Chapter 256: Expel Zhang Su is in the family, he is telling everyone at the banquet.

The insights that he has had in the recent period of time. After all, he successfully took the position of the Zhang family.

It can be described as a status under one person and above ten thousand people.

Not to mention that among these problems, it is equally impossible for ordinary people to overcome this situation.

Therefore, it has more value.

"Why are there so many reasons? The biggest problem probably exists here."

"Our Zhang family's biggest enemy is now like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating."

"I believe that he won't be mad for much time."

"At that time, we will be able to completely win it. It is also impeccable for these things, and it will have more value and significance."

"And our Zhang family, the direction of development in the recent period of time..."

"It's completely possible that certain changes can take place now."

"After all, it has always been according to the previous idea. At a critical moment, it is very easy to be hit by other industries."

"So a series of measures at this time ... can all play a decisive role."

"This is also the main problem that cannot be criticized. If the corresponding opportunity is missed, I am afraid that there will only be more complicated answers."

Zhang Su was obviously in a very excited state.

Because he found that what happened recently was completely smooth sailing.

There were no crises at all.

After all, according to the previous situation, such a thing is rarely seen in the stage of becoming a killer.

He was constantly wandering on the edge of life and death.

I have never thought of some dangers and can achieve the expected results very well.

Therefore, it has caused so many influences, in fact, it can be completely answered through many levels.

"It seems that under my leadership, the family will only usher in a day of prosperity."

"At least the problems that everyone was worried about before do not exist at all, and this is something that our staff should learn from."

Zhang Su was obviously in a state of extreme expansion.

He is also able to understand what he has done, and will only welcome more personnel to replace him in the future.

Because he didn't want to go back to the way he lived before.

Although these thoughts are very sudden, he is also clear that he is getting closer and closer to the eldest Miss Zhang family.

If one day falls into the bottom of the valley, I am afraid that all this will gradually go away from him.

"So now I'm trying my best to develop the Zhang family's creation in the auto industry."

"After all, we can be considered experienced before. For some subsidiaries, we can gradually merge into one largest company and create our own unique brand."

"When the time comes, there will be a strong alliance with foreign countries."

"About this new energy, we can quickly occupy the market of Zhonghai City."

"Not only in this large city, but also in other locations, we can gradually develop some joint stores."

Zhang Su is obviously very clear.

You must show a certain talent in order to prove your worth and win everyone's love.

"So, according to the current situation, the members of the family can completely gain greater benefits according to my philosophy."

"Otherwise, it may not be so simple to keep delaying."

"This is also one of the things I need to answer for you today."

Zhang Su really has a very strong understanding in the face of these problems.

It's just to say that suddenly encountering so many things, no matter from any angle, I will not choose to believe it.

That is, the eldest miss will know a returnee, and the other party is the object of her most suspicion!

Lin Yi!

This name is like a nightmare, constantly appearing in his mind.

It is also impossible to remove it, which is a very scary phenomenon.

"If you continue to follow this method, it is most likely impossible to achieve the expected effect, which forms a very scary pattern."

"But in many cases, it is not within the scope of control to completely resolve it."

Zhang Su also does not know if facing these problems, whether it can reach the expected level as before.

But when you really want to deal with it, there is always an incredible feeling.

But at this stage, I only saw countless news media, and at this moment, they made a doubtful voice:

"May I ask Mr. Zhang about these things, although you are doing very well."

"But in reality, it's not as simple as it looks when it comes to the impact of the recent period."

"I'm sure it's clear to anyone about the impact these issues will have."

"That's the fire at the coast tonight. I don't know if Mr. Zhang was involved in it."

"Because that is the biggest female richest man in Zhonghai City, the materials purchased, but I didn't expect that such a situation would suddenly appear."

I only saw these reporters, constantly asking questions!

Obviously, all of them want to make an in-depth report on this situation before tomorrow.

This is what they want to achieve.

Zhang Su completely did not expect that such a problem would arise during this banquet.

Although he could understand it long ago, it is a situation full of unimaginable things.

Seeing only his assistant, Xiao Zhang rushed over at this stage and whispered in his ear:

"The most important thing is that now the eldest lady has followed the returnee to the location of the coast."

"So this kind of news quickly fermented after it was discovered by some places squatting at the mouth of the coast."

"Now countless media are waiting to see the jokes of our Zhang family."

"So, if you really want to solve such a problem, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Patriarch, if it really doesn't work, why don't you just answer them directly and let the security guards drive them out?"

When Zhang Su heard this, her face was extremely gloomy.

After all, this situation is also not what he wants to face.

In the heart of nature, he also fell into a tangled state.

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