Chapter 255: More Influence Lin Yi really didn't expect that a boulder would actually fall down at the front position.

But fortunately.

He accelerated in advance and hit the Rafa in front of him, only to successfully stop the opponent's speed.

Although, it caused a tailgating situation.

But fortunately, the problem is not that big.

"It seems that there are so many problems, and it can become very good within the scope of control."

"If it is really the same as before, I am afraid it will only cause more impact."

"Why are there so many problems, the expected effect cannot be achieved, and I don't know how big a crisis point will occur."

"It's just that, I always feel that there is something about such a guy, maybe someone is staring at him, otherwise there would be no such coincidence."

Lin Yi was able to clearly find the surrounding mountains, but in fact, there were measures to prevent recovery.


As for why it disappeared suddenly, it is also because it is not easy to detect it.

"So, it has caused so many problems, and I want to solve it thoroughly."

"I am afraid that it is no longer within the scope of understanding, and it is no wonder that it will cause such a huge impact."

"But what happened to these guys really refreshed the three views in my cognition."

"It seems that the situation they are in is really full of surprises."

"Otherwise, it won't cause so much impact, and it's not within the controllable range itself."

Lin Yi may have been surprised.

Immediately afterwards, he found the Rafa in front of him.

Although he said to stop, the guy inside did not walk down.

When he drove the car to the opponent's shoe countermeasure.

I could clearly see this rich boy, sitting quietly in the window, as if he was a little undecided.

After all, that huge rock blocked half of the racing road.

At that time, if he continued to sprint forward.

It will only be smashed to a pulp.

The better the situation, the better the response.

Even if you accelerate the steering wheel, you will just rush off the cliff and end up in a shattered situation.

"So it has caused so many impacts. If you really want to solve it, I am afraid it will not be so easy. Otherwise, it will not cause so many crisis situations."

"But if the situation really develops to an uncontrollable level, it is within the scope of understanding."

"After all, so many problems have occurred, and many times, they are not within the controllable range."

Lin Yi is very clear about these people living in wealthy families.

In fact, many times.

Your own safety is not something you can control at all.

"It's just that so many things have been caused. If you want to resolve it again, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"Anyway, if this matter doesn't delay my time, it won't concern me for the time being."

Lin Yi didn't look too much at the guy outside the window very quickly.

He drove into the road ahead from the opponent's side, and he was able to enter the position of the coast.

I only saw William sitting in the middle of Rafa, and his face was twitching at this moment.

He couldn't believe it at all that he had been helped by the enemy!

He is not a stupid man, on the contrary in the family.

It is also because he is too smart that he can achieve the status of the eldest young master he is today.

But because of this, he never imagined that there would be so many problems.

Compared to before, not at the same level of understanding!

"How could such a thing happen? Around this racing track, although it is said to be built in the mountains."

"But for security, I also spent a lot of money to get those guys to install some top-level facilities."

"It is impossible for these conditions to occur at all, and it has not been two years since it was newly built, and it is impossible to have some degree of material corruption."

"It has happened several times before, and the rain has not caused any kind of crisis."

William may have thought of these problems.

when he wants to do it again.

You can clearly feel the horror in it, and it's really a bit unusual.

"So, why did so many things go wrong before?"

"The biggest reason probably also exists here."

"No wonder the eldest lady of the Zhang family will choose who to follow behind each other."

William could suddenly feel it.

My own tolerance in these aspects is completely incomparable to that of the uncle.

And he also understands the darkness in his heart.

Anyone who has had too much contact with him will be able to know clearly.

"If you want to better solve these problems, I am afraid that it is no longer in the stage of judgment."

"Why are there so many changes?"

"It's just that I have never felt so helpless like today."

"It's like all things are simply beyond the scope of being able to grasp."

William only felt that everything he cared about seemed to be running against him.

just before.

This discovery has never been done.

It also made him understand that most of the time someone wanted to take his life.

It seems that the people who used to be my partners have not had an outsider yet...

"So there are so many problems, and if you want to solve them again, it is also an extraordinary situation."

"Don't let me know, who is secretly doing so many things to me."

"Otherwise, it will certainly not let him have a good ending."

When I saw William talking to this point, his eyebrows were full of anger.

But only seeing the position of the co-pilot beside him, Isabelle was still in a state of undecided spirit.

He never imagined that there would be so many deviations.

If it wasn't for that uncle who bumped into them in advance to reduce their driving.

I'm afraid it will only cause more impact.

"Brother, how many times have I told you that you should be cautious about these adventurous hobbies."

"Look, if it wasn't for the help of other people this time, maybe both of us, brother and sister, would have fallen into this cliff?"

"So, this is indeed a very painful thing."

When William heard this, he was obviously full of remorse.

He really did not expect that so many problems would occur.

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