Chapter 267: Inside the Bizarre Criminal Division.

Smith showed an amazing scene!

I only saw everyone, and I don't know when he appeared behind Captain Wan.

Due to the time all this developed, it was just a blink of an eye, and they all showed a bitter and speechless smile.

After all, the information obtained in front of him is still a little too shocking.

"I believe no one can understand what is going on now."

"But it doesn't matter, I believe that in the next transformation...everyone will be able to understand the truth of the facts."

"It is also very helpful for us to change the current status quo. It is also a very good response."

"Because this is just a method I used ten years ago. When I was in the circus, I was invited by many people to perform specially."

"So, I believe that everyone can also know whether I have the ability to change all these crises. This is also a particularly important key point."

At this time, Chief Liu obviously saw everyone's doubts, so he explained with a smile:

"It's very likely that the big guy doesn't know why he invited the other party to become a member of the detective team."

"Because of the criminals we are facing this time, it is very different from the previous ones."

"It's just one of those things he's had the help of a lot of people in this case."

"From the perspective of the latter situation, I am afraid that he will also use some abilities beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. This is the key that we must be cautious."

"So you have to be very clear that if you have already become a cooperative relationship, you are a close partner."

"Unless there is a last resort, it is best not to have infighting."

When Smith heard this, he obviously smiled gracefully, and did not forget to bow.

When facing home, he was extremely calm, and he couldn't see at all that he would be the one who made the big golden robbery.

"I believe that through this cooperation between us, everyone can better understand how helpful people like me can be."

"At least on the most critical issues, it's the same fact that the world can't be replaced."

"I've seen too many bizarre cases, especially about those guys who live in the dark, and even use some plans to hold cards."

"So, in the face of such a guy, we have to use bizarre methods to resolve these crises and the consequences."

"And about this guy who appeared in Zhonghai City, after my various investigations, I found a particularly interesting law."

"That is to say, every time he is in the world, he seems to be able to escape safely, as if it was divine help."

"But in fact, there are... definitely some incredible real answers in it."

have to say.

In the beginning, Smith was able to cause such terrifying things to show.

Obviously, it also has its own unique side.

When Wan Qian heard this, although he said that he felt that through the situation in front of him, it was a little hard to accept.

This is the acceptance that these events have already happened and can only be continued.

Otherwise, these situations are not so simple.

The most important thing is.

He could completely hear the members of the detective team.

It seems that this master of psychology is regarded as a guy with some bizarre methods.

So, as to what the specific situation will be.

Not so easy to understand.

Maybe the corresponding answer will be obtained later, but it is far from being able to understand the truth now.

"As for this guy Bai Changsheng, to be honest, I'm still willing to accept it."

"After all, what she did in the first place was very powerful, and it was completely trustworthy."

"Being able to lift the bizarre incident of the golden robbery depends on what he got after his hard work."

"But what's happening now."

"It's not so easy at all, the key point to be able to judge."

"Just talking about what this criminal guy said, I really feel a little unbelievable. How could he be so eloquent."

"Is it possible that there are some uncontrollable factors in this matter? If it is such a situation, how should it be answered?"

Wan Qian obviously has been doing investigative work for so many years.

His fiery temper never changed.

But even now, I can still feel a little powerless.

This is a completely unexpected situation, and it is not in the expected effect at all.

Therefore, it seems that there are some unpredictable, and the truth of the facts is obtained.

"There is a combination of these five thieves."

"If it was replaced before, it would be impossible for people to take over."

"But in this way, it's really a direction that can be followed."

"Lin Yi, the guy himself is an ordinary person, even if his learning ability is extremely strong."

"But also completely, it is impossible to achieve a qualitative leap in such a short period of time."

"This in itself is a direction that makes people feel full of doubts, so maybe there are some real answers, but it doesn't allow us to understand."

After Wan Qian thought of these questions, he could only show a bitter smile.

She also completely did not expect that one day it would develop to such a point.

He was no longer within his control, but his heart was full of curiosity.

If it is what this guy said.

It can also prove that for such a long time, there is no way to catch the other party without investigating and solving the case.

It is also due to the existence of a strange external factor that forms this obstacle.

"I think there should be no reason to talk about such a thing, although it is said that your magic is very powerful."

"But I believe it's an ordinary and fulfilling world, and it's impossible to have a situation like the one you've shown."

Wan Qian clearly knew that it was impossible for him to make mistakes in his judgment.

But these events happened...too bizarre!

At the same time, it's a little bit uncertain!

Bai Changsheng was very clear at this time.

Regarding the problems they are showing now, it is indeed not possible to understand them in the usual way.

It also creates a completely incomprehensible situation.

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