As soon as the car stopped, Huo Xiang opened the water bottle at hand and got out of the car.

  He opened it horizontally, took a few sips, then raised his head and poured water on his face.

  The water bottle was empty and threw it onto the highway.

  He lifted his clothes and wiped the water on his face.

  At this moment, Jun Beimo also opened his eyes.

  He woke up when Gu Jiu touched him.

  But I enjoyed the woman's touch-touch too much and didn't open my eyes.

  At this time the car had stopped and he had to open his eyes.

  Gu Jiu saw Bai Lang opened his eyes and patted him on the head.

  Jun Beimo felt the movement on his head and got up and jumped out of the car.

  Gu Jiu also got out of the car.

  Huo Xiang looked better at this time.

  He walked to Gu Jiu and complained, “Why is it so hot? It’s the autumnal equinox now.”

  Gu Jiu looked up at the prickly sunlight, listening to Huo Xiang’s testimony in her ears.

  As soon as she got out of the car, she felt the heat coming.

  In this season, this kind of weather is really abnormal.

   But Gu Jiu knew that this was normal in the last days.

  Because in the end times, this situation is very common.

  It is always hot and cold, and it may be hot the moment before I can’t wait to take off my clothes.

  But the next moment, people will be frozen into popsicles.

  The sour and refreshing feeling, Gu Jiu has experienced constantly in her previous lives.

   "It's okay, just get used to it." Gu Jiu said calmly.

  Huo Xiang said nothing, and continued to wipe the water marks on his body.

  Musiran and the others also got off the car, and he walked over with Si Yun and Si Yu at this time.

  At this time, all the eyes of the three of them were placed on the white wolf.

  Gu Jiu walked to the trunk and opened it.

  There was a lot of food inside, and Gu Jiu picked up the chocolate in front of him.

  She is not hungry at this time, but she needs to replenish energy.

  Gu Jiu opened the trunk and took the chocolates and walked to the car door to lean against. She did not close the trunk.

   Instead, he tapped on the glass of the car and looked at Xiao Qi sitting in the car, ignorantly, and said, "I have come out to eat, and I will continue on the road for a while."

  Huo Xiang had already walked to the trunk when Gu Jiu was talking, took a few bags of ready-to-eat food, walked into the co-pilot and sat down.

  While eating, he looked at Lei Jie, who was still asleep.

  If it wasn't for Lei Jie's chest to have a slight margin at this time, Huo Xiang thought he was breathless.

   Xiaoqi also got out of the car at this time and came to the trunk.

  A few people quickly eat the food in their hands.

  But Musiran looked at the white wolf squatting on the ground, and there was no word for a while.

  Only because at this time, Bai Lang stared tightly at Gu Jiu, who was leaning against the car door.

  The woman's neat long hair was scattered, and that delicate face was hidden by a few strands of hair.

  The unrevealed face makes people produce a kind of hazy beauty.

  Even if the strands of hair are blocked, Jun Beimo knows how amazing that face is, how delicate and beautiful it is.

  At this time, Jun Beimo's eyes were all occupied by the woman leaning on the car door.

  Musiran and the three of them with her back to them, they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

  Their young master, the situation is really wrong.

  The former young master always regarded women as a trouble, and it was disgusting to look at it more.

   But at this time, towards this woman named Gu Jiu, her attitude is simply one world at a time.

  This is a posture that has completely become the loyal dog Erha.

  Is this still their wise young master?

  Thinking about life's lovelessness.

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