Chapter 169: The investigation of the case only saw the largest auction house in Zhonghai City, located in a narrow street next to a bar.

When Lin Yi arrived, he had no idea that this place was so hidden.

I saw him tidy up the decorations on his body, showing a gentleman's smile, and then strode inward.

I only saw two bodyguards with standard body fat in the red curtain in the house, looking around at him.

"Registration with ID card, show assets."

When Lin Yi saw the other party say this, he was not angry, he just said lightly:

"I have a priceless famous painting here. If I want to auction it, please call the person in charge."

I only saw that the bodyguard heard this, and naturally he didn't answer.

After Lin Yi saw this scene, he could only take out the famous painting from the oil-paper bag hanging on his shoulder.

When only 1/3 of the Mona Lisa picture was presented, the two bodyguards breathed tighter.

After a while, the manager with dyed white hair trotted over.

"This gentleman, please, let's go in and talk in detail."

After seeing the manager panting, he immediately trained the two bodyguards.

After Lin Yi saw this, he naturally nodded and walked in.

Although it is said that all of this happens, it is between lightning and flint.

But the two bodyguards couldn't help complaining:

"These guys are really daring, and they dare to come and auction such famous paintings in person!"

"This guy can't be that Gao Yi, I didn't expect to come to our auction! I'm afraid the whole world is looking for him now!"

When I saw a young man in a white crane suit, who was following an old woman in, he stopped slightly.

He arrived at the auction this time to carry out a criminal mission.

Because he found that about this place, it was constantly receiving and washing the dirty items of some criminals.

This auction house is like an intermediary, digging up the stolen goods from criminals, excavating antiquities, and then selling them to the rich.

The white crane youth said: "Sir Liu, it seems that we came at the right time. I didn't expect that guy to appear here."

Time to the old woman with white hair, about sixty years old.

However, he was wearing a long purple dress with silver hair, but he was even more remarkable.

"It's really been a long time since I carried out such a task. This is a big case."

"But then again, in one case, another case is involved, which is not a good thing."

"At a critical time, words are likely to affect each other and influence our choices."

Bai He obviously nodded when he heard this this year.

"You have just graduated from the Prison Academy, some are full of blood, and some have bright minds."

"You know about Gao Yi, it's probably him."

"I have also seen the information about Lin Yi, and everything he did did not actually violate all our problems."

"On the contrary, he continued to go to various places to help us retrieve some lost cultural relics in order to clear his name."

"I always felt that Lin Yi, a young man, and his ex-girlfriends were independent of each other."

I only saw Chief Liu saying these words.

The white crane youth also benefited a lot, and the other party was the gold medal investigator of the older generation.

This time, being able to receive the attention of the superiors and sending this old senior to cooperate with him is entirely a fortunate thing for Sansheng.

The other party's words for arresting criminals are completely in the textbook.

"Lin Yi can clearly live a prosperous life. Why does he come back after living overseas? Then the reason must have something to do with his ex-girlfriends."

"His idea seems to be to help them get the same exoneration."

When the white crane youth heard this, he fell into silence.

The reason why he has successfully investigated and solved the case in the recent period of time.

There are also a series of cases that are closely related to his various elements of thinking.

"Sir Liu means that the other party will probably think that his ex-girlfriends did not make mistakes, and there must be a reason."

"But no matter what, no matter what angle you take, if you hurt other people, then it doesn't have any forgiveness in itself."

After hearing this, Chief Liu looked back at his partner and said with a smile:

"Why are the Criminal Division and many detective affairs all led by this guy."

"That is, they are not thinking from the perspective of each other, and what kind of development will the relationship with ex-girlfriends lead to."

"The most important thing is about female detectives. There are really too few, so you guys can think about these delicate things with careless nerves."

Bai He was a little embarrassed to hear this this year, but he was still respectful.

If this scene were seen by other colleagues, they would definitely be shocked.

After they entered the dark passage.

Chief Liu then continued:

"It now seems that our primary goal is to see if this guy will sell that famous painting."

"If it can prove that the other party's character is not good, then we must be able to use the thunderous momentum with regard to our investigation methods and execution capabilities."

"If this guy's heart is very calm, and if he takes the overall situation into consideration, and intends to do something good, then he can be sure that he is driven to a dead end..."

Mr. Liu has been engaged in case investigation for so many years, and he also rushed to the front line from his retired home recently.

Although such a large case is very bizarre.

Guys with ten ex-girlfriends, and most of them are criminals!

It looks like they are all revolving around each other.

Doesn't the presence of Lin Yi suppress their chances of committing crimes?

At least, except for what he did in the first place, since he made friends with Lin Yi.

Those crime girls never had any problems.


After Lin Yi spoke his thoughts again, the shock in the manager's heart can be imagined.

He never thought that the price offered by the other party would be so peculiar.

"Mr. Zhang, are you sure you don't think about it again? We don't ask the source of the item at this location."

"But at this price, you are completely giving away!"

Lin Yi only showed a warm smile after seeing the front saying this:

"It's okay, just do as I say."

"At that time, it will be sold to the representative of the Zhang family for one dollar."_

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