Chapter 132 When Lin Yi and Qin Yunuo Liu Yiyi landed from Bali Airport, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, Bali time.

Because Qin Yunuo has a wide range of contacts in this area, they were not hindered in any way and left Bali Airport smoothly and entered the city of Bali.

Sitting in the taxi and heading towards the hotel that had been booked, Qin Yunuo finally began to introduce the purpose of coming to Bali this time.

"Mr. Gao, the purpose of this visit is mainly because of a painting."

"I mentioned this to you before."

"I spent a lot of money to buy this picture."

Listening to Qin Yunuo's words, Lin Yi was looking at the street scene of Bali outside the window, but didn't give an answer for a while.

And Qin Yunuo was not in a hurry, she continued to talk about the next situation.

"The target this time is "Fishing the Cold River Alone"."

"You are specializing in this aspect, so you must know what kind of painting is the painting of Du Diao Hanjiang."

"The price is naturally very high."

"But I have no way of confirming the authenticity of this picture right now."

"I still need you to analyze it, sir."

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled slightly, then nodded.

"Of course there is no problem with identification and analysis, but the problem is that this "Drawing on the Cold River Alone"... As far as I know, although it has been lost overseas, it is in the neon."

"Why come to Bali?"

"It can't be the back door of the Neon National Museum just to sell this picture, right?"

Liu Yiyi's line of sight changed a bit, and she looked a little uneasy.

But Qin Yunuo smiled and said, "As expected of an expert."

"Mr. Gao is so professional in this area, then I'm much more relieved."

"It's actually an exchange event from the Neon Rijksmuseum to the Louvre Bali."

"Originally we planned to go to Tokyo to trade..."

"I think you know what happened in the middle."

Of course it is clear, Lin Yi flew out of the desperate situation with a plane.

If it is an exchange between museums, this is not impossible.

But the real problem is that Lin Yi knows what Qin Yunuo does. If she really wants to buy this "Drawing on the Cold River Alone" at this time, then Lin Yi will be surprised. .

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's eyes inadvertently swept across Liu Yiyi's face.

Seeing her eyes seemed to be much calmer and less nervous.

And this means that most of what Qin Yunuo said at this time is true.

At this time, Qin Yunuo continued to say: "Although it is an exchange, this "Drawing on the Cold River Alone" is not within the scope of exchange."

"Because we couldn't go to Tokyo to meet, we replaced it with Bali."

"Neon's sellers will take this opportunity to bring pictures with them and ask for your professional knowledge to appreciate."

Lin Yi thought for a while, and in fact, he had already guessed what this represented.

Qin Yunuo wants to steal?

Have the real thing in hand?

It's unclear whether it's a steal or not, but now it seems that there is still no sign that Liu Yiyi wants to kill Qin Yunuo. The relationship between these two women is too good, and there is no possibility of suspicion of each other at all... .

In this case, Lin Yi of course agreed to the invitation.

"no problem."

He nodded, then continued: "And what about the time?"

"When will the identification begin?"

Qin Yunuo smiled and said, "Just tonight."

"The exchange meeting between the Louvre Museum and the Neon National Museum will be held in three days, but today the expert group and various cultural relics from Neon have already arrived."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, then nodded.

He smiled and said, "No problem."

At this time, the two of them were smiling kindly, but what was hidden in the eyes of the two was by no means so simple.

Of course, Qin Yunuo didn't really want to buy "Fishing the Cold River Alone", what she said at this time was only to make Lin Yi accept her request and to complete the purpose.

However, Lin Yi knew Qin Yunuo's thoughts at the moment, and on this basis, he also had his own things to do.

Liu Yiyi looked at the two people who were communicating with a smile, and involuntarily fought a cold war.


At this moment, Qin Yunuo said, "Before meeting at night, take Mr. Gao around Bali."

"The Nile and the Louvre are places worth visiting."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi temporarily forgot the previous communication between the two of them, and nodded slightly excitedly.

And Lin Yi was a little helpless.

It seems that Qin Yunuo is determined to match herself and Liu Yiyi.

However, of course, it is impossible to cover up your identity all the time. What will happen then...

That is the unknown.

However, when Lin Yi thought of this, his expression suddenly changed.

The reason why Liu Yiyi wanted to kill Qin Yunuo...

It's not because of me, is it?


the other side.

When Bali time is four o'clock in the afternoon, China is ten o'clock in the evening.

At this time at Xilin City Airport, chaos had already begun.

Many reporters are besieging the airport hotel and want to interview Captain Gao Yi.

However, the airport hotel did not reveal the meaning of Captain Gao Yi at all.

Even the manager of the airport hotel never showed up.

In the top-floor conference room of the airport hotel, the airport executives and the management of the airport hotel are gathered together, their faces are full of embarrassment.

Not only embarrassing, but even dignified and serious to the point of turning black.

"The body found in Gao Yi's room...the identity is still unconfirmed, although it is wearing our hotel uniform, it does not actually belong to our hotel."

"This matter is the fault of the hotel management..."

"But how exactly are we going to solve it?"

"How did you explain the disappearance of Captain Gao Yi to those reporters!?"

Faced with such a question, the meeting room was very silent.

Once Captain Gao Yi's disappearance is announced to the public... How serious is the backlash?

That is the big hero who has just been hyped up by the whole network and is in the most prosperous stage!

At this moment, a man who looked like a secretary walked in from the door.

He whispered a few words to the airport executive, and then the airport executive nodded after a moment of silence.

"Is Zhang Capital's manager?"

"Please come in."_

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