Chapter 180: Hatred,

I only saw that the other party was a man wearing a Monkey King mask.

It seemed that he noticed his gaze and turned his body slightly.

How do you feel that you are being targeted by danger?

Only Zhang Qian frowned slightly.

Obviously he is the one who controls the whole situation.

Lin Yi is indeed in a different direction, but now the hero is saddened by the beauty pass.

Before the other party dies, maybe you can take a look and see that he has a cowardly side.

That's why he didn't shoot at all!

Lin Yi is clearly not afraid of the danger ahead.

I only see that he is still doing his own way, moving forward!

When Tang Wen saw this scene, his eyes were naturally wide open.

As the person in charge of the criminal division, he obviously understands the problems that arise at this moment.

There is absolutely no one who can find out about this place.

The previous guy who caught him also told him that about all this, they had planned for a long time, just to catch him as a bait to attract Lin Yi.

Now that it's done, they both have to die.

But in the meantime, I still want to see if there is any other emotion between the two guys.

As if toying with the human god, watching this emotional game.

what the killer did.

It was also exactly what Zhang Su requested.

The owner seems to want to witness, does this guy Lin Yi have any weaknesses?

Or maybe it was because some time ago, this ignorant guy dared to approach the eldest young lady of the Zhang family, and was angered by the owner of the family.

It's just to say that this guy actually continued to move forward, didn't he find himself?

Zhang Qian couldn't hold back his thoughts, so he could only pick up the loudspeaker next to him and say:

"Lin Yi, I've already heard of your name, but now I'm feeling far away. I didn't expect that we would meet in this scene."

When Lin Yi heard this, he didn't pay any attention, instead he directly ignored the existence of this person.

When Zhang Qian saw this, he was naturally a little angry, only to see him continue to say:

"All the staff of the Criminal Division are gathered below, so what if you saved the other party?"

"You're still dragging your ex-girlfriend, and neither of you can escape this arrest."

"According to the current situation, I will give you a chance. This is a pistol with a bullet in it, and the rest are empty shells."

"Now I'll throw it down, you play russian with this"

"I believe that the rules of the game you can do too. If anyone can survive this danger, I will take whoever out of this place."

"And swear that the Zhang family will not cause any harm."

When Lin Yi heard this, he stopped slightly and looked into the unglaring sunlight.

The masked man immediately threw a pistol at him, and he caught it firmly.

Lin Yi looked at the item in his hand, and could clearly feel that what the other party said was true.

I only saw Tang Wen's eyes at this moment, still revealing some words that he wanted to describe.

The other party kept climbing the stool to remind him to leave here quickly.

Only when Zhang Qian saw this, he laughed and said:

"Now is the time to test people's hearts. I heard that you can rely on your ex-girlfriends to keep fleeing and eating soft food."

"Looking at it now, I can finally understand why you were able to escape from so many incidents and have so much hostility towards our Zhang family."

"Tang Wen was misunderstood because of who fired a shot in the case a few years ago, and he has been sinking into deep self-blame all these years."

"According to the current situation, most of the reason why you returned to Zhonghai City was to help you, an ex-girlfriend, solve the danger, right?"

When I saw Zhang Qian say this, I was suddenly shocked in my heart.

He actually found that Lin Yi could still laugh at this stage!

That kind of smile seems to come from the abyss!

The other party was able to escape so many cases, obviously he had something special, and he didn't dare to be careless.

Therefore, he buried a lot of mines in front of him, and if the opponent stepped on it, they would all perish together.

And he can also jump along the nylon rope to the residential building diagonally opposite.

As the originator of the killer world, Zhang Su has already planned this session, and he is just a substitute for the execution.

There is never any emotion in their hearts.

Some are just looking for a little fun from some extreme things.

When Lin Yi saw what the other party said, he seemed to take it as air, like a puppet who couldn't speak, he would raise the gun in his hand.

After Zhang Qian saw this scene, his heart was ecstatic!

It seems that what he guessed is really going to happen, for these case personnel.

Only oneself is the most worthy of cherishing, how can there be any kind of love and righteousness?

The main thing is that he is by his side, but there is a camera that is shooting.

The head of Zhang Su's family also arranged for him to do such a task, and after recording the other party's ugliness, he directly posted it on the Internet.

At that time, it will definitely make everyone feel a deep sense of disgust in their hearts.

So as long as this guy raises his gun, he will kill Tang Wen first.

Zhang Qian not only won't take the other party away, but he can also push this guy to the top of the storm through comments on the Internet.

When this guy is alive, it is the greatest sadness.

In this way, those ex-girlfriends about him will no longer interfere with him.

Zhang Su also reconsidered after the fishing boat incident on the Internet before and after the failure.

Since the other party wants to find the ex-girlfriend of the criminal division.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity and do something to sow discord?

Zhang Su's control over anything is really scary.

But not only him, but also all those who hate Lin Yi.

They don't even know what Lin Yi really thinks in his heart.

Only seeing Tang Wen at this moment, tears suddenly flowed from his eyes.

She found that the other party did not continue to step forward, and seemed to acquiesce to his reminder.

And the other party also did not discuss with her to make a plan about the rules of the game.

Instead, she directly raised the pistol and aimed it at the top of her head, although they were said to be ten meters apart.

But bullets can penetrate easily._

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