Chapter 29 Raid inspection of male dormitory (seeking flowers evaluation ticket!!)

“La la la~”

Yan Shu also watched Jiang Wen leave, turned around and entered the dormitory building.

She is in a very good mood now.

There is even a little pride.

Now the scandals in the school are flying all over the sky, but Jiang Wen never thought that Jiang Wen would dare to come to see himself.

This should be regarded as the best surprise she has had since college.

If the idea of ​​the school flower at this time is heard by those suitors, they will definitely cry to death.

Buy flowers, sing love songs, and place candles.

Playing guitar, guzheng, and erhu.

Recite poetry and dance in the middle of the night.

They used eighteen kinds of martial arts, and almost exhausted all the means of confession.

It turned out to be worse than Jiang Wen standing under the dormitory and shouting how many voices?

It’s better than it is.

The school flower actually felt that Jiang Wen gave her the best surprise?

What about the one who confessed by breaking a boulder on his chest and almost went to the hospital?

And what about the one who sang and sang himself hypoxia and fell directly to the ground?

And the one who accidentally burned his hair by lighting a candle and putting his name on it?

It is true that people are always in a commotion because there is no unreasonable demand in the death of the dead.

“Shu Yi, why are you not so cold towards Jiang Wen?”

Back in the dormitory, Tian Ge, Du Qing and Liu Yufei looked at her with puzzled eyes.

They just watched what happened downstairs through the window just now.

The doubts in the mind can be directly written in a book of 100,000 whys.

Yan Shu also froze for a moment: “Gao Leng? What is Gao Leng?”

The three sisters couldn’t help looking at each other.

The school girl, known as the Queen of Ice and Snow, asked what is high cold?

Isn’t it like Guan Gong asking what is a big knife?

“You are very cold towards the boys chasing you, and you don’t even know how to look straight.”

“I’m not cold, I’m just not in the mood to care about them.”

Tian Ge smiled bitterly: “That’s right, this is called Gao Leng.”

Yan Shuyi’s eyes lit up slightly: “So this is the coldness they said?”

“So when you face Jiang Wen, where is your high cold?”

“I said, I don’t know what high cold is, I just don’t want to pay attention to those who chase me.”

“Then what??”

“But I like to pay attention to Jiang Wen. When I see him, I can’t help but talk. I can’t get cold enough.”

The three sisters in the dormitory remained silent for a long time and did not continue to ask.

Because they have a vaguely bold idea.

That is, the relationship between the schoolgirl and Jiang Wen is different from what the outside world thinks.

Everyone feels that Yan Shu is proud like a white swan.

The reason why Jiang Wen is different is that Jiang Wen secretly impressed the school girl.

But now, the three sisters in the dormitory suddenly had another guess.

Between the school flower and Jiang Wen.

The cold one has always been Jiang Wen.

And the stalker seems to be the school girl.

is it possible?

“Nothing else, I want to start studying, come on!”

Yan Shu didn’t know what they were thinking, and didn’t ask much.

She took out the information book she bought and began to study it seriously.

As the school flower of Modu University of Finance and Economics, Yan Shu has never been a vase.

She was the national champion of last year’s stock simulation investment contest.

It is also the only top scorer in risk assessment and trend analysis.

She was not only regarded as a treasure at Magic University of Finance and Economics.

Even in the domestic financial industry, many business leaders have already focused on her.

Have you seen anyone who can get an offer every day before graduating?

Yan Shu is also such a great god-level existence.

Otherwise, why does the school value her so much? Can a relationship arouse the school’s vigilance?

That’s because she is really worth it.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the night became denser.

Tian Ge, who was about to sleep, suddenly received a text message.

“Shu also, look at the student union group.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The school has given us a task.”

Yan Shu also took out his mobile phone and clicked on the school student union group after unlocking it.

The group has been temporarily banned, and there is only one message on the screen.

@校学生会官: Please assemble in the playground immediately, cooperate with the instructor, and make a surprise inspection of the freshman dormitory!

That’s right.

Military training is not only about standing in the military posture, walking forward and martial arts boxing.

The most important assessment is housekeeping.

The table top is free of debris, the sheets are flat, and the quilt is stacked in tofu blocks.

All staff are neatly dressed, and there are no cigarette butts, beer bottles and other prohibited items.

This is the assessment standard for housekeeping, which will be included in the total score after military training.

“The guide is in the group, let’s go.”

“Well, go to the assembly.”

Yan Shuyi and Tian Ge got up, put on their clothes, and went to the military training playground.

There are more than fifty student cadres in the student union of the school, standing in two teams.

A team followed the male instructor to make a surprise inspection of the male dormitory.

A team followed the female instructor to make a raid to inspect the female dormitory.

However, not every dormitory has to be visited during this inspection.

After all, there are tens of thousands of freshmen in the whole college, and there must be thousands of dormitories.

So before coming, the instructor had picked forty dormitories immediately.

There are 20 male dormitories and 20 female dormitories.

In addition, the order was compiled according to the height of the floor and distributed to the hands of the student leaders.

This is the military training tradition maintained by Mordu University of Finance and Economics for many years.

Since it’s an inspection, you can’t play virtual, and you can’t just behave.

Raid check, how exciting?

Without preparation, every student’s state is the most authentic.

Those who smoke, drink, and watch art films will have nowhere to hide.

However, this does not mean that they have to trespass, because trespassing is an infringement of the privacy of students.

They will send cadres to knock on the door first to inform them of their intentions.

Within five minutes, if the dormitory door is opened, no points will be deducted.

But if it takes more than five minutes, it means that the dormitory is likely to be tricky.

They may be hurriedly picking up cigarette butts and enlarging the closet with their girlfriends. This is all possible.

“I look forward to this moment most every year.”

“Appreciating the boys’ dormitory with integrity is the reason why I joined the student union.”

Be included in the men’s dormitory inspection team.

There are a few elder sisters who have never been in a relationship before, chatting and discussing.

Their faces were full of excitement.

Single for so long.

Just rely on this time to look upright at the little brother who is not wearing clothes. *

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