Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 185: Killing chickens to warn "monkeys" (plus more)

  Musiran, however, started to divide the work with Si Yun and Si Yu when the bald head came with the young man.

   even not forgetting to notify the bodyguard of the gentleman behind to enter a state of alert and defense.

  Si Yun and Si Yu had taken out the guns from the car as soon as they had finished speaking at Musiran.

  It is a more sophisticated weapon than the gun in the hand of a bald man.

  The young man with his bald head held his hands and stopped not far from the car where Musran was.

  At this time, he did not knock on the door for the first time.

   Instead, he held the gun in his hand and pointed it at the young man's head.

  The young man was frightened when he saw this.

  Soon I saw a wet-moistness under the young man's feet.

  A-sao-flavor slowly dissipated.

  The bald man laughed as he watched the young man being scared to pee.

   Then he pulled the trigger.


  The gunshot sounded, and the blood flashed in front of his eyes.

  Musiran was sitting in the car, along with Si Yun, Si Yu and others, watching the young man outside the car get a headshot.

  The red and white things spilled on the car window, and half of the young man's head was shattered.

  The scene in front of me was simply horrible, extremely **** and terrifying.

  This is why the bald shot was shot next to Musran's car.

The purpose of    is to deter the people in the car.

   is also the so-called killing of chickens and monkeys.

  Unfortunately, the person in the car is something he can't afford to provoke.

  Everything that happened outside the car, to Mou Siran and others sitting in the car, did not blink.

  For them, this is not in their eyes.

  And the men who died, they didn't even know them, and even sold them, it is even more uncomfortable.

  After all, they are not people who retaliate with virtue.

  Bald head looked at the corpse in front of him, kicked it away, and walked towards Musran’s car.

  Because the car windows are covered with a protective film, it is impossible to see the scene inside the car from the outside.

  If you can see clearly, the bald head won't walk away so swaggering at this time.

  The vehicle where Mu Siran is located, as well as the vehicle where the Jun’s bodyguard is located, all the muzzles are directed towards the direction where the bald head is.

  The bald man still doesn’t know at this time.

  He has reached the side of the car and reached out to knock on the window.

   "Boom boom..."

  The car window glass was knocked, and Mu Siran saw that the curvature of the corner of his mouth became milder.

  He reached out his hand and slowly lowered the car window.

  The bald head originally had a wild smile, but it cracked when the car window glass was lowered.

  At this moment, the car driven by the Jun’s bodyguard had already started to spin the car quickly, enclosing the bald head and others in a circle.

  After the car stopped, all the people in the car got out of the car quickly, with weapons in their hands, facing the people around them.

  Includes bald heads and others, as well as a few abilities who blocked the way on the other side.

  Of course, facing those with supernatural powers who are blocking the way, it is the people with supernatural powers among the bodyguards of the Jun family who have come forward.

  Gu Jiu also got out of the car slowly at this time.

  She doesn't have any weapons in her hands.

  Looking at the bald man standing next to Musran’s car, Gu Jiu had obvious sarcasm in her eyes.

  The bald-headed man also saw Gu Jiu coming.

  The moment he saw Gu Jiu, there was a gleam of light in his eyes, as well as the lewdness and evil in his eyes.

  Gu Jiu saw such disgusting eyes, knowing that it was this man, and thinking of her badly.

  Bald head saw Gu Jiu's beautiful face, and that demon-sexy-feeling figure, and he had forgotten the scene of being shot at by the gun at this time.

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