Chapter 10: Careless Lin Yi was taken to a special VIP room.

If he does this, for the auction house, the profit is actually maximized.

If you can get a favor from the Mai Zhang family, you will gain many privileges later.

The manager thought the same.

He only sold famous paintings for one dollar to repay the Zhang family.

"According to the current situation, there are two points in the matter. First, the auction house will not be able to see the light, and the Zhang family will acquire this famous painting."

"If you are reported, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around."

Lin Yi also thinks that this is one of the ways to push away experts, so it needs to be implemented.

Regarding the second point, it is because the eldest lady of the Zhang family likes painting very much.

But directly to send such a noble gift.

If you are any fool, you can see that he has other purposes.

Therefore, it is better to store an important note directly behind the Mona Lisa.

"According to the current situation, Zhang Su will definitely try his best to obtain this famous painting from his own family members."

"When the other party appears at the eldest lady's birthday party, he will be able to complete this series of gift-giving tasks for me."

"Even if Zhang Su knew that this painting was bought for one dollar, he would definitely think that I was afraid of them and wanted to reconcile."

Lin Yi tapped the table and chair with his fingers.

His eyes scanned the entire scene on the first floor.

According to the current situation, the emergence of these problems is not so simple.

But in any case, only through this method can we better deal with the Zhang family.

What he didn't know was that the Criminal Division was also planning all the countermeasures.

At this moment, Zhonghai City has gathered more than a dozen high-end investigators.


Wan Qian's face was ashen.

He never imagined that such a big thing would happen in the place under his jurisdiction.

The most important thing is about the arrival of those black-clothed personnel, and no specific identities have been identified until now.

Totally a ghost who suddenly arrived in this world.

"Why does this button continue to be complicated? Could it be that Lin Yi still has some offending enemies nearby?"

Wan Qian walked back and forth.

He didn't intend to let that little one go,

But suddenly, he found that on the second floor of the coffee shop, a dead lark appeared in front of him.

"Let the forensic examine the fingerprints on this."

Wan Qian felt that it was very likely that the convergence had the nature of a breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, only the forensic doctor and his own hands were seen, and after being tested by the equipment, a matching conclusion was drawn.

"Captain, there are Lin Yi's fingerprints on it, as well as the fingerprints of a young lady in the Zhang family."

After Wan Qian heard this, he was naturally very surprised.

Even the players standing behind him felt incredible.

"I'm going, this guy is too ferocious! He's already being hunted by the world, and he's still messing around with flowers!"

"This incident has refreshed my three views. I have never met such an arrogant criminal."

"I think Captain Wan will be angry and dizzy this time. His authority has suffered no less than three blows."

"I suddenly understood that it's not that our Captain Wan is not good at investigating, but that the opponent is too strong. Without the words of those tens of millions of yuan detectives, there is no way to catch him."

"Lin Yi dares to provoke the eldest lady of the Zhang Group, and is not afraid of retribution?"

"I think this kid should be more worried about whether his ex-girlfriends will be jealous? Don't smash him directly at that time, and this case will end."

"Old Wang, you are humorous again."

"Don't talk about it, didn't you see that Captain Wan was already angry?"


Wan Qian turned his head and leaned out of the window to observe.

He found that there is a camera here, which can directly look at the whole street.

Starting from this location will involve many directions.

But the best possibility has to be investigated.

Only at this stage, he suddenly received a call.

"Captain Wan, our headquarters just received a report from the masses that there is an illegal auction in the city!"

"The auction is in progress at this moment, and there is still an hour and a half before the end!"

After Wan Qian heard this, he came to his senses from the current case and frowned slightly.

How did these things happen so quickly.

"Get out of the team! Solve this thing first!"

Since Wan Qian was using the speakerphone, everyone could hear their goal at the moment.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered that there was a person who was not there.

"What about Tang Wen, why didn't Tang Wen go out? What is he doing?"

Facing the question from the captain, all the team members said one after another:

"Boss, didn't Tan Wen ask you for leave today? He said he had something to do and couldn't go to work today."

When Wan Qian heard this, he had already lost his previous vigilance, but instead had a clue.

Why did Lin Yi return to Zhonghai City?

A few days ago, this guy was still approaching one of his ex-girlfriends as Gao Yi.

By now, most of them are...

"I hope that the situation will not be as I imagined, it should be impossible for Tang Wen to do such a thing."

Although Wan Qian said that he felt some doubts, he did not think too much in a bad direction.

Lin Yi arrived in Zhonghai City today, and Tang Wen happened to be asking for leave.

"Little Wang, take a look at the number of steps Tang Wen walked on the software today."

"Report captain, Tang Wen seems to have made a long trip today, the number of steps..."

Wan Qian carried out calculations closely in his brain, and then, his eyes spit out all the light.

"I can finally understand the real purpose of that guy. It seems that there is still some carelessness between us."

"I don't understand why he did these actions, only that he is evil, and one side needs to be arrested."

"But the real purpose of this guy may have a lot to do with the Zhang family."

"Even if he has contact with Tang Wen, if he wants to invite the other party out, I'm afraid he wants to know something through the other party."

"Or, he wants to help Tang Wen... solve the troubles many years ago?"

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