Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 186: Seeking a dead end (plus more)

  The gaze he looked at Gu Jiu became more greedy-greedy.

  Even if Gu Jiu is wearing casual clothes at this time, to the bald head who has read countless people, he can see the beauty of the woman in front of him at a glance.

  Beauty bones are not just skins.

  More important is the temperament, the skin, and the inside that can be seen with a pair of eyes.

  Bald head looked at the woman who appeared in front of him. This was definitely the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  Not only the external beauty, but also the beauty of the body.

  If you spend a night with a woman like this, it will definitely taste sour.

  Gu Jiu walked up, his bald head didn't care about the inside of the car, and the muzzle of the surrounding guns directed at him, and he was about to walk towards Gu Jiu.


  However, he had just stepped out, and the bullets under his feet glided the ground.

  This bullet did not hit him, just to give a warning.

  The bald man sweated all over when the bullet flew under his feet.

  He no longer looked at Gu Jiu, but raised his hand towards the people behind him.

  The person behind took the guy in his hand and immediately confronted the Jun's bodyguard.

  At the same time, the bald man also pointed his gun at Mou Siran in the car.

  Because Mou Siran was sitting close to the bald man, he became the target of the other party.

  Musiran did not make any movements, but Si Yun and Si Yu sitting in the car immediately pointed their guns at their bald heads.

  A few of them, very few people really dare to point their guns at them.

  The movements of this bald man now have already doomed his death.

  Gu Jiu also walked to the car at this time, just leaning in front of the car, looking at Musran in the car.

  "How many hours does it take to travel to S city?"

  Musiran asked Gu Jiu without any pressure, the sneer on his face disappeared, "About two hours or so."

  Gu Jiu nodded and said that he knew, “Then when we get to S city, we will rest for one night and we will leave after dawn.”

   "Okay." Mu Siran replied.

  For the two people who were chatting casually in front of them, their bald faces couldn't help but become stunned.

  He put his hand on the trigger of the gun and began to tremble.

  Because he could see that the two people in front of him were really not afraid at all.

  They are just like sitting and chatting together before the end of the world.

People like    will definitely have a back hand, otherwise they won’t be afraid at all.

  They have occupied this road for a long time, and they have never met such a person.

  The bald man keeps shaking his hands, his heart is already afraid of fear

   But looking at the beauty in front of him in a blink of an eye, his mind began to become active again.

  As long as these people are killed, this woman can do whatever she wants.

  Such a beauty, if you miss it, you will never run into it again.

  Thinking about this, the bald man stabilized his mind, and looked at the man wearing glasses in the car with a cruel heart.

  His hand slowly pushed the trigger.

  At this time, he hadn't noticed a gentleman's bodyguard slowly approaching behind him.

   Just when he was about to pull the trigger, the bodyguard of the Jun family had already stepped forward.

   When the bald head was also behind the Jun’s bodyguard, he didn’t notice it for the first time.

  He has pulled the trigger.

  At this moment, the bodyguard put his hand on the gun held by the bald man.

  I saw that the barrel he touched was bent directly.

The bullets fired by    also blasted into the sky.

After   , the bodyguard quickly subdued the bald man.

  Don't look at the bald man who is very big, but the bodyguard of the Jun family is professionally trained.

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