Chapter 147 James widened his eyes, looking at the situation in front of him, his heart was terribly nervous.

They obviously just lifted the alarm!

And the source of the alarm is definitely not this neon Rijksmuseum alarm!

Why is "Mona Lisa" all right, but "Lonely Fishing in the Cold River" just disappeared out of thin air!?

"What exactly is going on?"

"Monitoring! What about monitoring?"

"Moving forward, when did the question arise!?"

However, in the surveillance screen, they did not see any valuable information, just a flash of light, the painting suddenly disappeared...

There is no abnormality at all in the monitoring screen!

"What exactly is going on?"

James had never heard of such a situation before, he stared blankly at Sakamoto standing on the other side, and although Sakamoto noticed his gaze, he didn't reply at all.

At this moment, the entire monitoring room fell into an awkward silence.

At this time, James could only grit his teeth and give the order again.

"Block the entire Louvre!"

"Wherever this painting appears, find it for me!"

Just after he issued such an order, Sakamoto next to him said: "The collection of the Neon National Museum will be temporarily removed."

"We can't continue to take this risk."

"Make sure to put it back where we left it now."

And James' face became worse again, he glared at Sakamoto, and said angrily: "You are breaking the contract!"

"Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge!"

Sakamoto ignored his statement at all, and just said nervously: "We can't bear the problem with you."

"This is what's going on inside your Louvre."

"And it is also written in the contract that if an emergency occurs, we also have the right to deal with emergencies."

After saying this, he immediately left the monitoring room.

James didn't want them to leave at all, but now where does he have the energy to stop Sakamoto?

And even James himself knew very well that his injustice came first.

To put the picture of Count Karls next to the picture of the National Museum is actually a kind of disrespect.

Especially the painting that disappeared, not even from the Neon National Museum, but a painting they borrowed from the Earl of Karls for display!

It's not surprising at all that it would lead to such a situation.


He punched the table heavily, and then immediately said to the staff next to him: "Get the painting back!"


Lin Yi is walking among the crowd.

He lowered his head and moved quickly in the blind spot of the camera.

Under the circumstance that there is no dead angle originally, it is looking for different groups of people to hide.

Right at this time.

"Hello, dear tourists."

"Because of the alarm just now, the joint booth must be temporarily closed."

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you."

Hearing this voice, Lin Yi came over immediately, and his plan was continuing in an orderly manner.


"Then it's you."

Although Lin Yi didn't know the name of the Zhang family, this time, the other party's purpose in coming to the Louvre was naturally related to him.

If he may threaten his actions, the most important thing is of course to solve the threat he may generate.

At this moment, Lin Yi happened to pass by the Mona Lisa booth.

And the person he walked towards was Jiang Chengxiong.

Jiang Chengxiong and Lin Yi passed by, and under the cover of the crowd, Lin Yi and Jiang Chengxiong exchanged the same thing secretly.

Then, Lin Yi walked quickly towards Zhang Su's direction.

As he moved forward, he took out the walkie-talkie.

"Report A3."

"A suspicious person found."

"Black suit, seems to be communicating by radio with someone."


The voice from Lin Yi naturally rang in the monitoring room.

It was like a lifesaver for James.

His expression turned grim.

This huge gaffe can be said to make the entire Louvre a laughing stock. As the curator of the Louvre, he is likely to be held accountable for his dereliction of duty under such a mistake.

Now that he has discovered this situation, of course he will not miss it.

"A! Alert!"

"That No. 3, control the suspect!"

The curator of the Louvre has a very serious expression, and his eyes are fixed on A's surveillance video.


Zhang Su didn't know how Lin Yi did it.

But he probably knows that since the exhibition area of ​​the Neon National Museum is closed, it means that Lin Yi has succeeded!

He pressed the headset and said, "What's going on?"

"What happened to the Rijksmuseum section?"

A reply came from his intercom channel: "Sir, that picture of fishing alone in the Hanjiang River..."


Hearing this, although Zhang Su had some preparations in his heart, he was still very shocked!

How did he do it in front of so many people!?

His heart seemed to skip a beat, and he suddenly felt a sense of impending doom.


He turned around in surprise, but saw a black figure approaching him at high speed!


There was only one voice in his heart.

But after this sound, there is a heavy feeling of weightlessness.

He was directly knocked down by a rough figure!


Zhang Su's body was heavily pressed on the floor of the Louvre, and a dull crash sounded.

At this moment, he felt as if his internal organs had moved their positions.

But in his mind, another person's name appeared.


"Lin Yi! It's you!"

He suddenly reflected.

He struggled with all his strength, and suddenly pulled off the helmet of the man in the explosion-proof suit.

Looking at the unshaven face of the guy under the helmet, Zhang Su was speechless.

"do not move!"

The sudden change made all the tourists in Area A look at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

Exclamations and commotions emerged in an instant.

At this time, Zhang Su was yelling in French.

"You caught the wrong person!"

"not me!!"

"Damn! Are you crazy!?"

"James! I think you're tired of living!"

Lin Yi just wandered among the crowd, looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

The last piece of the puzzle is over, and the plan officially enters the final stage!_

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