Chapter 146 No one can notice.

A man in a black explosion-proof suit walking in the fire escape of the Louvre is changing his clothes in a strange manner.

The black explosion-proof suit quickly shrank as if it had leaked air, and turned into a very close-fitting black suit. The helmet was now integrated with the trash can.

He pulled the collar of the black tights from the inside, and the black tights turned into a very decent-looking black suit.

Such a set of actions flows smoothly. . . .

Lin Yi just pushed open the door of the fire escape and walked directly into the front exhibition hall of the Louvre Museum.

He merged into the crowd and became the most ordinary passerby.

He bypassed all surveillance cameras and was not spotted by anyone.


Standing in the midst of the flowing but very quiet crowd, he gasped a little.

"The first step was successful."

"But...the interior of the Louvre is different from the map."

Lin Yi's eyes quickly roamed the entire hall, but the hall of thinking in his mind was the map that had been memorized in his mind began to change rapidly.


"A lot has changed over the decades."

"The surveillance footage has almost no dead ends."

"From this step..."

"I need to rely on the crowd to act."

"But it's not that difficult."

"The real yet to come."

He stepped into the crowd.


Time passed by minute by minute.

James, who was sitting in the monitoring room, had a much more relaxed expression.

What he was most worried about was that Lin Yi, mentioned by the Zhang family earlier, would come and steal the things.

But now, looking at the calm crowd, looking at the people who are admiring those handed down paintings, James is no longer so nervous.

"With such security measures, how could someone steal something from here?"

"We have never had any theft at the Louvre."

"Not before, and never will."

Just when he thought so, suddenly!


The alarm sounded suddenly!

"what happened!?"

He, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly froze.

His gaze quickly turned to the location of the "Dream River Alone Fishing Picture".

"It's alright......"

"What the hell is..."

"what happened!?"

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: "Seal the entrance!"

"No entry and exit! Check where the problem is!?"

"After figuring out the problem is not allowing anyone to leave the Louvre!"

His reaction was swift.

After all, the Louvre is a professional, and of course they have all kinds of emergency plans when the relevant situation occurs.

The whole interior of the Louvre, which was kept quiet because of the appreciation of artworks, was suddenly broken at this moment.

People started talking.

"In the end what happened!?"

"who is it?"

"Did someone come to steal something? My God, who would come to the Louvre to do such a thing? It's like something out of a movie!"

The current situation is also broadcast in various languages ​​on the radio.

"Attention all exhibitors, sorry for the emergency."

"In order to keep the artwork safe, please stand where you are and don't riot."

"We'll fix the problem as soon as possible."

There was a buzzing sound inside the Louvre.

And the siren never stopped.

The red police lights are constantly flashing, making the interior atmosphere of the entire museum very depressing.

Zhang Su gritted his teeth and watched all this: "It must be Lin Yi!"

"How the hell did he get in!?"

"And how did he do it? What did he steal!?"

His brain started to run fast.

His line of sight also quickly searched among the crowd.

I didn't see any suspicious people, just saw a lot of security personnel going in and out, using walkie-talkies to communicate with each other.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Su suddenly realized something.

"Lin Yi..."

But just as he was thinking, and before he could come to a conclusion, the piercing siren suddenly stopped.

Zhang Su's eyes narrowed, and he looked around unexpectedly.


what happened?

At this moment, the sound of the broadcast rang in his ears again.

"I'm sorry to all the friends who participated in the exhibition. It was just because of the pressure alarm due to the excessive number of exhibitors."

"The show continues and we apologize for the inconvenience caused."

Hearing this, people's expressions eased a lot, and they all expressed their understanding.

But Zhang Su didn't understand.

Stress alert?

How could such a situation arise?

Zhang Su gritted his teeth and said in the headset again: "Pay attention to any abnormalities?"

"This Louvre interpretation must be tricky!"

Lin Yi wandered among the crowd, smiling slightly at the scene in front of him.

He knew very well that soon, the quiet that made them feel at ease would be broken.

This exhibition will be completely reduced to a joke!

Because his plan has entered the final stage!

At this time in the monitoring room, James' face was ashen.

He never thought that such an oolong thing would happen.

"Are you all idiots!?"

"Strengthen the vigilance! Do not allow any tourist's footsteps to approach the exhibits!"

"It's a hard requirement! There's no reason to go backwards!"

"If there's another problem with the pressure sensor of the Mona Lisa, you can pack up and get out!"

The fault just now was triggered because the pressure sensor next to the Mona Lisa painting was triggered.

According to the pressure records, it is clear that there are children or people who are overweight stepping in the range that should not be entered by ordinary people.

At this time, such a gaffe made James very angry.

However, at this moment, the door of the monitoring room was suddenly pushed open.


Such a sudden situation made James' eyes even more angry.

He looked at Sakamoto who came in, and just wanted to say something, but was blocked by Sakamoto's next sentence.


""Lonely Fishing in the Cold River"..."


Hearing this, James was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked at the surveillance screen.

He was stunned to see the picture of Hanjiang fishing alone...

The picture frame is still there, but the painting inside the picture frame has completely disappeared, no trace at all!

"how can that be!?"_

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