Chapter 108 The near-magnitude 8 earthquake in Neon Shizuoka Prefecture has spread all over the world in a very short period of time.

It is not only the inside of Neon who takes this disaster very seriously, but all over the world maintain a high level of attention to this matter.

Even within China, some media began to report on the incident.

On the China News Channel, the live broadcast room has begun to connect with reporters stationed in Neon, and began to ask about the local situation.

"Hello host, this is Zhang Duo, a reporter from the News Channel, who is bringing you a live broadcast in Neon Shizuoka Prefecture."

"What everyone can see now is the earthquake scene in Neon Shizuoka Prefecture."

"It can be seen that Shizuoka Prefecture has become devastated after the earthquake disaster."

"This station understands that the disaster relief work of the Neon Self-Defense Force is in the process of launching, but the earthquake has made the road outside Shizuoka Prefecture very bumpy."

"in addition......"

At this time, the reporter turned the camera to face the direction of Mount Fuji.

"As you can see, the Mount Fuji volcano has erupted because of the earthquake..."

"And the Mount Fuji Airport on Mount Fuji is likely to lose the possibility of rescue completely because of this volcanic eruption."

"According to the report of Neon Aerospace, the number of people stationed at Mount Fuji Airport is about 2,000, including about 300 Chinese compatriots."

"Let's pray together for the compatriots who are trapped in the Fujisan Airport."

"Hope them all well."

Although it was only a short broadcast, the hearts of the Chinese people have already trapped those compatriots trapped by volcanoes and lava.

And this incident also quickly became a hot search on Weibo.

This is the fastest hot search situation that has reached the top of the Weibo hot search list in the past few days.

Especially after the Lin Yi incident, Weibo quickly controlled relevant comments.

When it comes to a little bit that may be related to the Lin Yi incident, they all have to go through strict scrutiny, only this time... This hot search does not need to pass any audit, and it can even be directly airborne to the top of the hot search list!

"Great, this news must have nothing to do with Lin Yi!"

"Propaganda like this will never touch anyone's interests, will it?"

"#Fujisan, 300 compatriots return safely # This is how the hot search topic is written!"

"It's time to reach out to those stars and let those people lead the conversation!"

Led by Weibo, the Chinese Internet quickly set off this craze.

For a time, the grand occasion on Weibo was unprecedented!

The idols who had been afraid to happen for a long time because of the Lin Yi incident suddenly became active at this moment.

In addition to the traffic stars in the entertainment industry.

Some directors and actors, comedians, Go players, basketball players, and e-sports experts have participated in this unprecedented broadcast.

And such a grand scene naturally attracted the attention of most people.

People quickly and spontaneously became advertising machines.

On many occasions, such conversations have occurred.

"Hey, you know what? The neon earthquake is shaking."


"Yeah, it seems to be an earthquake of almost eight magnitudes... quite serious."

"My Cao, isn't that worse than the earthquake in China at that time?"

"Really? Nothing else, it seems that there are still 300 Chinese people trapped in Fujisan Airport."

"Huh? I'll take a look...hope it's okay."

Of course, he cares more about his fellow citizens.

And just as on Weibo and the top-level weights on it, they need to quickly divert their attention, so that people's attention can be diverted from here as soon as possible. It is precisely because of this that the whole society has been immersed in a state of "praying" for a while. under.

What's more, there's nothing wrong with it.

Thousands of cities become one, and all are of one mind!

However, everyone didn't know that, in fact, they used this incident to guide the topic of the big news caused by Lin Yi, trying to make people forget that incident...

But in fact, this earthquake and the volcanic eruption of Mount Fuji are also related to Lin Yi.


At this time, Lin Yi did not know that almost 650 million of China's 700 million netizens were praying for themselves.

His heartbeat was fast, and he felt a little uneasy about the choice he had just made in his heart.

The plane has already started.

However, after Lin Yi drove onto the runway, he did not directly start to accelerate, nor did he run directly to take off.

Not only did he not accelerate and choose to take off...

Instead, he chose to go backwards!

Ordinarily, going backwards may be nothing...

But now...they have lava behind them!

No matter how you choose, such a retrogression can only be courting death!

Song Qingsong was stunned, he looked at Lin Yi and widened his eyes.

"What are you doing!?"

"Are you crazy!?"

Not just Song Qingsong, all the people on the plane are stupid!

Seeing that the plane was heading into the lava, some people had already screamed.

The people who had just calmed down, and the crowd who had just started to hold their breath, heard the cries again.

"It's over! It's over!"

"That person really can't do it!"

"He can't fly a plane at all!"

"Well now, let's all be burned to death together!"

Some people's mentality has been completely out of balance, and they can no longer control the anxiety and pain in their hearts. Under such circumstances, they have almost collapsed.

Qin Yunuo felt Liu Yiyi clenched her hand, and knew that she must be very nervous at this time.

But in this situation, she didn't think that the guy named Gao Yi would want to take everyone to death...

He must have an idea of ​​his own.

However, at this moment, Liu Yiyi seemed to be unable to resist the broken thoughts of the middle-aged woman sitting behind them, and said sharply, "Stop talking!!"

"What's the use of complaining any more!!"

"If you don't get on this plane, is there any other way to escape from here!?"

"Shut your mouth!"

Hearing this, the woman was speechless.

Although his face was pale, he really didn't say a word.

Qin Yunuo smiled slightly, watching her sister act like she was defending her own man, thinking in her heart, although that Gao Yi is a little older, if Yiyi likes it...

It seems like a good relationship to get in touch?

But the thought was only fleeting.

Everything, we have to wait until they survive to talk about other things.

"Can we... leave alive?"_

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