Chapter 266: Rewarding Cheng Yiyun never thought that she would be so helpless.


When he heard a blasting sound in front of him, he could feel the pressure around him, and it gradually decreased.

Is someone here to save me?

Or is it the terrifying pressure that triggered those new energies?

Cheng Yiyun soon felt tears welling up in her eyes.

Because, the scene in front of him is probably a situation that he will never forget in his life.

I saw a man in a suit striding in!

In the other's hand, he also held a chainsaw.

Obviously, the sound of the previous explosion was caused by the other party.

Lin Yi quickly saw Cheng Yiyun lying on the table in front of her.

Compared with the previous one, the other party has also changed a lot.

At least, that dark style has gradually moved towards a pure international style.

It looks like a goddess.

"It is completely unimaginable that time can really change a person."

"It seems that my evaluation of him before was a little too arbitrary."

"I don't know if he will be thinking about these things before when he arrives now. Anyway, it can be regarded as saving his life and resolving these grievances."

Lin Yi's current feelings are indeed the answer that can only be done in this way.

Otherwise, just rely on those previous problems.

I am afraid that the expected effect will not be achieved.

This is also the reason why he doesn't know how to greet each other now.

They had a conflict at the beginning, but it was still very big.

Therefore, when the real people meet, they always feel that the atmosphere has a lot of weirdness.

"It's really unimaginable that these guys in the Zhang family would do such a thing."

"It seems that he probably guessed my identity, and then knew something, and made such a plan."

After Lin Yi thought of this, he had already reached the hands of the other person's deep affection, and hugged the other person into the ice pack.

This is also the same item that he has exchanged from within the system.

Through these problems at hand, if you want to deal with the crisis, I am afraid it is not so simple.

That's the most important point, and it's not as easy as it seems.

"So, there is actually a completely understandable understanding of the occurrence of these conditions."

"It's about the Zhang family, they will inevitably want to get what kind of items from this place."

"About the two yellow hairs I met before, in the silver-gray box that I carried with me, there is a new energy that is hard to give up."

"It seems to be very precious, so combined with the escort of such a big battle this time, I am afraid the truth can also surface."

Lin Yi is indeed very clear that what he can do is very narrow.

If you want to solve it on the original basis, I am afraid it is not so simple.

The most important thing is that the Zhang family has developed very rapidly in the recent period of time.

And he can't carry out the operations on the bright side like before.

So, next time...

Cheng Yiyun can feel herself, and after being picked up by the other party, she is gradually leaving the scene of this disaster.

The surrounding containers were burned to the point where only the skeleton was left, and countless ashes were scattered in the air, and the smell was extremely unpleasant.


They must also leave in the nearest time period to prevent their lives from being threatened.

There are too many toxic substances in it, and it is simply not something that can be dealt with at present.

"I never imagined that we would encounter such a dangerous thing. It seems that it is life and death sharing weal and woe?"

"At the beginning you said I was like a coward. It seems that the situation about all this has finally been changed."

"After all, there are many times when some dangers come, and they are simply not in the level of control."

Lin Yi really recalled the various situations that happened before.

He didn't know either.

Why are these questions suddenly recalled?

But I always feel these situations, compared to before...

It is also revealing a lot of incredible, far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

"It's just that these guys have forgotten one thing, and there will always be some traces left here."

"Just like those two guys who fled in a hurry."

"I'm afraid there is also some kind of cooperation with the Zhang family. As for the specific situation, I don't know. It seems that very interesting things will happen in the news tomorrow."

After Lin Yi thought of this.

Soon, I heard Cheng Yiyun in her arms coughing.

Very obviously in the form of these fires, very nightcaps put aside this high amount of temperature first.

These toxic substances can completely cause suffocation.

Cheng Yiyun knew very well that if they wanted to leave, it might not be so easy.

A series of choices must be made.

Otherwise, it will only make the situation extremely serious.

"According to the current situation, if you keep doing this, I'm afraid you will leave a lot of diseases, and you must do oxidation in advance."

"You can't eliminate the toxic substances in your lungs, it will only greatly damage your body's defense capabilities, and your lungs will also have a certain impact."

Lin Yi looked at the thick smoke that gradually increased around him.

Being able to feel them and wanting to leave this place is not an easy thing at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a more suitable exit around to prevent the arrival of danger.

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we arrived at some hospitals ahead of schedule."

"In this way, you can quickly solve the problems that occur in your body."

"I can feel that you are about to enter the state of occurrence, and in a while, there may be symptoms of gibberish."

Lin Yi is very clear about what he is facing at this moment.

Because after he got the reward of the system, he got to observe some features in the human body.

For example, if there is a disease, that part will emit a red warning aura.

"According to normal conditions, the medical skills rewarded by the system have also reached the level of experts, but there are no professional instruments..."

"If I want to deal with it, it is impossible at all."

"I just hope that neither my identities nor his identities will be exposed by then."

Lin Yi could soon find out that the other party was so angry.

Do you really want to use medicine?

But compared to this, it is not so easy to make a judgment.

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