Chapter 134

Liu Yiyi and Lin Yi walked back along the Seine River, walking a little faster.

Lin Yi knew that this girl obviously miscalculated the time and was on her way back.

Soon, the two of them walked into that very ordinary looking coffee shop.

And go straight to the back door of the coffee shop.

In front of a door that looked dusty for a long time, Liu Yiyi knocked on the door.

"Sister, it's me."

There was a rattling sound inside the door, and Qin Yunuo opened the door for them.

As soon as the door opened, it gave Lin Yi a strange feeling.

The space in this room is very large, and the decoration is very splendid, even giving people a feeling of a royal family that can only be seen in movies.

And unlike the door that looked outdated, it was obvious that the inside of the room had been cleaned regularly and kept tidy.

An old man with white hair and beard was sitting in the room, and he looked very imposing.

"Mr. Gao, let me introduce you."

"This is Jiang Chengxiong, who brought the painting here."

Listening to Qin Yunuo's introduction, Lin Yi nodded at the old man named Jiang Chengxiong.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned to the picture spread out on the table in the middle of the room.

"Fishing the Cold River Alone".

"Mr. Gao is young and promising. Not only can he fly a plane, but he can also identify works of art..."

"It's really embarrassing for someone like me who is about to fall into the ground."

The old man spoke so sincerely.

His tone was sincere, but he was very dismissive in his heart.

A young man like this has limited experience, no matter how talented he is, how can he see the fakes made by his hands?

Moreover, the purpose of Qin Yunuo bringing him here is not to really let him identify.

It's just a program.

Hearing this, Lin Yi glanced at him again, then smiled faintly, but he didn't speak, just continued to look at the picture.

After a while, Lin Yi said, "This is a picture of fishing the cold river alone..."

"It was painted by Ma Yuan in the Southern Song Dynasty."

"It is a painting of the Ma Yuan School that makes the most of the residual white effect."

"Whether in terms of artistic value or historical value, this painting is a rare treasure."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Jiang Chengxiong nodded slightly.

In my heart, I thought that this young man still had some ability.

But he still doesn't think that this young man named Gao Yi has the strength to tell the authenticity of this painting. Let alone Gao Yi, even 'Jing' Qin Yunuo can't fault it, so what can this young man do? Might know what the problem is?

"Mr. Gao......"

"Do you see the authenticity of this picture?"

Qin Yunuo didn't say anything more. It was an understatement to let Lin Yi go straight to the point.

Lin Yi smiled, then shook his head slightly.

The existence of [Taste Ability] makes it possible to identify the authenticity of this painting as soon as you enter the room.

So at this time, Lin Yi spoke

"If it's another work, maybe it's more difficult for me to judge."

"But just as far as this painting is concerned..."

"It can be said to be a fake."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Qin Yunuo, Liu Yiyi and Jiang Chengxiong were all stunned for a moment.

One look fake!?

how can that be?

Qin Yunuo's eyes changed a bit, and then he looked at Lin Yi and said, "Mr. Gao, these words... can't be said without grounds."

"A painting from the Neon National Museum, a fake one?"

"To tell you the truth, I also have a certain ability to appreciate. If it is a fake, I can see it no matter what."

"But this painting..."

Jiang Chengxiong also immediately reacted from the shock.

His own counterfeiting skills and artistic attainments are extraordinary, no matter how powerful a master is, without some identification equipment, it is impossible to tell the truth at a glance.

Generally speaking, most of the fake one-shots are shoddy or imitations made in places like Panjiayuan, but he said it was a fake one-shot when he came out of his hands?

That's just a humiliation!

"Young man, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"I took this painting from the Rijksmuseum at great risk, and you say it's fake?"

"You can if you don't buy it, but there's no point in humiliating it like this!"

Liu Yiyi's expression was also a little surprised.

She looked at Lin Yi in surprise, not knowing why he would say such a fake.

Jiang Chengxiong is also the number one person in the circle, not to mention that Sister Qin has been preparing for this operation for a long time, will there be a fake situation?

That really shouldn't be.

At this time, several people in the room were looking forward to what Lin Yi would say next.

Lin Yi nodded lightly, and then said, "I said it was a fake one, and naturally there is a reason for a fake one."

"And obviously, the imitation level of this picture is extremely high. If it weren't for me, ordinary people wouldn't be able to tell the truth."

"However, if the owner of this imitation can be more knowledgeable, I am afraid there is no loophole in this painting."

Jiang Chengxiong's face turned paler.

Doesn't that mean he has no knowledge?

As an old man with great prestige in the circle, saying something else is just a smile for him, but when it comes to having no knowledge...

That's just an insult!

"I want to see what reason you give."

"Huangkou child, I still think you have some real talents to learn!"

He thought so in his heart, waiting for "Gao Yi" to tell his reason.

"It's simple."

Lin Yi's voice came: "This picture of fishing alone in the cold river actually has its own story."

"But I don't need to tell more about this story right now."

"However, the result of the story is this picture of Du Diao Hanjiang. The original picture is larger. Although it is a classic of the Yu Bai School, there is a trace of silk patching on the picture scroll of this picture itself."

"Although I don't know much about this matter, but I'm fortunate enough to know some..."

"However, at this time, it is obvious that there is no patch of silk on the painting."

"Obviously a fake one."

"If this painting was really brought out of the Neon National Museum... Could it be that someone has stolen the original work from the museum over the past few years?"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, the old man's face turned a little red.

He took out his mobile phone and began to look for the trace of the silk patch on the original.

If you don't notice it, it's hard to find it.

But once you look for it with such a sight, you will soon find the trace of the silk patch... it does exist.

He stared at Lin Yi with round eyes, speechless in shock.

How could such a young man have such an experience!?

Jiang Chengxiong's tone trembled a little.



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