Chapter 135 Jiang Chengxiong's expression is very exciting.

Especially the transition from disdain to skepticism to incomprehension to shock at the end.

In this case, he said these two "admiration" very sincerely.

Not only Jiang Chengxiong, but also Qin Yunuo was stunned.

What the hell is this Gao Yi?!

It was shocking enough to be able to get the plane out of that situation before, and according to the analysis of the professor later, it was even more shocking.

Originally, Qin Yunuo thought that this Gao Yi actually had more research on "flying", and the opposite "appraisal" was his hobby.

But now it seems that he has such an in-depth understanding of this kind of painting that is not well-known in China.

This is not to the extent that it can be explained by mistake!

"Mr. Gao......"

Qin Yunuo looked at Jiang Chengxiong with a shocked face, then looked at "Gao Yi" and said, "Your erudition is really surprising."

"I didn't expect that this picture turned out to be fake..."

After she said this, she immediately looked at Jiang Chengxiong.

Then her voice suddenly became cold and severe.

"Uncle Jiang, I didn't expect... You actually used fakes to deceive me?"

"If I hadn't invited Mr. Gao... I trust you so much!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiong suddenly reacted.

Right now, this young man, Gao Yi, is not part of their plan at all. Although he is said to have provided great help and even exposed the loopholes of this imitation product, he still has to continue to perform at this time. .

Jiang Chengxiong immediately said, "I don't know about this either."

"It seems that my boss did this on purpose, I'm afraid he has any opinion on you, Miss Jing."

"I don't know what the inside story is, but..."

"Looks like this deal should come to an end."

Hearing this, Qin Yunuo also nodded.

"It's really coming to an end."

"Uncle Jiang."

"No delivery."

Jiang Chengxiong didn't say a word, immediately got up and put away the painting, and left directly.

And Liu Yiyi was surprised when she saw the situation in front of her.

It was really seen by the uncle!

So handsome!

She admires such an erudite person, and as Qin Yunuo's cronie... Of course, she is very aware of Uncle Jiang's ability.

Being able to explain the problems in one sentence, Jiang Chengxiong even said that he was convinced...

That's even more a remarkable thing. How can anyone in the entire industry make Jiang Chengxiong so embarrassed?

After Jiang Chengxiong left, Qin Yu personally poured a cup of tea for Gao Yi.

"Mr. Gao, thank you for helping me figure out the problem.

"I really don't know how to thank you

"I have to say that I underestimated your ability in this area, just as I underestimated your driving ability..."

"I'm so sorry, but I have to, indeed, to be a man who keeps surprising people."

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, he didn't touch the cup of tea, he just continued in an understatement.

"There's no need to disguise anymore, Miss Qin."

"You and the uncle Jiang just now are obviously on one side."

"I don't know what you're trying to do, but I know very well that a copy of this level..."

"In fact, it will definitely be very expensive just to sell."

"Then... what are your plans, it's already very clear."

Qin Yunuo was stunned by Lin Yi's words.

Liu Yiyi opened her mouth slightly, looked at these two people, and was speechless.

Why did it suddenly become tit for tat!?

Qin Yunuo thought for a moment, then said, "What do you want to say?"

Lin Yi knew she would ask that, so his answer was straightforward: "Count me in."

"I will help you with your actions."

"I don't think that's why you brought me here, but in the end..."

"It looks like there should be no other problems now."

Qin Yunuo frowned: "What do you want?"

Her brain was thinking fast about that.

The aggressiveness that Gao Yi is showing now is a quality he has never shown before.

Lin Yi continued: "What I want is very simple..."

"I want to use your means to change an identity."

Qin Yunuo was stunned.

Liu Yiyi was also stunned.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room seemed to fall into a stagnation,

And after a long silence, Qin Yunuo asked.

"You know who I am?"

Lin Yi smiled: "Of course I know who you are, the famous Jing."

"Especially after that thing happened in Zhonghai, it's hard to know who you are."

Qin Yunuo was stunned for a while, then continued to ask a new question: "Then who are you?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "Now is not the time to tell you."

"But you should understand that whatever action you want to take this time will definitely require the best appraiser."

"If your imitations can't pass me, it's bound to fail the Louvre inspection."

"There are pros and cons, you should be able to weigh them out soon..."

Qin Yunuo thought about it, not only did not agree with this statement, but felt that there was some danger in it.

This Gao Yi... is too mysterious!

It's hard to guess what he's going to do!

Qin Yunuo gritted his teeth, no matter what decision he had to make in the future, but at this moment, of course, he had to stabilize him first!

"it is good."

"Then do as you say."

"It just looks like now, you should also understand what we want to do, right?"

Lin Yi nodded: "You guys want to steal the boat, don't you?"

"If you want to bring the real product out of the Louvre, it is natural to have a fake enough to be messed up..."

Qin Yunuo also nodded seriously.

"If that's the case, then make it clear."

"I also make my request."

Lin Yi then picked up the teacup and took a small sip from his mouth.

However, at this time, Qin Yunuo's next sentence also came out at the same time.

"Yiyi likes you very much."

"My only request--"

"You want to be with her."

Hearing this, Lin Yi almost didn't spit out the tea in his mouth.

Liu Yiyi also widened her eyes, but her eyes were full of joy.

However, Qin Yunuo's eyes were very serious and sharp.

"Make your choice..."

"I don't know who this gentleman is."

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