Until Gu Jiu and others were almost finished eating, Jun’s bodyguard had already served a plate of barbecue.

  Because of Jun Beimo's picky eaters after his transformation, they always have to prepare delicious barbecue for him.

  And now the situation is special, Jun Beimo doesn't mind the quality of the meat, as long as there is meat.

  Musiran took the plate from Jun's bodyguard and placed it in front of Jun Beimo.

  The latter finally looked away from Gu Jiu.

  He bowed his head and enjoyed his breakfast.

  He didn’t know what was going on either.

  At this time, he who is in a wolf body is really the master of no flesh and no pleasure, and even if there is no meat, he would rather not eat.

   Seeing the young master eating, Mu Siran and the others also returned to the car behind to solve the lack of appetite.

  Huo Xiang sat in the car, watching the white wolf outside on the high-end dinner plate, enjoying the delicious barbecue, all said with envy: "Tsk tsk...This wolf eats better than us."

  Gu Jiu looked at the white wolf after hearing this.

   Indeed, the golden-yellow barbecue can be smelled where she is standing at this time.

  Or, she said that the white wolf is very happy.

  Gu Jiu turned to look at the caravan behind.

  At this time, Mou Siran, Si Yun, Si Yu, and other bodyguards were eating bread and some low-volume foods that were ready to eat.

  This differential treatment is really clear at a glance.

  If you want to say that the identity of this white wolf is not special, who believes it.

  Wait for half an hour for the group of people to finish their breakfast, rest for a while, they are on the road again.

  Humvee’s driving position has been changed to Gu Jiu.

  Huo Xiang and Xiaoqi returned to the back seat again, while White Wolf lay in the passenger seat, watching Gu Jiu drive.

  Because there were no vehicles on the highway and the road was clear during the day, Gu Jiu drove the car fast.

  The motorcade behind her also increased speed, closely following her car.

   After driving for more than an hour, they ran into trouble.

  Gu Jiu stopped the car and looked at the broken circuit in front of the construction interruption, her eyebrows frowned tightly.

  Musiran naturally saw this scene while sitting in the car. He got out of the car and walked towards the Hummer in front.

   "Boom boom..."

  The glass of the car was knocked, and Gu Jiu turned his head to see the gentle face of Mou Siran.

  Even though his face was gentle, Gu Jiu knew that his shrewdness was hidden beneath his face.

  She pressed down the car window, her face was not depressed, it was not aimed at Mou Siran.

  It’s not happy for anyone to be stopped by such a scene (open circuit).

  This is the only nearest route to the capital.

  But at this time the road has been broken, and there are even a lot of construction machines.

  Even if they want to break through, they can’t make it through.

  Below there is a wide and long river, it is difficult for them to swim across in a car.

  Who knows if there is anything dangerous in the water.

  After Mu Siran fell down the car door, he saw Gu Jiu's obviously unhappy face.

  This is the first time he has seen Gu Jiu with such obvious emotions.

  Similarly, he also knew what the disconnection meant to them at this time.

  This is the only road leading to the capital.

  If they change routes at this time, it will take a lot of time.

   "Miss Gu, the road ahead is broken."

  Musiran followed Gu Jiu’s line of sight, and this road simply didn’t work.

  Gu Jiu heard Mu Siran's obvious problem, and said: "I can see it, so we have to change the route."

  She didn't believe that Mou Siran came over, just to tell her that the road was broken.

  Sure enough, Gu Jiu's eyes lit up when he heard Mu Siran's next words.

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