothes?”

“Unqualified, all unqualified!”

Under the leadership of the instructor, the life of the freshmen was unveiled.

It’s so exciting, it’s so exciting to the extent that it’s outrageous.

Have you ever seen a lady’s lady doing house dance when the door opened?

Have you ever seen two naked men loving each other when the door is opened?

The faces of the two elder sisters who wanted to see their younger brother’s abdominal muscles turned green.

This is the little milk dog who usually dresses up like a dog?

This is the so-called talented student who can play the piano and sing?

Damn, their socks can stand on the ground!

Also, what is the suspicious brown-yellow liquid at the foot of their bed?

Is it so difficult to get out of bed and go to the bathroom?

They are not afraid of falling asleep in the middle of the night and just pick it up and drink it!

“Disillusioned, my mood broke directly.”

“Never come again, it’s better to chase drama in the dormitory.”

Hearing their complaints, Yan Shu couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

They are about to check the last dormitory, which is Jiang Wen’s dormitory.

Jiang Wen wouldn’t be so sloppy in private.

He wouldn’t do this kind of weird thing too, would he?

What if I am disillusioned like those two people?

“Okay, this is the last one left, knock on the door.”

A few people came to the third floor and arrived in front of door 302.

This is Jiang Wen’s dormitory and the last checkpoint.

At this time, a male student stepped forward and reached out and knocked on the door of 302’s room.

It was ten o’clock in the evening, and Jiang Wen just came back from the Never Sleepy BBQ Bar.

Fang Daxiong, Wu Ming and Du Ziteng are not in the dormitory.

They have been suffocated in the past two days, and they said to find an Internet cafe overnight.

Jiang Wen didn’t know anything about the game, so he didn’t follow.

He now has a deposit of more than 700,000 yuan, and is about to open a branch.

However, the management and operation of the branch is a great challenge for him.

Because he only knows little about doing business and has no experience.

Therefore, this matter must be carried out steadily and cannot be accomplished overnight.

To this end, he first greeted Zhang Bin and asked him to pay attention to the shops he needed.

Once there is a suitable place, he will go to pay the deposit immediately.

Zhang Bin was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

He has been renting shops for so many years, and has never seen a customer who wants to open two shops a week.

This kind of person is either a god or a brain problem.

But Zhang Bin knew that Jiang Wen had absolutely no problems with his brain.

Because the barbecue restaurant he opened is really making money!

Zhang Bin also lives near the university town, so he can receive any news.

He found that in the past few days, his circle of friends has been completely baptized by the three words “never trapped”.

That barbecue restaurant has become a hot spot in the catering industry in the university town.

There were long queues of students who came to make a string, and even urban residents drove over.

According to people who have eaten it, the skewers ingredients in this barbecue restaurant are very unusual.

Lips and teeth leave fragrance, and the aftertaste is endless.

Take the girl you like for three meals, and you can basically not go back to the dormitory at night.

Although this is just an exaggeration, they all reflect the popularity of this store.

So Zhang Bin immediately agreed and decided to hug Jiang Wen’s thigh tightly.

Bang bang bang ——

“Hello, military training house inspection, please open the door!”

Jiang Wen, who was writing the branch plan in front of the computer, was slightly taken aback.

Housekeeping inspection?

Is there such a program in military training?

He stood up very suspiciously and stretched out his hand to open the door of the dormitory.

Upon seeing this, the instructors and student cadres were all slightly surprised.

This is by far the fastest dormitory to open.

It seems that the members in this dormitory are very open-minded.

But as soon as he opened the door, Jiang Wen couldn’t help but regret.

His three roommates sneaked out to surf the Internet all night, didn’t they just hit the gunpoint?

Sure enough, after the instructor came in, he asked: “Where have all your roommates gone?”

“Um…I don’t know too well, maybe I went to the supermarket?”

While speaking, he suddenly saw Yan Shuyi among the crowd.

Yan Dahuahua was looking up and down in their dormitory at this time.

With the taste of scrutiny in his eyes, he kept walking on Jiang Wen’s bed.

This dormitory is very clean, there are no peculiar smells and no cigarette butts.

Especially Jiang Wen’s bed and desk are not messy at all.

Yes, Not Bad.

As a male dormitory, this is already a very rare thing. *

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