Chapter 19: Dodge Son Lin Yi obviously got some news.

Regarding the personnel of the Zhang family, something has happened in the recent period of time.

So, this is also completely recorded by him in the voice recorder, which can be used later.

Judging from the current situation, he found that a lot of powdered items were dropped along the way.

It seems that some workers who paint the walls came to this place.

Originally there were questions about these...

Not something he should think too much about.

But the more you go to the front, the more this kind of powder increases.

The most important thing is that Tang Wen's footprints gradually appeared on the powder in front.

Lin Yi then fell into thinking.

He didn't rush to the spot left in front of him.

Why does such a problem occur?

It is very likely that someone will leave this position on purpose.

Tang Wen may have met the robbers after leaving angrily and had to flee at night.

But in the upper position, there may be someone who wants to deliberately target him, seeing all this and making preparations in advance.

But why is the person in this case able to do it to such an extent, or pretend to be a plasterer.

He left so many powders on the ground on the eleventh floor, and deliberately revealed flaws, allowing the other party to follow up.

With Tang Wen's character, as long as he encounters a case, he will not give up the pursuit in his heart.

After Lin Yi thought of this, the umbrella in his hand gradually tightened.

There is a signal that the pen can receive, within a range of 500 meters.

If the other party is hijacked and leaves from a secret passage, he will not receive any dangerous warning signals at all.

And at this moment, he did not carry any mobile phone card, also to prevent the search and positioning of some forces.

Lin Yi's sixth sense is very keen, seeing these items left on the eleventh floor.

Apparently, the situation gradually became serious.

"According to the current situation, only Zhang Su has a hostile relationship with me, unless he is constantly monitoring the VIP."

"Or maybe the manager of this auction house reported the matter to the Zhang family after seeing me take out the famous painting."

After Lin Yi thought about it, all the clues were finally connected in series.

If it develops according to this situation, it is indeed the best explanation.

Otherwise, it's not that simple.

It just means that for the situation in front of him, he just started looking for something about the computer.

When he entered an office, he began to enter an order.

Then, the hacking technique started.

"It's no wonder that this happened suddenly. It seems that about Zhang Su, it was a guess in advance. When it arrives, I will perform a disguise."

"So I didn't give up on my face."

"But anyway, this is too much beyond imagination."

"Could it be that in the location on the second floor of the coffee shop, they collected this identity about me?"

Lin Yi is surprised by what has happened so far.

But this is also completely in the direction that he needs to deal with.

Soon, he began to collect monitoring systems in all locations through his computer.

Suddenly, I found that a professional killer had changed into a maintenance worker's clothes in the locker room.

Put on a peaked cap...Continuously conduct investigations from various locations, and set traps in advance.

Perhaps Lin Yi could only shake his head helplessly after knowing such a problem.

It is very difficult to find someone right now.

The most important thing was that when Tang Wen left, twenty minutes had passed.

But the system also gave him the task of escorting Tang Wen away safely.

That proves that most of the killers will not take Tang Wen to other places.

And what is his purpose?

It also completely needs to be understood.

In the process of thinking, Lin Yi suddenly received a danger signal from the pen.

It's a no-signal reminder that stimulates his finger with electricity.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of something knocking from the position above.

"It seems that the top should be the balcony!"

Lin Yi quickly came to the location on the roof balcony, and found that it had been abandoned for a long time.

There are countless steel bars, blocking the place in front.

It is only possible to go around a very large road to reach the center.

Otherwise, the central location will not be visible at all, and it will only be blocked by the reservoir.

Faced with such a question, Lin Yi could only frown slightly.

For such a matter, he was indeed somewhat lacking in consideration.

Zhang Su, this guy, finally stretched out the devil's palm to the person beside him.

It seems that about these things, it can finally be concluded.

Lin Yi soon found Tang Wen, who had been bandaged, beside a well.

There was some panic on the other party's face, and it was obvious in the mouth shape that he asked him not to approach.

Lin Yi saw this situation and didn't care.

Instead, he shook his head fearlessly and continued to walk forward.

"Now I'm here to save you. I said before that if you press twice, I'll come and save you."

"Although you only pressed it once, I know that in such a situation, you need my help."

Lin Yi can fully understand the current Tang Wen, because it is very necessary to bring the work of the Criminal Division to investigate the original matter.

Therefore, it is also the same for some unknown resistance in his heart.

But although he doesn't care about these things, he doesn't want the other party to be hurt.

I only saw that he raised his head and found a location not far away, which had a dark muzzle aimed at the top of his head.

Lin Yi obviously smiled and didn't speak.

In such a situation, he was completely able to dodge bullets.

But it is difficult to determine which killer will suddenly tear up the ticket?

If Tang Wen was attacked by bullets, he would not be able to escape the danger at all.

Lin Yi obviously thought about this series of problems and had to fall into silent thinking.

The person sent by Zhang Su.

Completely thinking of destroying, it can be regarded as all his treasures!_

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