Chapter 107 Treating others with the way of others, Lin Yi did not have any psychological burden when making this decision.

What's more, there is no vacant seat on the plane at this time, and it is impossible for them to board the plane again.

Not to mention that there is no vacant seat, even if there is... Lin Yi will not let them board the plane again.

"Let them go."

Lin Yi said such a simple word to Song Qingsong.

And Song Qingsong didn't hesitate at all. He went directly to the cabin and said directly, "Is there anyone who can speak Japanese?"

"Go and negotiate with those neon people."

Song Qingsong arranged for a young man to negotiate with the neon people who were already at the boarding gate, but those neon people didn't listen to them at all.

Even if it is said that there is no new position on the plane, and that the captain is not a professional pilot, it still cannot stop those neon people who want to board the plane.

The Boeing 737 piloted by Lin Yi can be said to be their last hope, so even if they are desperate, even if they are shameless, they must squeeze into the plane!

Those neon people rushed up to the plane, squeezing up along the boarding passage, and yelling at the same time.

"China Pig! Get out of the way!"

"Here is Neon! You should thank us for giving you a plane back!"

"Baga! Get out of the way!"

Lin Yi looked at the situation in front of him, he knew that if it went on like this, these neon people would probably delay the take-off time.

The lava is gradually approaching, and he must take off as soon as possible.

In the urgency of the situation, he stood up and walked straight to the boarding gate.

The Chinese people in the cabin fell silent when they saw Lin Yi coming out of the cockpit.

Because they don't know what Lin Yi wants to do, they don't know what to say or what kind of thoughts to express.

Especially when the scars on the bodies of the people who were kicked and kicked by the Neon people were still aching, Lin Yi's eyes were filled with desire.

But Lin Yi didn't seem to notice them at all, just stood in front of the boarding gate.

When Lin Yi was standing at the door, Song Qingsong looked at Lin Yi and said, "These neon people can't listen to what we're saying..."

"They seem to have made up their minds to board the plane..."

Lin Yi nodded slightly and saw that a neon man in a suit had rushed to the door of the aircraft cabin.

The two just looked directly at each other.

Seeing Lin Yi's condescending and indifferent eyes, the neon man seemed to have a temper.

"Baga! Get out of the way!"

"Do you want to die, you idiot!?"

The whole cabin was quiet, and people were waiting for what Lin Yi would do at this time.

However, Lin Yi didn't say a word, just raised his leg suddenly!

The speed of this leg is so fast and its strength is so great that it even makes a sound of wind wherever it passes!



This kick hit the man in the suit heavily, hitting his chin directly!

It looked like he had kicked a ball, and even lifted him off the ground for a few points, and then watched him fall heavily into the crowd!

When the man fell into the crowd, there should have been nothing wrong, but the crowds that were tightly together spread out neatly the moment he smashed in front of them.

This fall is not light.

But Lin Yi didn't care at all, he looked at the neon people and said in a loud voice.

"There is no room on the plane!"

"Go away!"

"Neon people and dogs are not allowed to board!"

Lin Yi said these words in standard Mandarin, and these words were relayed into the ears of the neon people by the young man who could speak Japanese.

In the midst of the commotion, Lin Yi turned around again and dragged the young man who could speak neon into the cabin.

"close the door!"

He spoke very calmly, as if the bursting kick just now had something to do with it.

Lin Yi's actions made everyone in the cabin dumbfounded.

Even Song Qingsong was stunned, and he never thought that this guy named "Gao Yi" could be so ruthless and decisive!

Although he also did what he wanted to do, if it were him, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Those neon people's arrogant appearances really deserve to be beaten.

There was silence in the cabin.

However, the silence was broken by a voice: "Good kick!"

The man who was sitting in the back row of the cabin, with a bruised right eye still hard to open, shouted frantically: "Good kick!!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled a little, then turned around and entered the cockpit.

Song Qingsong walked into the cockpit, looked at Lin Yi and said, "Although you did a good job..."

"But if this kind of thing comes out..."

Lin Yi smiled: "We weren't really good people, so let's expose it when we expose it."

"We can't give up the safety of our own people because of the words of the Virgin."

Song Qingsong was taken aback for a moment, and nodded secretly.

Even myself, did not have such a high level of consciousness of the young man in front of him.

Life is alive, fame and fortune are two words. Worldly people will inevitably escape these two points, but this young man, it seems that he doesn't care about these fame and fortune at all.

He is a real free and easy person!

"Song Lao, get ready, we are about to leave."

Song Qingsong's thoughts were interrupted. After hearing Lin Yi's words, he nodded and put on the first officer's earphone.

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

The reason why he dared to take over the business of driving this technology is because he has acquired the skill of [Driving Proficiency].

When he stood before the plane, the knowledge that was deep in his mind had already emerged.

And the moment he put on the captain's headphones, those memories became clearer.

Every button, every function, appeared clearly in his mind.

"Brother Gao, it's up to you."

Song Qingsong said such a sentence, Lin Yi nodded, and then pressed the whole machine broadcast.

"We're about to leave."

"Fasten your seat belt."

"If there's any can tell when you're alive."

Lin Yi's words made everyone in the cabin look stern.

They really live and die together now, and everyone's lives are tied to Lin Yi's hands!

Liu Yiyi fastened her seat belt and grabbed Qin Yunuo's hand.

Her slightly wet palms let Qin Yunuo know that this girl must be so nervous.

But before Qin Yunuo could comfort Liu Yiyi, she heard Liu Yiyi say, "Sister!"

"The uncle's kick just now is so handsome!"

Qin Yunuo was stunned for a moment, she looked at the little girl's glowing eyes and smiled.

"Otherwise I'll sell you to him as a daughter-in-law."

Qin Yunuo said with a smile.

Liu Yiyi's hand trembled slightly, obviously, even though she said so, she was very scared in her heart.

"The lava is coming!"

Suddenly, such a voice sounded in the cabin.

"It's already behind!"

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked over there.


The magma has eroded the airport building, melting those reinforced concrete buildings.

Under such a close distance, watching countless things engulfed by the terrifying high temperature, the kind of fear arises spontaneously.

Lin Yi certainly noticed this too.

Even earlier than everyone else.

Otherwise, he would never get up and give that kick himself.

In this case, Lin Yi reached out and smoothly pressed a few buttons, flipped a few switches, and then pushed the joystick.

The plane moved.

People in the cabin felt this scene, and the noise due to the approaching magma suddenly stopped.

The real test is about to come.

They couldn't help holding their breath.

Everyone knows that those who are flying the plane at this time are not professional pilots at all, not even amateurs...

But now they can only pin their hopes on this guy.

"Anita Buddha..."

"Please! Buddha bless! Let's live together!"

Hearing Liu Yiyi's whisper, Qin Yunuo's eyes softened a bit.


Next to the plane, those neon people also ran wild.

After all, the magma is approaching. If they want to live, they must stay away from the magma as much as possible.

However, watching the plane start, those neon people scolded angrily while running.

"You Chinese people are courting death!"

"Sacred Mountain will surely let you die without a burial!"

"You guys are actually half-assed in flying the plane!"

"We can go to high places and wait for rescue! It's better than you going to die!"

"Even professional pilots can't take off, you are just going to die!"

They cursed the plane, but Lin Yi didn't care what they said.

Because at this time he had already made a decision in his heart.

If you use the runway of the plane that hit the tower before, then there will be no difference in the result, just the size of the spark.

His pupils narrowed slightly.

"To survive..."

"This big gamble..."

"I can only bet!"_

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