Chapter 131 Two in the morning.

Liu Yiyi stood at the door of Lin Yi's room with a look of anticipation.

Qin Yunuo was already waiting in the lobby on the first floor, of course, the purpose was to give Liu Yiyi and "Gao Yi" time to be alone.

She took a deep breath, then raised her hand and knocked on the door of Lin Yi's room.

This action seems to require a lot of courage.

Although Liu Yiyi is well-informed and learned a lot from Qin Yunuo, she is still a novice when it comes to men and women.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door, but no footsteps came from the room.

"Are you too tired to fall asleep?"

Liu Yiyi thought so.

She stepped up and continued knocking on the door.

But there was still no response in the room.



It was the early morning, and although she was in a hurry, the voice she said when she spoke was suppressed and not very loud.

At the door of this room, she waited for more than ten minutes.

Because there was no feedback at all in the room, her mood became worse and worse.

"Since you don't want to go, let's just say no!"

"Why do this on purpose!"

Liu Yiyi was a little ashamed and angry in her heart, but she was also a resolute type, so she stopped knocking on the door and turned away angrily.

On the first floor, Qin Yunuo watched Liu Yiyi walk out of the elevator alone, somewhat surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Yiyi replied angrily, "He didn't open the door!"

"Let's go ma'am!"

When Qin Yunuo heard the answer that she didn't open the door, she was even more surprised now.

Judging from the performance of "Gao Yi", it does not seem like a person who will go back on his word.

She rubbed Liu Yiyi's hair, and then said, "It should be that he suddenly encountered something urgent, right?"

"He doesn't seem to be so impetuous."

Hearing this, Liu Yiyi's complexion slightly improved.

However, he immediately said angrily: "No matter! Let's go, sister!"


Lin Yi was not at all sleepy.

Although it was already two o'clock in the morning, perhaps because the system had repaired his mental and physical condition, he was still in good spirits.

At this time, he is trying to use [Derivation Ability] to deduce a task.

But in the case of such a huge variable, it is impossible to get where it is.

"That killer should be someone sent by the Zhang family."

Leaning against the porthole and looking out the window, Lin Yi was constantly analyzing the situation in front of him.

"And according to the situation at the time, that guy was looking for Qin Yunuo's location without knowing my existence."

"His target is Qin Yunuo?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi frowned even more.

Why would Qin Yunuo be involved?

Is the Zhang family really crazy? Want to use Qin Yunuo's death to pull himself out from behind the scenes?

Fortunately, I saw through the killer, otherwise what will happen next... It's really an unknown.

While Lin Yi was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a very surprised voice coming from his side.


Liu Yiyi was very surprised when she looked at "Gao Yi" sitting by the porthole.

"when will you......"

Lin Yi looked at her with a smile, and said, "I was afraid that I would delay the time when I fell asleep, so I came over earlier."

Just such a sentence made Liu Yiyi's original anger vanish in an instant.

But she still asked Lin Yi angrily: "Uncle, why didn't you tell us when you left early?"

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Of course it's because I don't know your contact information, so naturally I can't get in touch."

Hearing this answer, Liu Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and her face was a little red.

But she didn't say much, just sat beside Lin Yi very naturally.

"Have a good rest, uncle, and we have to transfer to another flight in the middle."

"I'll call you then."

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded and closed his eyelids gently.

He wasn't sleepy, but he didn't want to continue chatting.

Especially now that he has to miss the dialogue at this time, after all, he changed back to "Gao Yi" after he got on the plane.

And the task of "stop Liu Yiyi from killing Qin Yunuo", in order not to cause more variables before determining the situation, Lin Yi will of course try to avoid unnecessary communication.

When he has the [Derivation Ability] now, he is more able to appreciate the power of the "Butterfly Effect".

If you say that you interfere without authorization, the final result is likely to be irreversible.

Soon, the plane took off and rose to high altitude.

They are heading towards Bali in France, and the goal is the Louvre...

After taking off, Liu Yiyi, who was supposed to be responsible for waking up Lin Yi, fell asleep instead.

Lin Yi played with the ticket in his hand, but felt more and more strange in his heart.

Qin Yunuo can even make a flight ticket like a fake...

What level is this?

Lin Yi didn't think about it any more, anyway, it would be impossible for anyone to trace his position for a while.


When everyone was discussing "Hero Captain Gao Yi"...

No one knew that their hero Captain Gao Yi had left the airport hotel.

No one would know that in the bathroom of Captain Gao Yi's room, there was a killer's body lying there.

On the other side, in Zhonghai.

Zhang Su did not rest all night.

He is waiting for news of the killer.

As time passed, he became more and more anxious.

"Why no news yet?"

"Could it be that he can't even kill Qin Yunuo?"

"damn it......"

When the sky was getting brighter, he couldn't bear to wait any longer.

He must learn first-hand information as soon as possible, and must take matters into his own hands!

If there is a problem, he must control the situation as soon as possible.

Assuming that something happened to the killer, at least the Zhang family couldn't be seen in this incident.

Especially when the "Gao Yi" captain has such enthusiasm, the Qingcheng real estate incident that has just been suppressed is likely to break out again, and even the impact will become more serious...

Under such circumstances, Zhang Su took the plane and went straight to Xilin._

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